Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 617 The True Identity of the Rainbow Quasar, Soul Exacaliber, Magnificent Dude!

Chapter 617 The True Identity of the Rainbow Quasar, Soul Exacaliber, Magnificent Dude!

"...." Even though the distance between her and Alex was reduced to merely a meter, Alina and the others did not dare to speak up to him.

Instead, they primed their own subsequent powers in preparation for the incoming fight.

"Alex must be feeling some extreme pain too, so I would not dare distract him now. After all, he’s surely the focus of our enemy’s power..." Alina thought surly to herself as she summoned her Virtual Body and her upgraded Dark Avatar.

Both of these powerful constructs emitted suffocating pressure just like Alex’s powers, although there seemed to be something off about these constructs.

Alina’s space-based Virtual Body was not as large as it was before, and its effects on the space around it were not that stable anymore. This made it impossible for Alina to even use the Virtual Body for a simple teleportation, as the Virtual Body’s current instability could lead to chaos if it were ever to be used.

What’s worse is that the Virtual Body’s limbs were all out of proportion, and the massive mental power inside the body was acting like a raging river right now, something that Alina found impossible to control.

Alina’s Dark Avatar, which is something that all Sixth Stage Dark Magicians have, faces the same problems as her Virtual Body too.

Instead of appearing like a monstrous entity that Alina had envisioned before, her Dark Avatar only looks like a cute, black kitten now. And it is a kitten that was so cute, that it could make even a hardened man want to pet it.


Aside from its appearance, the Dark Avatar’s powers were also near unusable.

Many variations of Dark Magic that Alina attempted to cast only turned out as small furballs, all which were coughed out by the kitten.


These furballs were just small blobs of Dark Magic that had no use at all, and the best that they can do was float around like toys.


Seeing these cute kitten and weak magic was enough to make Alina frustrated, as it is now obvious that her powers are more or less useless.

"Ugh, so even my main powers are affected this bad by the enemy? Tsk, it seems like this fight is not going to be an easy one..." Alina bit her lips in worry as she saw the condition of her powers, which both appeared to have been mutated beyond recognition at this point.

"And it’s not only my powers that were affected. Even my companions’ powers were affected too, and it doesn’t look good!"

With a discreet look from her back, Alina quickly noticed the problems faced by her companions, who just looked as frustrated and confused as her.


Professor Frances had been acting like she was drunk, with her body stumbling all over the place. She seemed to not know where to go, and if it were not for Queen Mother’s assistance, the professor could have been left behind already.

"Tsk, from what I can see, the power by that Rainbow Quasar, Soul Exacalliber, Magnificent Dude has messed up Professor Frances’ biological abilities. That could be the only reason why she’s acting like this now, since her senses were also tied to her abilities..."

With one quick look, Alina quickly identified the professor’s problem, although this did not make Alina happy at all, especially when she saw how badly the others fare too.

While Queen Mother looked like she was having an easy time supporting Professor Frances, she herself did not look like in her normal state.

Queen Mother’s greenish body, which was the source of all her power, was currently covered with brown, flaky sheets of skin. This skin looked extremely similar to the skin of a rotting tree, which turned Queen Mother from a healthy-looking tree woman into an aged being that was about to die.

The rotting odor that came out of Queen Mother’s flaky skin certainly did not help matters, as it just made her look and smell like decay.

This flaky skin could be seen falling off Queen Moher’s body everytime she moved, which made the poor tree-woman whimper in pain. This limited her movements, and the best that Queen Moher can do now was to move her joints slowly.

"Since Queen Mother’s body was the manifestation of her own power, it was the one that was badly messed up after our enemy made his move... Tsk, how unfortunate." Alina grumbled as she avoided looking at Queen Moher for now.

"Tsk, judging by the extent of damages on Queen Mother, I surmise that she will be heavily injured if this façade is allowed to go on. That means that I must really stop this weird phenomenon if I want to make things right!"

Seeing the plight of her companions was enough to make Alina’s anger boil again, and this time, she did not dare to hide it anymore.

"Boom!" Without any care for her failing power or the incoming powerful enemy, Alina did her best to reach Alex’s proximity. She used all that she can to speed herself up, which luckily for her, allowed her to be beside Alex in an instant.

"Thud." Her arrival stirred the space and the air around Alex, although it did not break Alex from his concentrative pose.

Instead, Alex just ignored Alina’s presence, while his eyes were busy on observing his opponent...


