Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 566 The Nine Gifts

Chapter 566 The Nine Gifts

It took a few minutes, and a lot of effort from Alex and the Great TimeMaster before they were able to calm down the two riled-up women.

During this time, the Immortal Empress and the Arcane Sorceress almost blew up the whole place from their attacks, which were all luckily averted by the Great TImeMaster’s intervention.


With the unruly duo now forced to sit back down on their seats, Alex and the Great Timemaster took turns on fixing the mess inside the room.

In the end, this resulted on the gifts being placed back from where they belonged, although at this point, hiding them is already unnecessary...

"Now that the two of you have calmed down, can we just proceed to our objectives already? If we let this delay for long, the other Returners might detect what we’re doing here..." The Great TimeMaster said, with her face twitching as she stared at the other two women. "If you want to battle it out, just do it at the End War, and don’t implicate my friend Alex!"

|||....I am about to do that, Great TImeMaster. It was just that the Arcane Sorceress was being b***y today, so I-|||

\u003c\u003c\u003cHah? You said I am being b***y? You-\u003e\u003e\u003e





|||Ehem, Junior Brother. So... you have seen my gifts already. What do you think about them?||| With the Great TImeMaster’s ancient aura cowing her into submission, the Immortal Empress quickly ditched her argument with the Arcane Sorceress, with her attention now placed back on Alex. |||With just a look, do you get what my gifts are for?|||

"You’re asking me? Well let me see. Hmm... are your gifts... perhaps related to my cultivation of my Nascent Souls?" Seeing that the Great TimeMaster was really angered, even the pissed Alex was forced to participate in the conversation too. "Because that’s what I can only see here..."

|||That’s the exact thing, Junior Brother! These 9 gifts that I have for you are all filled with the Essences of Duality, which are good for your cultivation of Nascent Souls!||| The Immortal Empress seemed to have been relieved as she said these words, with the tension on her shoulders deflating visibly. Such sight made Alex slightly confused, although he did not push himself to question this. |||So, what are you waiting for, Junior Brother? Come and get these gifts now!|||

"Erm... these objects do look tempting to me, but I still don’t know what each one of them are for. Can you explain each of these gifts to me too?" Even though Alex was quickly tempted by what the Immortal Empress said, he quickly restrained himself from reaching out to the opened briefcases. After all, he still has to exercise some caution. "I’m not really comfortable on receiving unknown gifts form strangers after all..."

|||Junior Brother, you little- fine, I still have some time left to talk with you, so let’s just use that to explain my gifts.||| For a second, the Immortal Empress looked like she was about to pounce on Alex, which she fortunately stopped. |||Since you seem to not know what the majority of my gifts are, then let me explain it to you.|||


|||Oh, but before we do that, let me isolate ourselves first.|||


After saying these words, the Immortal Empress pointed her fingers at the air above her, which resulted on the creation of a small dome made up of Immortal Q. Once it has appeared, this dome quickly covered Alex and the Great TImeMaster, which isolated them from the others.

This left Alex and the Immortal Empress virtually trapped together, with no one else actually ’accompanying’ them.

The sight of this dome made Alex tense a little, although the follow-up words by the Immortal Empress was able to calm him down.

|||Don’t worry about this Junior Brother. This is just a small isolation field that I made so that the Arcane Sorceress won’t hear my explanations to you.||| The Immortal Empress said soothingly. |||I can’t afford to have this b**ch learn more about my secrets after all!|||


The way that the Immortal Empress’ voice changed from soothing to harsh at the end of her sentence was enough to make Alex shiver, making him understand more the extreme hate between this woman and the Arcane Sorceress.

This made Alex feel really thankful to the Great TImeMaster, as without her, Alex’s meeting with the Immortal Empress and the Arcane Sorceress could have been catastrophic..

These thoughts by Alex seemed to have been obvious outwardly, as the nearby Immortal Empress let out an embarrassed cough after she saw his face.

|||Ehem, so to start it all off, let’s introduce the gifts inside Briefcase 1...||| Like a man who was now rushing to finish his work, the Immortal Empress quickly pointed her finger to Briefcase 1, which was proudly displaying two orbs filled with unfathomable power.

These two orbs appeared to look frail, although the harsh, golden glow of the orb on the right and the gloomy, chilly dark glow of the left orb made the two orbs seemingly tough too.

|||As you can see, there are two orbs inside Briefcase 1. This number is intended, as these orbs were meant to be paired like this...||| The Immortal Empress said solemnly, with her eyes solely concentrated on the two orbs alone. Her words made it sound like she was treating these two orbs like treasures, something that was confirmed by her next words.

|||Junior Brother, the orb on the right is the Extreme Yang Universe Flame, while the orb on the left is the Extreme Yin Cosmic Ice. These two orbs combined together represent the Ice-Fire Duality, and they contain the Ice-Fire Essence that you need to create the Ice-Fire Nascent Soul...||| The Immortal Empress added, with the tone in her voice sounding much more serious compared to earlier.

