Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 605 Legacy Weapon!

Chapter 605 Legacy Weapon!

Of all the thing that Alex had expected to happen here in the Roaming Inn, the one that he did not like to happen was actually what occurred.

Crimson God’s killer, which was unknown to Alex since earlier, suddenly made its move on Grandmaster, and now, its targeting Alex!

"S**t! I really need to leave now!" With his Conqueror’s Aura able to detect those who observe him, Alex can definitely feel that ’someone’ is looking at him right now with the intent to kill.

Alex was also able to determine that this ’someone’ was currently inside the room. More specifically, this ’someone’ was hovering at the spot above the Grandmaster’s corpse.

With this info, Alex was 100% sure on who this ’someone’ was.

This ’someone’ surely is the killer, and it had set its sights on Alex right now.

By getting this information, Alex could have done some preparations against this enemy already. But all these preparations were put into moot, as Alex realized one thing.

Aside from his Conqueror’s Aura, Alex’s other sensory abilities did not detect the existence of the killer at all!

His eyes, his Esper Power, his Abyss Power, his Immortal Cultivation, and even his Superhuman Power all failed to detect this killer, making it seem invisible!

In fact, it appeared as if Queen Moher and Professor Frances did not detect this killer too, as they did not show any indication of sensing it.

This realization immediately made Alex freeze, as he now discovered how tricky the killer is.

"F**k, so technically speaking, the killer of the Crimson God and Grandmaster is a creature who can’t be detected by normal means. If someone wants to see the killer, then they must have a special power!" Alex thought surly as he tightened his hold on his Key. He also kept his Conqueror’s Aura on full alert, with its focus soloed on the killer’s presence.

"Luckily for me, my Conqueror’s Aura had picked up this killer’s presence. But that’s what it only picked up. Only the killer’s presence." Alex added in his mind as he began feeding power to his Key. "I just knew that the killer is existing and is inside the room, but aside from that, I know nothing else about the killer. I know nothing about its appearance, its body, or even its power!"

"Tsk, but knowing that it exists is enough...."

Although Alex tried to reassure himself that everything is alright, deep inside him he knew that he was in deep s**t, as he was the closest person standing to the killer already.

With his proximity and the fact that the killer was now observing him with the intent to kill, Alex knew that it was only a matter of seconds before the killer attacks him.

These few seconds were enough for Alex to make his own move, although the killer did not exactly give him this much time.


Right after Alex has fed enough power to his Key, the killer’s location suddenly shifted, with its body now rapidly approaching Alex!

The killing intent exuded by the killer increased exponentially the nearer it got to Alex, which was all detected by his Conqueror’s Aura.

As for the killer’s appearance and power, Alex still was unable to detect it, leaving him scrambling for cover as the killer got nearer to him.

It was at this point that Alex also activated his Key, which made him feel weaker for a second.

"Argh! With my Conqueror’s Aura, I can sense the killer looking at me! Quick, you two! Do what I said already!"

Alex purposefully shouted out his discovery to Professor Frances and Queen Mother, in hopes that the two will start doing what they were supposed to do.

S**t! I can feel it coming closer! S**t s**t s**t!"

Like a relentless hound chasing its food, the killer was undeterred by anything as it zoomed much closer to Alex. This time, Alex’s Conqueror’s Aura told him that the killer was already a few centimeters away from his neck.

Just a little more push, and the killer will be able to reach Alex already.

"Argh! Faster you two! The killer is about to attack me!"

Fortunately for Alex, the two women were able to activate their Keys on time.


Alex’s activation of his Key, combined with the Key activations made by his companions, had caused a large disruption on the space-time continuum in the area.

This disruption, which pulsed with the power enough to crush a Sixth Stage Being, appeared like a gaping mouth on the floor, something that made the trio shiver.

This gaping mouth may appear like a monstrous creature, but its unique spatial power made it obvious that it is just another kind of portal, one that will lead people to a unique location.

At first, the portal appeared unstable, with its edges appearing as extremely rough and crude. All principles of space and time was shredded in these edges, and it took some time before it began to smooth out.

Once this portal has stabilized itself, it began sucking everything nearby, which included Alex, Queen Mother, and Professor Frances.

As for the killer, the sucking force of the portal made its attack on Alex miss widely. But the killer did not get sucked by the portal.

Instead, a repulsive force came from the portal, which pushed both the killer and Teacher Kuro away from it.

Only Alex, Queen Mother, and Professor Frances were seemingly allowed to enter the portal, and their departure through it was anything but quick.

It only took the portal a fraction of a second for it to take Alex and his allies away.

During that time, it kept its repulsive force on Teacher Kuro and the killer, leaving them immobilized while watching the departure of the trio.


It was only when Alex and his allies were gone that the portal disappeared, with its pressurizing body and sharp edges fading into nothingness.


