Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 630 What is Evil?

Chapter 630 What is Evil?

"Hey Chaos, I-"

"Shut up Abyss, and just let me talk!"

Like a man who had received the worst news in his life, the Chaos did not look like a happy person, espeically when the Abyss had made his presence known. The Chaos seem to be closer to an enraged state instead, something that made him look unstable.


".... Out of all the children that I spawned, ʁɑᴉupoʍ Dnqԍ[1] was the most talented. Do you know how talented he is? Based on my projections, he’s bound to reach the level of Transcendence in just a few years! That kind of talent... is something that I have never seen before!"

As if a fuse was lit in his body, the Chaos began fuming deadly smoke out of his nose.

"ʁɑᴉupoʍ Dnqԍ was even more talented than my oldest son, and you already know how good my eldest son is!"

This smoke seemed to have no substantial mass on its body, although its aura made it apparent that it had great destructive properties.

"Although I knew that wandering into the Multiverse in such a young age will be dangerous for ʁɑᴉupoʍ Dnqԍ, I am sure that he has the power to accomplish them all. After all, he’s my beloved son!

This destructive property was made obvious when large blocks of stone were turned into dust just from having contact with the smoke.

It was as if the smoke has willed the stones to be destroyed, a feat that lined well with the Chaos’ abilities.

"But look at what they did to my boy! He was massacred!"

Although the smoke was in gas form, it actually acted more like a liquid at this point, as it easily spread out everywhere. This led to more objects and materials getting destroyed in the void.

"I may be cruel and callous to my children, but I give all my love and attention to those who deserve it.... And ʁɑᴉupoʍ Dnqԍ is one such kid. Huhuhu, I already promised to give him his own Chaotic Star on his birthday, but now he cannot receive it! Damn you and your Envoy! This is your fault!"

The smoke just continued to increase until it came to the point that even the Abyss’ body was covered by it. But unlike the other objects that were turned to dust, the Abyss did not experience any negative effects from the smoke.

His body was fine, and none of his clothes were affected too.

But even if he was unscathed, a clear expression of discomfort could be seen on the Abyss’ face, something which seemed to be have been caused by the Chaos’ behavior rather than his attack.

"Hm? Why do you sound like you’re blaming me, Chaos? It was my Envoy who killed your son, not me." The Abyss said nonchalantly as he kept his uncomfortable look. "I have no relation regarding your son’s death, so don’t look at me like that."

The evasive tone of the Abyss’ words was enough to make the Chaos snort, as if the latter was already tired of hearing a lot of nonsense.

"You said that you’re not related to my son’s death? Do you take me for an idiot, Abyss?" The Chaos muttered, with his empty, soulless eyes staring at the Abyss. "Even if my Main Body is outside the Multiverse, I detected the bulls**t that you were doing! So don’t-"

"Instead of mourning for your useless son, why don’t you just play one chess game with me? That will be a far more meaningful activity to you..." As if he was ignoring the Chaos’ angered words, the Abyss just gave this nonchalant reply while he summoned a chessboard out of thin air. "Come on, this is chess, so you might even enjoy it."


Once this chessboard was in his hands, the Abyss immediately placed it between him and Chaos, with the former’s eyes giving the latter a playful stare.

This action stopped the Chaos from speaking up anymore, as his attention was seemingly drawn towards the chessboard right now.

"So, what do you think Chaos? Let’s just play one game, and I will be done here. You can go back to mourning of your son after our game..."

Although the words uttered by the Abyss sounded entirely friendly, the way that his unsettling face stared at the Chaos made it obvious that his invitation was not just a simple game invite.

The Chaos obviously noticed this, and he did not hold back on giving his fierce answer.

"Although Chess is a game that illustrates the descent of Order into Disorder, you cannot make me tempted by this." The Chaos uttered as he glared contemptuously at the chessboard. "I might as well sleep on my past time rather than play this!"

As if to illustrate what he said, the Chaos suddenly sent his right hand towards the chess board in a smashing motion. This displayed his intent to destroy the object, an action which made the Abyss Sigh.

"So you don’t want to play chess. Sigh, that’s too bad Chaos...." The Abyss gave this disappointed reply as he dispelled the summoned chess board. "I already travelled a long distance just to play with you, and you just rejected it. How cruel of you..."

"You call me cruel? But how about you, Abyss? In my opinion, you’re the crueler being compared to me." As if he was spurned by the Abyss’ latest words, the Chaos began to rebuke the Abyss once more.


"Honestly Abyss, the way you do things... is just wrong. And it only makes me feel sick." The Chaos stated, with his body language changing into that of discomfort. "I might be someone who advocates for disorder and destruction, but even I can’t stomach doing things your way."


"Abyss, you’re just the epitomy of evil, and I doubt that someone can top your evilness. Hmph, not even the most evil of my children can compare to all the notorious things that you have done in the past!"


The Abyss was strangely silent at this point, as if he did not take interest on replying to the Chaos’ accusations. He just stood there like a statue, with his mask and cloak glowing sinisterly on the void.

"So don’t think that I will be accommodating you like a friend, Abyss. You’re just a scum, something that should not have existed in the first place. The only reason why I am tolerating you is because you are still a big part of my ’Chaos Plan’. But I don’t treat you as a friend, so just scram already!"


After saying these words, a silhouette of a massive landmass suddenly appeared behind the Chaos, one which quickly loomed over him and the Abyss.

The size of this landmass was so great, that the large expanse of the void around the Chaos were covered by the landmass’ shadow.

