Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 560 The Circle of Women

Chapter 560 The Circle of Women


Within this hut’s confinements, 5 figures could be seen, with the atmosphere around them plagued with both worry and tension. None of them looked either happy or active. They were all frowning, with their faces showing great unease.

Some of them were even tapping their feet to the floor in an unstable rhythm, which just showed how nervous they are right now. The unsure expressions on their eyes and shifty eyes certainly did not help matters either.


Anyone who sees these people can easily confirm one thing. There is something worrying happening inside Sierra’s house right now, which seemed to be enough to make these people worried.

As for what were they worrying about, one closer look to these people can explain it.


A young man, whose whole body was lying down face-up from the ground, looked to be deep in slumber inside Sierra’s house, with his body not moving at all. His eyes were shut tightly along with his mouth, making him appear to be doing nothing but just sleep.

The snores coming out of his mouth just made this observation more accurate, with some occasional sleep-talk of him also available from time to time.

"Oh yeah.... right there, honey..." The young man mumbled as his whole body shifted to mimic a moving caterpillar. He then began to wiggle on the spot, as if he was enjoying something right now. "Oh yeah, stroke that more!"


"Pa pa pa pa!"


"Slick slick slick!"


Anyone who hears what this young man said will surely be embarrassed, no matter what their gender or age was. Even an experienced killer will be wincing too, as what this young man said was just too much!


This kind of slovenly state might be enough to place this man into danger, as his defenseless form and irritating words is enough to attract countless bad will.

But instead of being placed in danger, what this young man found himself in was the entire opposite.

This young man seemed to be in safe hands right now, as his whole body was not surrounded by his enemies. Instead, the young man was surrounded by the 5 worried figures inside Sierra’s hut, all who looked like they wanted to take care of him.

These 5 figures, who was still filled with worried until now, were all looking at the young man with intensity on their eyes.

Even if they looked uneasy as they stared at the young man, none of them broke their gaze away from him, as if they were scared of him being hurt.


This kind of stares from these figures continued as time passed by, with only the ticking of the nearby clock creating the loudest sound inside the room.

Such kind of silence is unbearable to almost anyone, and it certainly had begun affecting the 5 figures too.

Just 10 minutes after the young man lost his consciousness, one of the 5 figures was not able to take it anymore. This figure began to talk, with her voice tinged with an undeniable accusatory tone.

"Aunt TImeMaster, when will Daddy wake up? Will he stay asleep like this forever?" This figure, who had the appearance of a beautiful teen-aged girl, asked this question with wet eyes. She seemed to be close to crying, and the only thing that was stopping her was the rage present on her face. "Aunt, please answer my question. If you don’t, I will be really mad!"

This rage of hers was not particularly targeted to anyone, but to those who saw this girl’s appearance right now, it was hard for them to ignore her anger. Her anger made her look like she’s about to burn everything down, a scenario that made those who saw her feel fear.

Such case can be said to the Great TimeMaster, who was the recipient of the teen-aged girl’s question.

"Sierra, just like what I told you earlier, Mr. Alex has experienced a lucky break with his Immortal Cultivation. Hence, his current state right now." The Great TimeMaster patiently explained to the teenaged girl, who was revealed to be no other than Sierra.

"He is unconscious right now because his mind is busy on processing his lucky break. So don’t be worried for your daddy, Sierra. As long as he finishes his lucky break, he will eventually wake up without any complications..." The Great TimeMaster added before Sierra could shoot back a question. "Just trust me here, ok? I assure you that your daddy will be fine..."

"Are you sure about that, Aunt TimeMaster?" Sierra replied feebly as she gave a glum stare at the unconscious young man. She seemed to be believing the Great TimeMaster’s words, although a part of her was also resisting to believe her. "What if something wrong happens to daddy? What if he-"

"As I said, your daddy will be fine. So just let things go on their way, ok?" The Great TImeMaster said with higher emphasis, with her eyes twitching in irritation. "Sierra, if you don’t listen to me and you start prodding Mr. Alex, things might turn out worse. So for his sake, don’t do anything to your daddy, and just let him weather this through. Do you understand that?"

