Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 614 Anger and Eagerness to Figh

Chapter 614 Anger and Eagerness to Figh

"As you might see, you have been gathered here to start a raid. However, don’t expect this raid to be like any other." Alina said, with her murderous intent now laced in her words. "This raid... will be something that is vital for the future of our group and the Traveler’s World, so don’t think that it will be easy!"

Her murderous tone made Alina sound much more venomous compared to before, something which made the Travelers slightly shrink back in fear.

"Oh, god. Traveler Alina is really angry. Will this make her want to kill us?" Marcus thought with dread as he imagined Alina’s sharp sword cutting through his body. This made him tremble, as he realized that once Alina attacks him, he will be really done for. "Ugh, I hope things will not lead to that..."

"In this raid, there will be a chance that something surprising might happen. So don’t think that things will be easy here. Do you understand that?" Although Alina asked this question with slight courtesy, her tone made it obvious that she is not going to take a No for an answer. "I said, do you understand?"

"Y-Yes, we do! Traveler Alina!"

"Good. Now, prepare yourselves for the raid." After saying this, Alina took back her sword and placed it back on her sheath. "Oh, and just a little reminder for you all. Aside from you, I will also be joining the raid."


"My companions Professor Frances and Queen Mother will also join in, along with the Spiritualist Yao’er and the Triplicator Milo." Alina added before the crowd could fully comprehend what she just said. "With that kind of line-up, all of you should know how dangerous this situation could be. So please, please behave and don’t f**k this up. Do you all understand that?"

"Y-Yes Traveler Alina!"

"But don’t expect me and my Companions to fight along with you. We will just jump in if something wrong indeed happens." Alina said with a huff, as if she had detected what her followers were thinking. "So don’t slack of even if we’re with you! Do you understand that?"

"Y-Yes Traveler Alina!"


Behind Alina, the companions that she just mentioned could be seen standing. Queen Mother, Professor Frances, Yao’er, and Milo were all standing like obedient children behind Alina, and they did not do anything that bothered her.

Even Professor Frances, who was known for her rebellious behavior and love for pranks, was uncharacteristically silent on stage.


The silence of these people made the whole atmosphere more awkward than before, with nobody seemingly having the courage to make even the smallest of sounds.


Seeing that these people were acting like this just increased Marcus’ fear of Alina, as he realized that Alina’s anger was much more potent than what he expected.

"Ugh, if Alina’s anger was also enough to silence her Companions, that means that the reason for her anger must be something drastic. Huhuhu, if that’ the case, I hope that will not affect us..." Knowing that Alina’s power was enough to devastate them all, all that Marcus can do now was hope that whatever happens later will not be enough to make Alina lash out on them.

"But Leader Alex is here, so maybe he can restrain Alina. Right, that is possi- wait, where is Leader Alex anyway? Shouldn’t he be here placating Alina?"

As if he had reached a possible clue in his investigation, Marcus’ eyes lit up after the mention of Alex crossed his mind. His body also slightly relaxed, as he felt that thinking of Alex right now will be helping him decipher Alina’s intentions.

With this small clue inside his head, Marcus began to make a link between Alina’s current attitude and Alex’s absence, which slowly gave Marcus the confidence to probe more.

It came to the point that Marcus felt that he was about to discover something, which could be monumental for this situation.

But before Marcus could completely analyze this ’link’, he suddenly felt Alina’s Esper Power wrapping his body.

"No! Don’t bring me out yet! I still haven’t thought more!" As he felt the space and the dimensions around him getting squeezed and flattened out, Marcus wailed this complaint towards Alina, with some traces of dissatisfaction present on his voice. "Traveler Alina, please withhold the teleportation! I still have to think!"

But with the way that the space around him was warped, Marcus’ words towards Alina went unheard of.


Just like his words earlier, this shout by Marcus was also rendered silent by Alina’s power, which has now began its job of bringing Marcus towards his destination.


Upon sensing that his body was now moving across countless dimensions, all that Marcus can do now was to sigh, as he realized that his time for thinking will have to be postponed later.

As he was now heading towards their target continent, Marcus had no choice but to prepare himself to fight. All of his thinking and distracting thoughts will have to be discarded for now, as it will just be impeding him.

"Something fishy is going on between Leader Alex and Traveler Alina. Whatever that is, I am sure it is related to today’s raid...."

This was the last coherent thought that Marcus made before he felt his feet landing on solid ground again.




Just like what he had expected, Marcus and his allies found themselves winning the battle against their opponents.

Even if their opponents were much more numerous than them, Marcus and his allies were able to use their improved teamwork and enhanced abilities to take all of them down easily.

Everyone who tried to mow Marcus down were demolished easily by his spells, and those who tried to ambush his allies were easily defeated too.