"Wait, what? Did you just say Universe Flame and Cosmic Ice? Aren’t those-"

||| Yes, Junior Brother. The Extreme Yang Universe Flame and the Extreme Yin Cosmic Ice are types of Universe Flames and Cosmic Ices. As such, these two can be considered as extremely rare Natural Treasures born from the Multiverse...||| The Immortal Empress cheerfully interrupted, with her words stated before Alex can even finish his question. ||||With this kind of rarity and quality, please don’t take the Extreme Yang Universe Flame and the Extreme Yin Cosmic Ice for granted. The amount of Ice-Fire Essence that you can get from them will be a lot....|||


Alex looked like he wanted to say something after this, but in face of the ’extremely’ rare natural treasures, he can only close his mouth, as if he had lost the initiative to question them.

After all, what can Alex say after seeing the Extreme Yang Universe Flame, which is said to be so valuable, that a lot of planets had to be burned down just for it to be obtained?

No, there’s nothing that he can say anymore.

Add the fact that the harvesting of Extreme Yin Cosmic Ice requires one to freeze a whole star, and the absurdness of these natural treasures had already made Alex reach peak silence.


With Alex at loss of anything to say, the Immortal Empress was left free to continue talking.

Without any delays on her way, the Immortal Empress casually pointed her finger to the next briefcase, which was obviously Briefcase 2. What she did here was similar to the previous briefcase, although the subjects of her words were already different...

|||As for Briefcase 2, this one contains the hearts of two different mythical creatures. The red heart that you see is the heart of a 6-Colored Undying Phoenix. This represents the Life Essence. As for the black heart, that is the heart of a 6-Armed Shinigami(Death God). This one... represents the Death Essence. Combined together, and they form the Life-Death Duality Essence....|||


|||Now, for Briefcase 3, its contents are just like the other two. It also contains a pair, but this time, it’s a little... abstract. This briefcase after all represents the Real-Unreal Duality Essence, so you can expect its contents to be weird.|||


|||So, in Briefcase 3, you can see a severed index finger and a translucent eye. That index finger is a finger of a World Creator. Contained within that finger is the power of materialization, hence making it the source of Real Essence. The translucent eye on the other hand was obtained from the corpse of an ancient Dream Lurker, which just like what you expected, was the source of the Unreal Essence...."


|||Okay, so we’re in Briefcase 4 now! This one is fairly simple. It has an hourglass filled with Time Essence, which came from the Great TimeMaster herself. There’s also a small crystal of Space-Breaking Stone here, which is the source of Space Essence. Add these two together, and you get the Space-Time Duality Essence.|||


|||For Briefcase 5, its contents are almost similar to that of Briefcase 2. The mythical creatures involved however are different. There are still two hearts, although these hearts come from the corpse of a Martial God and a Soul Reaper. The heart belonging to the Martial God contains the Essence for the Body concept, while the Soul Reaper’s heart represent the Essence of the Soul concept... Together, they make up the Body-Soul Duality Essence.|||


|||So, months ago, those 5 Duality Daos were the only ones that you have comprehend. But after some training, you managed to add 4 more Duality Daos on your arsenal. These 4 Duality Daos will be corresponding to the last 4 Briefcases that I still have not introduced. Are you ready to hear about them?|||

"...Just go on."

|||Ok, so with my power, I can sense that your 6th Duality Dao is the Sin-Virtue Duality.... Hoho, did you comprehended this using your Abyss Magic and Traveler Delia’s Holy Order Power? That’s ingenious...|||

"....Can’t you go any faster now?"

|||Ok, so you don’t want to delay any longer huh, Junior Brother. Fine, let’s rush this!|||


||| So... this duality is paired directly to Briefcase 6, which contains the preserved body of a dead 6-winged angel. You can get the essence of Virtue from her body. As for the essence of Sin, you already have an Abyssal Pillar, so you can use that for the Sin Essence....|||


||| The 7th Briefcase corresponds to your 7th Duality Dao, which is the Creation-Destruction Dao. For this briefcase, you can see that it contains two cores. The one on the top is the core of a Creation God. As for the one on the bottom, that is the core of a Destruction God. I think... there’s no need to explain what their essences are.|||


|||The 8th Briefcase is for the... Fate-Will Duality? Hold on, how did you comprehend this? This is too early- whatever. Since you comprehended this, then you are meant to learn this...|||


|||So... what do we have for Briefcase 8? Oh, I can see a golden sheet of paper and a knife. Hmm... I don’t know what these two objects are, but I can feel that the essence of Fate is abundant on the golden paper. And that leaves the essence of Will here on the knife..."


|||And finally, we have Briefcase 9, which represents the Light-Darkness Duality Dao. Hm, this is pretty simple. There is only one object here, which is the brain of a Celestial Dragon. This brain obviously is a fitting source of Light Essence. As for the Dark Essence, it has no need to be in this briefcase, as you can just get it from Alina.|||

||| Oh, and speaking of Alina, isn’t she about to break through to the Sixth Stage of her Dark Magic? This is a good opportunity for you Junior Brother, so you should watch her!|||

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