With the rage inside Sierra threatening to spill out like a flooded dam, the Great TImeMaster was forced to make her voice sound soothing in order to calm the girl down. This action seemed to have worked, as the previously wound-up Sierra began to relax. Of course there was still some anger present in her, but compared to earlier, she looked way much calmer now.

"O-ok Auntie, I understand..." In front of the unconscious young man, who was no other than Alex himself, Sierra could only bow her head as she gave this unwilling reply. "I will not touch daddy right now... But if he doesn’t wake up within 1 hour, I will start shaking him, ok?"

"If that’s what you want to do, then it is fine. I expect your daddy to wake up already, so your condition is of no use to me." The Great TimeMaster said these words with a smile, an action that brought the complaining Sierra to a halt. "From what I can sense from Mr. Alex’s time stream, his time inside his mind is about to end already. In my estimation... he will wake up 2-3 minutes from now."

"W-wait, are you sure about that, Aunt TimeMaster? Daddy will really wake up already?" Sierra blurted out in reply, with her pale face slowly regaining its rosy color. She seemed to be greatly pleased by what the Great TimeMaster just said, which was made evident by her returning cheerfulness. "D-do I have to do anything once daddy wakes up? Do I have to-"

|||No, honorable World Soul. You don’t have to do anything to Traveler Alex. Just let him be, and he will digest Master’s Legacy by his own.|||

The one who gave this reply was not the Great TimeMaster.

Instead, it came from the Immortal Empress, whose pristine white robes glinted under the lights as she gave Sierra a mysterious look.

"Digest what Legacy? Aunt Empress, I don’t understand what you are sayin-"

|||I don’t care if you don’ understand me, honorable World Soul. Traveler Alex is about to receive an enlightenment, and I don’t want anyone to spoil it.||| The Immortal Empress said, interrupting Sierra’s follow-up question. |||Hmph, if my guess is right, Traveler Alex will be spending this day applying the portion of Master’s Legacy that he had just learned. That means that nobody must disturb him, including you...|||


The Immortal Empress looked like she does not care about what Sierra was feeling, something that made Sierra unhappy of course.

But in face of the much more powerful Immortal Empress, the aggrieved Sierra can only stay silent.

|||Since Traveler Alex is now at the Third Stage of Immortal Cultivation, he will surely be using the technique that he just learned to upgrade his cultivation to Fourth Stage. With that kind of power available to him, it will be better for us to not disturb him...||| The Immortal Empress continued to say, with her body language seemingly relaxing too.

|||Because of that, I suggest that all of us should leave once Traveler Alex wakes up. That way, he will be free to try out the Nascent Soul Breathing Technique. ||| After saying these words, the Immortal Empress suddenly sent a ferocious glare to the woman standing beside her, whose appearance was that of the Arcane Sorceress. |||Oh, and that means that you have to leave too, Arcane Sorceress. With your b***y appearance and bad attitude, you will just make Traveler Alex fail!|||

\u003c\u003c\u003cOi, are you trying to piss me off again, old hag? Because if you are, then get prepared to be trashed by me!\u003e\u003e\u003e The Arcane Sorceress was certainly not impressed by the Immortal Empress’ insults. She quickly stood up in face of the Immortal Empress’ provocation, with her aura indicting that she was ready to battle again. \u003c\u003c\u003cHmph, I don’t even need to use all my power to trash you now. Just one flick of my finger is enough to destroy your wrinkly face!\u003e\u003e\u003e

|||Did you just say wrinkly face? Because if you did, then it’s too bad for you, because I will give you one right now!|||

\u003c\u003c\u003cHmph, just try it, and I will make you feel regret!\u003e\u003e\u003e

|||Regret my holy ass! I will f**k you up before your husband could finish with his concubine!|||

\u003c\u003c\u003cOh, you did not just diss my husband...\u003e\u003e\u003e

|||So what if I am? Hmph, your husband must be out skewering the uterus of that Dryad again! What was her name again? Ah, its Aze-|||

\u003c\u003c\u003cShut up, old hag! I will really make you pay for this!\u003e\u003e\u003e

|||Hmph, just try it, and I will make you feel regret!|||

\u003c\u003c\u003cDid you just copy my words? You b***h! You really are uncultured! You deserve to be punished!\u003e\u003e\u003e

|||Hmph, just try it, and I will make you feel regret!|||


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