In fact, it actually seemed so easy at this point, that Marcus felt that his enemies were way too weak compared to the ones that he fought before.

This kind of scenario was something that satisfied Marcus, although it also made him feel as if something weird was going on here.

Aside from feeling weird, the relative weakness of his opponents has also allowed Marcus to resume his investigative thinking earlier.

"This is the Heaven and Earth Continent, which is the Continent under the rule of the deceased Grandmaster. This is said to be the place where the famed Heaven and Earth Talisman, a Half-Step Transcendent Treasure, currently resides...." Marcus idly thought to himself as he fired off two more fireballs against a spy who tried to stab him from behind.

His fireballs completely melted the armor of the spy, which made it panic. Marcus then kicked the spy unconscious before it can run away, creating a crunchy sound from his foot.

"The presence of this treasure made the whole environment of this Continent to be conducive for talisman making and energy manipulation. This environment is what makes this continent a profitable continent, as many foreigners and otherworlders use this continent as a place to improve their skills. The rent gathered from these trainees was the source of all the income here..."

If Marcus could yawn, then he could have done it already, as he found himself getting bored from the people that he was fighting.

Even the rare Fourth Stage Travelers who tried to clash with Marcus has also failed to satisfy him, as all of them were quickly defeated by his magic combos.

"Since this continent is this profitable, then it makes sense for Leader Alex to target this. However, if that’s really the case, then why is Traveler Alina looking that angry? Is there something about this raid in the Heaven and Earth Continent that did not conform with her morals? Hmm... this is making me worried."

"Well, since we’re not killing anyone here, then maybe the reason for Traveler Alina’s anger is related to Alex personally... Yes, that might be the case." As if he was convincing himself that everything was okay, Marcus has resigned himself to accept this conclusion, since there was no use for him to even think of any.

"Since Traveler Alina’s anger was caused by Leader Alex, then I have no right to get involved. I just have to keep fighting here and defeat our oppon- Eh? Where’s my opponents? Why are all of them gone now? Don’t tell me we have already won?"

Instead of seeing someone desperately rushing to him with the intent to maim his body, what Marcus saw with his eyes was a large field filled with his unconscious opponents. None of his expected opponents were standing, as all of them were already been defeated.

The only ones standing were Marcus’ allies, who looked just as surprised as him.

"Only 10 minutes have passed by, and we have already defeated everyone? Isn’t this too fast?" Marcus numbly thought as he walked forward, nimbly avoiding the bodies of his defeated enemies. "They were in much higher number compared to us, so it should have taken us longer to win. Heck, I even thought that it will take us at least 30 minutes to win..."

"But for us to win within 10 minutes? Something’s wrong here!"

Marcus could have used some more time to make sense of their sudden victory, but that was interrupted when above him, Alex suddenly appeared.


Alex’s immensely powerful body appeared like a god above the whole Heaven and Earth Continent, showering Marcus and the others with his presence.

His body, which looked like the same as before, seemed to ripple with so much power and pressure, that everyone below him could feel a slight suppression pushing their bodies down.

Even Marcus also felt this, whose mind is currently running into overload.


Unlike Alina and himself who were teleported using her own powers, Marcus can see that Alex came into the continent using his own body.

Such thought was interesting to Marcus, but that was quickly forgotten when Marcus saw that Alex was also angry.

Like, murderously angry.

And this anger of Alex’s was more apparent when he began showcasing his own powers, something that he had never done before.


Countless weird and indecipherable objects have appeared around Alex at this moment, which induced a sense of awe and tension from everyone, including Marcus.

A massive golden throne, an elongated rainbow-colored pillar, a gigantic human-like energy body, millions and millions of waves, and 9 Soul Bodies who looked like Alex, all loomed over the Heaven and Earth Continent with their intense presences.

Each objects were rippling with their own unique characteristics, which induced countless weird phenomena all over the continent.

These objects made Marcus feel like he we insignificant, as if he was a tiny bug that was meant to just be squashed.

"Why is Leader Alex acting like he wants to fight? There is no need for him to fight, since the Grandmaster is already dead!" Marcus thought strangely as he let out a gulp.

"The rules state that Alex should defeat the owner of this continent first before he can assume control of it. But since the Grandmaster is already dead, then there is no need for Leader Alex to fight! He should just enter the control room, and voila, he will be the owner of the Heaven and Earth Continent!"

The more that Marcus thought of this, the more confused that he just felt.

After all, why would Alex spend this much time unleashing his powers when his opponent was already dead?

Isn’t this just a waste of time?


"But what if... what if Leader Alex is really about to fight someone now? But this someone is not the Grandmaster. If that’s the case... then there’s only one kind of opponent that can make Leader Alex act like this..."

"It’s the remaining Returners! Yes, that’s it! The remaining Returners must have been rushing to this place now in order to fight Leader Alex!"

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