Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 601 Drone and Autopsy

Chapter 601 Drone and Autopsy


With nobody finding an initiative to make a small talk, Alex sighed, as he knew that nobody had time for idle talks anymore. All of them are now raring to see the dead Crimson God, and not even the corny jokes of Teacher Kuro can stop them.


With a small push by his hands, Alex took the initiative to open the door to Teacher Kuro’s room.

To his surprise, it did not take him that much to open the door. It was just a normal door, with nothing enchanted or magil laced in it.

"Wait, why am I even thinking of magic at this point? It’s not like Teacher Kuro will make things difficult for us..." Alex mused as he moved his left foot, planting it squarely inside Teacher Kuro’s room.


Behind Alex, his companions Queen Mother and Professor Frances followed, both who were full of tension. It’s understandable, since they have been just under assault by the Grandmaster.

Alex did not talk to them as of now, as his attention was more on the place that he was in.


Unlike what Alex had expected, Teacher Kuro’s room did not look like something that a weird and boastful person like her would own.

There are no fancy furniture around, nor goth-like decorations hanging from the ceiling.

The only objects present inside her room were normal furniture, those that are here only for practical use.

There’s a large bed, presumably for sleeping, and there’s also a small kitchen, with chairs and tables to boot. Curtains idly hung in front of the windows while small lights attached to the ceiling let out modest amount of light, making the whole room feel more like a simple home rather than an expensive apartment.

"Hoh, I never pegged Teacher Kuro to be a simple person. I thought she will just be as weird as Asteria. I guess my predictions sometimes can be mistaken too..." Alex muttered, while slightly relaxing his tense body.

If the only objects inside Teacher Kuro’s room were her simple furniture, then Alex could have really relaxed entirely. But there are two notable objects inside her room that did not allow Alex to fully relax, both which displayed themselves in a silent manner.

There was a large robot standing in a corner, whose large, metallic body loomed all over the room like a menacing guardian. It has arms and legs as thick as a tree, and a small head comparable to that of a human’s.

A symbol, reminiscent of that of a moon, could be seen engraved on the robot’s chest. This symbol did make the robot appear intimidating, although it was not the only thing that made it look dangerous.

This robot was actually larger than the Overlord himself, and its size was twice compared to the latter.

With such kind of size discrepancy, even the calm Alex could not help but gulp.

"I give my utmost greetings to you, Drone Emperor. I hope my stay here does not offend you." At the sight of this robot, the imposing Overlord acted meeker as he gave this ’polite’ greetings to it. The Overlord even kneeled on the floor as he said this, which made his submissive attitude much more pronounced.

"Great Drone Emperor, if there’s something that is displeasing you today, I hope to know it. That way, I can find more ways to ’please’ you..."

"Ki... ki." The robot did not seem interested with what Overlord was saying, but it still coughed out this undecipherable words to him. "Ki... ki ki! Ki!"

"Oh, I see, Great Drone Emperor. I will take your words to heart."

"Ki, ki. Ki!

"Oh, oh, oh. Is that what you want, Drone Emperor? I don’t know if I can do that, but..."


"I-I see, Drone Emperor. I will try my best to uphold your wishes."


Before Alex could know it, the Overlord and the robot, which was called as the Drone Emperor, began to have a conversation that Alex had no way of understanding.

Between the Drone Emperor’s indecipherable ’ki’ words, and the Overlord’s submissive stance, all that Alex can do is stare at confusion as he watched them.

The other Returners began to look at the conversation with interest too, as they realized that something interesting was undergoing in front of their eyes.

But while Alex and the Returners seem to be patient enough to watch a conversation that they do not understand, there was someone in the room who treated the conversation between the robots as nothing but a nuisance.

"Hey, Kibou! Didn’t I tell you to stay outside my room? Your presence here just makes the room stuffed! Come on, get out already!" Teacher Kuro, who had surprisingly worn a white lab coat, bellowed out these angry words towards the Drone Emperor himself.

There was no hint of respect or awe in her voice as she talked to the Drone Emperor, making the Overlord bristle in obvious anger.

"Ki? Ki... ki!"

"I don’t care about your talks with the Overlord. If you want to do that with him, then you can talk about that later. But for now, it is my time to shine, so don’t use your presence to steal my spotlight! So go, Kibou, and leave first! I will call you back once I’m done."

"Ki? Ki!"

"Tsk, if you don’t go, I will limit your allowance for the next month. Do you want me to do that?

"Ki! Kik ki!"

"Hmph, if you want your full money safe, then listen to me! Now, go out and wait!"


The Drone Emperor, whose almighty status was made obvious by the Overlord, was now cowering and cringing from each of the fairy’s words. This reaction made it seem as if the Drone Emperor was acting like a little kid in front of Teacher Kuro, and that he has no plans of fighting back.

This was confirmed when the Drone Emperor actually left the room, with the Overlord following him.


The Drone Emperor’s departure was so abrupt and fast, that Alex was amazed on how obedient he was.

It was as if the Drone Emperor was a fully-trained lion, one who did not even have a courage to attack Teacher Kuro.

