Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 627 Reversals.

Chapter 627 Reversals.

The energy storm only lasted for a second before it fully faded away, leaving nothing but the trails of destruction on its wake.


Countless trees, houses, and mountains were destroyed by this monstrous energy storm, with none of them surviving the attack.

In fact, the damage in these places were so severe, that those who personally saw the damage could say that the people in these areas are absolutely dead.

But contrary to this belief, the people in the areas affected by the energy storm did not die.

In fact, none of these people were even injured. They were all safe and sound from the energy storm, even when it was unleashed near them.

This contrasting effect brought a confusing sight to Alex’s allies, although none of them had questioned it.

After all, they all knew who Alex’s real target was.

It was of course the Rainbow Dude, whose entire cockroach body was hit by the energy storm!

Even when the Rainbow Dude made sure that his cockroaches were scattered everywhere, Alex’s allies had the feeling that Alex has succeeded on hitting each and every single ’Chaos Cockroach’ in the Traveler’s World.

There’s no need to even question this, as the might of Alex’s latest attack was just too outstanding to ignore!

If an attack like this has enough power to fully decimate a planet, then there is no way that someone like the Rainbow Dude can survive it, right?



As the one who unleashed this attack, Alex could have spent some time observing the damage that he just unleashed on the Traveler’s World.

But he found himself unable to, as he began experiencing the backlash of the fusion.


After Alex made his attack, the blurry body behind him quickly split itself into two pieces, with the Virtual Body and the Esper Transcendence Shard flying off in opposite directions.

This split-off process released a powerful pulse that injured Alex, forcing him to kneel as he spat out blood.

Along with his blood, large amounts of vitality had leaked out of his body, which further deflated his already sunken appearance.


Wounds that should not have been on Alex’s body began appearing like infection on his skin, turning Alex from a handsome, young man into a poor man covered with sores.


Once they had appeared, the wounds began to fester themselves, resulting in a large discharge of yellow pus flowing out of their openings. These pus flowed through Alex’s skin like acid, which made his skin sizzle as if it was being cooked.

Such change made the already tormented Alex shout in pain, a reaction that just escalated as time passed by.

He could only moan around as he did his best to relieve himself, an endeavor that appeared hopeless in this situation.



To anyone who knows Alex and sees what was happening to him, they will surely feel worried for him, since he’s currently experiencing something that no man should ever reel.

But even if these people were worried for Alex, they were also feeling happy for him.

After all, even if Alex is suffering right now, the main reason for his dangerous actions for today has been resolved!

The Rainbow Dude, whose actions were deserving of getting him killed, was surely killed off by Alex through that energy storm of his!

With the power contained inside this attack, there’s just no way that this Child of Chaos can survive from that!

Since this is the most likely case, then all the suffering that Alex is experiencing now is worth it...

Besides, Alex is still alive, so he can just use his remaining time to recover himself...


"Hehehe, that was a splendid attack, Alex. You used an AOE attack in order to kill off all my roaches, which is impressive! However, it is still not enough to kill me..."

From a tiny piece of stone that was upturned from the attack earlier, a small cluster of cockroaches slowly came out, all which bore the same aura as the Rainbow Dude.

This cluster was only made up of 100 cockroaches, which was a far cry from the millions of roaches that made up the Rainbow Dude’s body earlier.

Each cockroach looked extremely weak, as if they were about to die off like their other comrades.

But something seemed to have forced these roaches to hold on, and there was a certain stubbornness from the roaches that made them look hard-to-kill.


Once these roaches had appeared, Alex’s allies all widened their eyes as they realized what had happened.

Even the tortured Alex had no choice but to also frown, as he too knew the implications of what he had seen.

A small portion of the Rainbow Dude’s body has actually survived Alex’s attack, and it seemed to not even be fazed with the death of its larger parts!

This upsetting revelation was not received by Alex and his allies well, since they realized that all their efforts did not give them the result that they wanted!


"Hehehe, so what do you say now, Alex? Are you surprised that some of my body has survived?" The Rainbow Dude said through his cockroaches, with his voice full of his irritating arrogance. "Hahaha, I am telling you this now, Alex. Since you have failed on killing all of my body, then don’t think that you can hold me here!"

Although his current body was only comprised of 100 cockroaches, the Rainbow Dude did not lose any of his arrogance from earlier. Instead, it actually even increased at this point, as if he was assured of his situation.

"Hahaha, so how does your body feel now, Alex? Can you still move? I bet you can’t..." Without any more fear for his life, the Rainbow Dude did not stop taunting the severely injured Alex. "Hehehe, what’s the matter? If you want to kill me, then come here already!"


Since Alex was severely injured after the fusion, the Rainbow Dude had no more worries from anyone that might kill him.

There is just no way for Alex to perform another fusion with his injuries, and there are no other Traveler that has a Transcendence Shard with them.

With this situation, the Rainbow Dude knew that nothing can stop him anymore!

He can now do whatever he wanted again, which had been his goal all this time!

But even if he knew that he was free, even the impulsive Rainbow Dude had to stop himself from making unnecessary actions.

"Alex is already injured, while his allies have no way of hurting me with their weapons. But I am still weak, so I cannot hurt them too. That means that the best choice for me right now is to avoid these people immediately..."

As much as the Rainbow Dude was tempted to have his revenge now, he knew that his current power level is not enough to give him a threatening offensive prowess.