With the portal now gone, the repulsive force that was pushing the killer and Teacher Kuro away has disappeared too, which allowed the two to move again.


Silence prevailed the room as Teacher Kuro and the killer found nobody else alongside them. The only companions that they had right now were the corpses of the Crimson God and Grandmaster, although their current state does not make them ’useful’ residents...

"Hoh, so Alex chose to use the dimension sealing power of that Legacy Weapon. Good for him, he has something like that...." Once free from the repulsion, the first thing that Teacher Kuro did was to give out another commentary, although the target of her words were not clear this time. "Hehe, he’s lucky that he has a Legacy Weapon to use as an escape base. But that might not be the case next time, so he must be really careful..."



"Oh right, the corpses here do not talk, so they won’t talk to me. As for their killer, tsk, that little s**t does not want to talk to me. Where is it anyway?" Teacher Kuro let out a mischievous smile as her eyes wandered around, making it seem as if she was searching for something hidden.

"Hey killer, you’re now done killing two Returners. Are you now satisfied, or do you want to kill more?" Teacher Kuro shouted out to no one in particular, although it was obvious from her words that she is trying to converse with the killer. "Well, I don’t really have the rights to stop you, but can you tone down your execution method? The other Returners are already getting scared of you!"

"..." As expected, Teacher Kuro did not receive any reply from the killer. Everything was just silent, and there was no indication on where the killer went or if it even left.

"Hm, so where did the killer now go? Is it staying here for Alex’s return, or is it looking for other Returners now? Well, regardless of what the killer chooses, it will have a harder time finding its next victim..." Teacher Kuro muttered as she decided to stop looking for the killer already. "After all, its murder of the Grandmaster was also known by the Returners already. With that kind of death, all of them are surely paranoid now..."



Alex’s combined use of the Keys along with Queen Mother and Professor Frances gave them a quick access towards the Legacy Weapon, something that they did not hesitate to use in order to leave.

This allowed the trio to survive the possible attack from the killer, and it made them visibly relieved.

But although they were happy from avoiding a potential deadly sneak attack, the trio also felt unhappiness inside them.

"Tsk, we may have escaped that attack, but for what cost? We just consumed a large portion of the energy reserves of this Legacy Weapon!" Alex muttered in irritation, with his hands busy on tapping the walls of the house they are currently in. "Tsk, I should be happy right now, but the feeling of seeing the energy reserves go down tears my heart into two!"

There was a frown present on his face as he continued his actions, and it seemed to get larger as time passed by.

Flickers of energy could be seen crossing through the walls of the room, all which passed by Alex’s fingertips. Each flicker created a reaction with Alex’s fingers, inducing strange effects like explosion or lightning blasts.

The larger the reactions were, the more that Alex seem to get happy. However, most of the reactions were small-scale, something that made Alex’s mood go down.

"Argh! My energy reserves! Huhuhu... now my progress will be delayed!"

If Alex had tears to shed right now, he could have done it already, as he seemed to be extremely sad with his current situation. Queen Mother and Professor Frances seem to be the same case too, as the downcast expression on their faces only matched Alex’s.

"Tsk, now I have to be back to square one again, just to recharge this weapon! Argh, this is pissing me off!"



Wen Alex had successfully obtained the Legacy Weapon for his and Delia’s use, he thought that he had gained another powerful arsenal on his inventory.

But to his disappointment, instead of getting a sure-fire weapon, what he got was actually a bread that was too large for him to swallow.

According to Tabby, the ones who can fully use the Legacy Weapon were only the Transcendent Beings. It is only with their vast power and control over the laws that the Legacy Weapon can be fueled and be used to its full potential.

Because of this limitation, anyone who is not a Transcendent who also tries to use the Legacy Weapon will meet a lot of restrictions.

One restriction is that non-Transcendents cannot use their own energy to make the Legacy Weapon work. Only Transcendent Energy can fuel the Legacy Weapon, and those who had not Transcended can’t do that.

Fortunately, there are power cells located inside the Legacy Weapon which contains Transcendent Energy, enough to make the Legacy Weapon work.

These power cells however, only had enough Transcendent Energy to make the Legacy Weapon work for a limited amount of time. These cells can be recharged, but the recharging method was a complicated ritual that takes a lot of time, power, and vitality from the user.

Because of this limitation, all non-Transcendents who tries to use the Legacy Weapon had to be careful with their energy consumption. This, in the end, limits the number of times that they can use the Legacy Weapon.

In Alex’s case, he has decided to only use the Legacy Weapon if ever he really needed to do so. Such time came with the advent of the killer, and it certainly hurt Alex once he saw the large drop in the energy reserves.

Aside from the lack of energy, there is another restriction that is a major headache for the non-Transcendent users of the Legacy Weapon.

This restriction is the limitation on the abilities of the Legacy Weapon that can be used.

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