Everything that the Abyss could see and sense with his powers right now were all covered by this shadow, which just gives testament to the frightening size of the landmass.

Actually, one can already consider this landmass to be a Realm. This is just the best way to explain its frightening size.


With the massive size of its body, one might think that this size was the greatest danger posed by the landmass. But it was not its size that made the Abyss tense.

Instead, the danger of this landmass came from the ancient and primordial aura emanated from its body.


This ancient aura made everything feel as if they were going to be crushed by it, a scenario which had ended up happening.


Every object that were hit by the ancient aura all ended up crushed by it, with only the Abyss barely able to resist it with his own power.

However, even he was slowly getting crushed too, and he knew that it was only a matter of seconds before he also gets crushed.



Just this inevitable fate of getting crushed was already enough to make the Abyss’ state bad, but there was something worse about his situation.

All the objects affected by the ancient aura did not just get crushed normally. Instead, they were crushed until they cannot be crushed anymore.

In other words: These objects were crushed until they literally became 2-dimensional objects.

They had already lost their height from the intense crushing, and what remained of them were only their length and width.

Such change on these objects made the also-affected Abyss smile tiredly, as he realized that the Chaos was serious right now.


Luckily for Abyss, his current body was just a clone that he created from a small wisp of his Origin Abyss Energy. It is not strong enough to resist the Chaos’ power, so it can easily die.

But since it was just a clone, then having it killed will not be of any demerit to the Abyss...


Knowing that he has nothing to lose at this point, the Abyss has decided to break his silence.

"Eh? What are you talking about, Chaos? How did I become crueler than you? You disrupt and destroy everything! That’s the epitomy of evil itself!" The Abyss said, as he had seemingly ignored the fact that his clone was as flat as a pizza now. "As for me, I just make everyone my followers. That’s not bad at all!"

"Seriously Abyss, you’re saying that? You’re really shameless."

"Hm? I sense no wrong with my words Chaos, so what could be your problem with-"

"Abyss, I might like chaos and destruction, but even I have my own limits too. I only let destruction happen once in a while, and I occasioanly allow order to be restored. That way, I can continue on wreaking havoc. That is how I do things on my territory. But as for you Abyss, the way that you corrupt everything is maligned!"

"Maligned you say? How-"

"Forcing people into bad contracts. Imposing harsh deals on those who you deem interesting. Turning everyone into your corrupted servants without leaving some to live. Those are just few of your irritating exploits, and they look evil enough to me."

"Evil? But Chaos, you destroy and disrupt everything! That’s-"

"Abyss, I do it because it’s my nature. I am compelled to cause chaos, but I do not feel happy doing it. But as for you, I can sense that you’re happy on making people suffer and corrupting them! If that’s not evil? Then what is it?"


"And don’t get me started on the way that you treat your Envoy too, Abyss. I can clearly see what you were planning to him, and it is just as despicable as your face."


"Abyss, that Envoy of yours should not have been able to fuse his power with the Abyss Transcendence Shard, yet he was able to do it earlier. Isn’t that suspicious? How can a Sixth Stage Being fuse with a Transcendence Shard for a second time, with all of those injuries?"


"Hmph, you must have offered your Abyss Envoy with an irresistible offer, one that can allow him to fuse with the Abyss Transcendence Shard. Knowing you, I am sure that your offer must have forced him to give up something important to you."


"Let me guess.... In exchange for your assistance, the Abyss Envoy will have to allow his body to be corrupted by your power. Not all of his body of course, since that will kill him. Hmm... maybe he offered around 50% of his body to you? Yes, that’s highly plausible..."


"I might be a destruction incarnate, but I am not a muscle head, Abyss. Tsk, even an idiot could see through your schemes easily."

"Mrgh! M̶̧͍̙̘̥̜̏̆̓̐̆̅̆̀͜r̵͉̂͐͌̇̑́̿̆g̴̜̈́̋̋̄̆ẖ̸̡̨̑̽̊͊͋̈́̕!̵̗͍̥̪̰̮̌̓ Mrgh! M̶̧͍̙̘̥̜̏̆̓̐̆̅̆̀͜r̵͉̂͐͌̇̑́̿̆g̴̜̈́̋̋̄̆ẖ̸̡̨̑̽̊͊͋̈́̕!̵̗͍̥̪̰̮̌̓Mrgh!"

"No, I don’t want to hear any more of your words. You disgust me so much, so just be gone already!"


The conversation between these two behemoth beings ended at this point, as the power of the ancient aura has completely flattened the Abyss’ clone.


The Abyss’ formerly smug face began to dissipate after he was crushed, leaving only the Chaos standing imperiously on his spot.


There was no emotion present on the Chaos’ face as he watched the dissipation of the clone, and the only reaction that he gave was a small shake of his head.

But deep on the Chaos’ eyes, a hint of pity could be seen, one which seemed to have been reserved by the Chaos for the Abyss alone.

"Abyss Envoy... I have been always reminding you to be prudent of your actions. No matter how much powerful you are, there will come at time that your schemes will backfire on you. So don’t attempt on scheming against your Abyss Envoy. If you continue doing this, you will just gain an enemy that you can’t afford to have."

The Chaos muttered these words like a prophecy, with the pity on his eyes growing stronger and stronger.

"My Eyes of Chaos had already shown me your fate if you continue doing your wicked deeds, Abyss. So don’t think that you can get free from your responsibilities this time...."

[[[Author’s Note: RIP Kobe Bean Bryant. You will always be remembered...]]]

[1] Rainbow Dude = ʁɑᴉupoʍ Dnqԍ

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