Such thought made Alex shake his head inwardly, as he realized that Teacher Kuro is really just another version of Asteria.


"Okay, what was that?" Alex asked Teacher Kuro, with his voice carefully molded to sound both curious and respectful. "If my eyes are right, you just handled a Transcendent Being with ease. I did not know you could do that, esteemed Custodian."

"Hmph, even if he’s the esteemed Drone Emperor, one of the rare members of the machine race who had managed to Transcend, in my eyes he’s still my shy and nervous student. So don’t expect to use him against me." In face of Alex’s question, Teacher Kuro only snorted as she flipped her hair. "Out of all the people in this world, the only one that he’s scared of is me and Asteria. So even if you bribe him to fight me, that will just fail..."

"Uh, I never thought of bribing the Drone Emperor..."

Shut it, Traveler Alex. I was just stating my opinion, so what’s your problem with that?" As if she was stung by Alex’s words, Teacher Kuro gave Alex a sharp glare, one that was enough to freeze him on his tracks. "Oh, speaking of Asteria, why did she not join with you? Isn’t she your Guide?"

"Um, about Asteria, she said she’s not feeling well, so she can’t go."

"Tsk, typical of Asteria. She’s always a slacker, that lazy one! Tsk, I really should have disciplined her before her graduation!" At the mention of Asteria’s name, Teacher Kuro seemed to be incensed, and the nearby Alex could feel her anger. "Sigh, if that slacker really keeps this up, she will face a deduction from her salary. Wait, why should I wait for Asteria to slip up? I can just deduct her salary right now! Hahaha, that will teach that dumb fairy a lesson!"

"I don’t usually sympathize with Asteria, but this time is one of them..." Alex thought as he inwardly shook his head. He also took a few steps backwards away from Teacher Kuro, who was now cackling like a madman.

"Okay, so with Teacher Kuro’s words, the robot was forced to leave the room. That only leaves me, my companions, Teacher Kuro, and the other Returners inside the room. No, there’s still someone else in the room. Or more specifically, ’something’..."

Earlier, Alex had noticed two objects inside the room that got his attention.

One was the Drone Emperor, who was fortunately chased away by Teacher Kuro.

As for the second one, it was a dead body which could be currently seen right on top of Teacher Kuro’s bed.


Alex’s attention was piqued by this dead body, as he quickly recognized who the owner of this dead body was.

It was of course the Crimson God.

"Hah, I always imagined ending the Crimson God’s life by my own hands, but seeing his corpse here... does not make me really happy at all." After seeing this dead body, all that Alex could think was the Crimson God’s arrogant attitude and domineering body.

Remembering those things made Alex feel slightly disconnected from reality, as he found it hard to believe that someone like the Crimson God can die this quickly.


At that moment, the whole room was plunged in silence once more, as the other Returners began to see the Crimson God’s corpse too.

Just like Alex, they all seem to be in disbelief from what they had seen, as if the body they are seeing was just an illusion.

It became so silent to the point that the loudest sound in the room was the flapping sounds of Teacher Kuro’s tiny wings.

"So he was decapitated in an instant, and once his head was gone, all of his blood and vitality were sucked away from his neck. Tsk, the Crimson God seem to have died in a hard way." While the Returners and Alex were all silenced by what they saw, Professor Frances acted otherwise, as she began observing the Crimson God immediately.

Professor Frances did not seem bothered on touching the corpse of a Half-Step Transcendent Being, as her hands roamed all over his muscular body without any hesitation.

She even moved his joints, as if she was trying to see their mobility.

"Hmm.... So the Crimson God did try to defend himself from the killer. His left elbow shows some signs of strain, so it’s most likely that the Crimson God used his left arm to block the attack." Like a professor giving a lecture on a class, Professor Frances began spitting out facts from her mouth.

"And there’s some wounds on his hands too. Hmm, he could have gotten this from the impact of the attack of his killer. If that’s true, then the attack used by the killer is a purely powerful physical attack."

"Oh, and his heart has some signs of damage on them too. This must be caused by sudden fear...."

"And his lungs were constricted. Poor guy, he must have been screaming for his life when he died..."

Professor Frances’ actions should have been enough to make someone angry at her, but surprisingly, none of the Returners present made a move against her.

All of them just watched the professor as she did her work, as if they were eager to hear her words. Some of the Returners even appeared impressed with what she was doing.

"Hmm... so the evidences say that the Crimson God was killed in one swift, powerful attack. I can agree with that. But how was his blood and vitality drained this much? I guess I just have to observe his neck..."

"Splat!" At that moment, Professor Frances plunged both of her hands inside the Crimson God’s neck, with the entirety of her arms buried deeply. Only her shoulders were visible at this point, as all of Professor Frances’ arms were ’deep in work’ inside the Crimson God’s neck.

What remained of the Crimson God’s blood splattered on the professor face, making her look more harrowing compared to before.

"Hohoho, the Crimson God might be a Half-Step Transcendent Being, but his neck and chest cavity are still comparable to a human. Interesting... does this tell me something about his power? I guess so..."

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