At most, he can just use his current powers to facilitate his escape, which is the very thing that he is envisioning now.

"Now that a small part of my body has survived, I should make my escape and hide in another planet. I will continue to hide on that planet, and I will only return here once I have recovered enough!"

The Rainbow Dude knew his limits, so he will not be stupid to just waste his life.

Since his situation requires him to escape, then escape will be his action.


Without waiting for his opponents to react to him, the Rainbow Dude did not dare linger on his former spot anymore.

His roaches flew up into the air as a group, with their speeds reaching that of a space rocket. They flew in the most aerodynamically stable way as possible, which just increased their take-off speed.

At this point, this speed made the Rainbow Dude look like an aircraft himself, something that pretty much appeared unstoppable already.


With the suddenness of his escape move, the Rainbow Dude quickly found his body at the top of the atmosphere, with none of his opponents trailing him.

In fact, the Rainbow Dud could see that his opponents were still floating on their former spots, as if they did not have the intention to chase him.

This sight made the Rainbow Dude extremely happy, as he thought that his escape plan was going according to his whims.

"Hahaha, this is goodbye for now, Alex!"

With a laugh comparable to a drunk lumberjack, the Rainbow Dude continued to push his roaches towards Outer Space.

He had no more intention of staying on the Traveler’s World anymore, so he had focused himself on reaching his new target planet.

"Hehehe, I will remember this day, Alex. So don’t you dare forget about me too! I swear I will come back and kill you once I recovered! That’s a promise!"

After quoting this promise inside his mind, the Rainbow Dude did not dare look back at Alex anymore. He just continued to speed himself up, with the remains of his power all used to increase his speed.


If everything was within the Rainbow Dude’s calculations, then by this point, he should have already reached the distance where he can consider himself safe from Alex.

This distance is around 1000 kilometers, something which for the current Rainbow Dude is easy to reach.

As of now, the Rainbow Dude only has to cross 10 meters of space in order to reach this distance, a feat that will only take him a second to accomplish.

Because of the sheer easiness of his escape, the Rainbow Dude could not help but taunt his enemies again, although he’s not sure if they can even hear him.

"Hehehe, watch me everyone, as I trample all of your hopes of winning against me! I just need one step, and all your efforts will be for naught! Hahaha, this will surely break all of your-"

This insult of the Rainbow Dude did not get completed however, as the Rainbow Dude suddenly felt something grabbing his lower body.

"Hah? What’s this slimy feeling that is on my body? There shouldn’t be anything here..."

With his focus directed on discovering the source of the slimy feeling, the Rainbow Dude observed his body with all the soul power that he can use.


Luckily for the Rainbow Dude, he was able to quickly pinpoint the reason for the weird sensation on his body.


But instead of being relieved or feeling smug, a different variety of emotions flitted on the Rainbow Dude’ heart.

Fear, anger, stress, tension, and panic all blossomed inside the Rainbow Dude as he stared at his body, with his soul trembling greatly as he did not believe what he was seeing.

"Why... why is there something like this here? This... this shouldn’t be here!"

A tentacle, one which was made up an evil-type of energy, could be seen grabbing the Rainbow Dude’s lower body with a vise-like grip.

Although the tentacle was just as thin as a finger, there was an inherent strength inside it that allowed it to maintain a tight hold on its target.

It was so strong, that no matter how much the Rainbow Dude budged against the tentacle, he found himself still stuck in the spot.

"No! This is not real! This cannot be!"

The tentacle’s slimy tip and disgusting skin was displayed in full fashion right now, and the way that it kept its tight grip on the Rainbow Dude has certainly made it look terrifying.

Around this tentacle, countless malicious wills could be felt, which all loomed over the Rainbow Dude like they were ready to corrupt him.

"No... no... no! This shouldn’t be here!"

The presence of this tentacle and the malicious will around it has the enough aura to make the Rainbow Dude descend into fear again.

However, these objects were not the main reason that the Rainbow Dude was feeling fear right now.

Instead, it was the origin of this tentacle that made the Rainbow Dude feel extreme terror!

"This tentacle... it is something that was created from Abyss Magic! Not only that, but I can also feel that this Abyss Magic... was something that has a Trace of Transcendence in it!"

Like a man who was shot from behind, the Rainbow Dude physically recoiled as he realized what was happening at this point.

Alex must have fused the Abyss Transcendence Shard with his Abyss Magic, which allowed him to harness the Abyss Magic in such a level that he can use it to attack the Rainbow Dude!

This could be the only reason why the Rainbow Dude was caught by a tentacle, one which was powerful enough to keep him in place.

"Alex should be close to dying now, so he should know that fusing with another shard will just kill him! But instead of sparing himself, he actually dared to fuse with another shard? He... he’s a f**king madman!"

The Rainbow Dude could only feel regret at this point, as he did not expect that Alex was actually serious on catching him.

Even when Alex was about to die at this point, he still had the audacity to fuse with another shard just to catch the Rainbow Dude!

"F**k you Alex, if you want to die, then why are you dragging me with you? You a**hole! I hope you die even before you succeed on killing me!"

All of the Rainbow Dude’s remaining body parts were currently caught by the tentacle, which meant that if Alex wanted it to, he can unleash one attack that will completely kill the Rainbow Dude.

Yes. Just one attack. Just one attack will be enough...

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