At this point, even though Alina was interested on seeing the pitiful condition of Delia and her companions, she did not waste time observing them as she focused herself on what must be really done.

"Alex, I know that your powers were also affected by what our opponent did, but surely you have a way to solve this situation, right? Tell me that you really have a solution for this..."

Even though she told herself to not bother Alex, Alina could not help but ask Alex this question. After all, out of everyone present in this place, it will surely be Alex who knows about what their opponent did.

With all of their powers affected by the Rainbow Quasar, Soul Exacaliber, Magnificent Dude, Alina badly needs all of Alex’s input about the situation.


Alina could have asked this question to Alex through mental messages, but even that had been messed up by their opponent too, so Alina was forced to vocalize her query to him.


After she asked this question, Alina braced herself to be ignored by Alex, as he appeared be busy on ensuring that his own powers will not go back and bite him.

But fortunately for Alina, Alex actually responded to this question of hers.

"Alina, I am in so much trouble with my powers now, so I can only speak to you for a short time. So please, make sure to listen to everything that I will say." The pain and tension could be tangibly felt form Alex’s voice, and it made him sound like a man who was going through a lot.

Alina perfectly understood why Alex sounded like this, so she just allowed him to talk.

"Alina, if my suspicions were right, then our opponent Returner is a Mythical Creature, whose power can be said to be at the peak of its class...." Alex droned on, with his whole body now sweating presumably from intense pain. "This Mythical Creature is also something whose powers is so destructive, that many Realms consider the creature as a taboo...."

Alex’s sweat quickly evaporated from all the pressure and heat surrounding him, which filled the area around him with light steam. This steam made Alex look like he was in a hot bath, though Alex himself only wore an expression of a man who had not taken any comfortable bath at all.

Both Alina and Alex ignored this steam of course, as they were engrossed in their conversation.

"Well, I cannot blame these realms for making this Mythical Creature a taboo." Alex added, with his small nods showing his sheer bias on the topic. "After all, this Mythical Creature has abilities that cannot be accepted by any sane person!"

"Alex, are you sure about what you just said?" Out of all the revelations that she heard today, what Alex just told to Alina was certainly surprising to her. And it was so surprising, that even if Alina can see that Alex was not lying, she could not help but still question him.

"Alex, so you’re saying that our opponent... is a Mythical Creature that is considered taboo by many Realms?" Alina voiced out, with her eyes now intently observing Alex. "Because if that’s true, then our opponent must be real dangerous then....

"You don’t need to doubt me anymore, Alina. I assure you, the Rainbow Quasar, Soul Exacaliber, Magnificent Dude is a dangerous Mythical Creature, someone that should not be left alive!" Alex replied boisterously, with some venom now present on his voice. "Tsk, if I just had the chance to kill this Returner when he was young, then I could have done it! That is how dangerous our opponent is!"


Judging from the way that he talked now, Alex seemed to be extremely angry from this conversation about the Mythical Creature, a reaction that looked somewhat off to Alina.

Shouldn’t Alex be angry because his body was in pain and because his powers were not working well?

Why does Alex look like he’s angered more by his opponent’s identity then?

"Alex, I am not interested on your tantrums about this Rainbow Dude. Just please, tell me ’what’ our opponent really is." With her patience now running thin from all the troubles that she faced, Alina found herself unable to waste her time anymore. "Alex, you said that your time is short, right? If that’s the case, then spit out the truth already."


"What did you say, Alex?"


"Alex, please make it loud and clear. You can’t just whisper your answer."


"Alex! You-"

"Ehem Alina. As I was saying, our opponent is a possible Child of Chaos. There, I said it. That’s the Mythical Creature that I am talking about!" Alex did not dare hide his anger at this point, as his soft-spoken words were all laced with his now-boiling rage. "Our opponent is a f**king Child of Chaos, out of all things! Hah, this is just making me mad!"

Even if Alex was only whispering like a child this time, the nearby Alina still backed away from him, as she could perfectly feel all of Alex’s raging feelings.

"A Child of Chaos.... Yes, that’s the possible identity of the Rainbow Quasar, Soul Exacaliber, Magnificent Dude... Tsk, what a f***ing prick. If I just knew it before, I would have done everything to kill him!" Alex ’elaborated’, although the way that he talked made it look like he was just talking to himself.

"Tsk, should I create something that can let me detect if other Childs of Chaos will appear next time? Maybe if I do that, I can detect more!"

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