Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 632 COMA

Chapter 632 COMA


[Surrender to the Abyss, my young Envoy. There’s nowhere for you to go anyway, so you might as well give up...]

"No... I can’t give up! This is my body!"

[Envoy, this may be your body, but didn’t you offer it to us during your fight with the Child of Chaos?]

"I didn’t offer my body to you! I just allowed you to occupy a portion of it!"

[Oh right, that’s actually what we talked about. My bad.]

"Your bad? Ugh, do you know how much nightmares and suffering I experienced all this time? It’s just too much that I am almost about to get crazy!"

[Well, well, well, at least you had managed to retain your sanity. Isn’t that a good thing for you too, Envoy?"


[Okay, chop chop. I failed to completely occupy your body, so I might as well leave. You’re really lucky this time, Envoy. But don’t expect this to happen again...]





The battle between Alex and the Rainbow Dude went down as one of the greatest events that had happened in the Traveler’s World.

Nothing that happened in the past could even compare to the sheer scale and magnitude of this fight, and many doubted that such fight could occur again in the future.

Even the Returners who were able to survive that day’s events all agreed that this fight was something else.

Alex can say that too, if it were not for the fact that he fell into a coma right after he killed the Rainbow Dude.

Not much was known on why Alex suddenly plunged on a coma, but many suspect that it was because of the power-up that he used to defeat his opponent.

The other Returners and Alex’s followers did not say anything related to these matters, leaving many wondering on what really happened.

But since Alex is still alive, then there is actually no cause for anyone to worry.

After all, with Alex’s abilities, he can surely recover from his coma.

However, that notion was quickly put into challenge when Alex’s coma did not stop for just a day.

It went on for many days, and before anyone could know it, Alex’s coma had already lasted for several months.

9 months to be exact.

With this kind of long coma, even those who believed greatly in Alex started to doubt themselves, as they knew that for someone like Alex to stay in coma for 9 months is not a good scenario.

So much was their worry, that these people tried to probe Alex’s exact condition.

These people’s attempts were quickly thwarted however, as Alex’s allies and followers stopped anyone who tried to investigate something.

No matter where these people came from, or what they tried to do, all of them were easily chased away. Even the Returners themselves who wanted to check in on Alex were all kicked out too.

With this kind of security in place, there should not be many idiots that will try to push their luck.

But on the contrary, many hardheaded people still attempt to visit Alex every single day....


Such thing was also happening today, with a group of powerful Travelers currently flying towards Alex’s resting place with excited looks on their faces.

With the power that their bodies were releasing, one can say that they might have a chance to actually force their way in to see Alex.

But just like all the ones who had arrived earlier, these people were easily slapped away by Alex’s guards.

[ Alina ]: Tsk, why won’t these people stop coming? I know that they idolize Alex because of what he did, but don’t they know that he needs to rest? Tsk, these people are grating on my nerves already!

[ Delia ]: If you’re not happy with what’s happening, then you should know that I am not happy too. I should have been sleeping inside my room, fully bathed after an intense training. But look at what I am doing here! I am forced to guard that man just because he’s y in grave danger! Tsk, this is so much irritating to me....

The ones that are currently guarding Alex’s body today were Alina and Delia, both who looked like they were already tired of what they were doing.

Both women certainly had power enough to be guarding Alex, but there was no excitement or solemnity on their faces as they did their task.

Instead, only an expression of irritation could be seen on their faces, one which was compounded by their increasingly angry words to each other.

[ Alina ]: If you don’t want to stay here, then fine. I will guard Alex myself. But if Alex wakes up today and he finds out that you slacked off on him, what do you think would he do?

[ Delia ]: Ha? Are you making me feel guilty again, Alina? Hmph, nice try, but that won’t work on me again! So just-

[ Alina ]: Alex is the Envoy of the Abyss Realm, and yet he placed his life at risk just to save many. Isn’t that a noble deed, one that can only be deemed as ’Justice’? With that kind of action, shouldn’t you, a person who cherishes justice, do your best to assist him?

[ Delia ]: You...

[ Alina ]: Hehehe, what do you think will happen when the Holy Order Realm hears that you actually abandoned a person who saved a world? Do you think they will be happy? I guess not.

[ Delia ]: Tsk, do you really think that you can make me stay? So what if Alex did a noble deed? He’s still an Abyss Monster, and he’s lucky that I am not trying to kill him now!

[ Alina ]; Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get that, Delia. But even if Alex is an Abyss Monster, I am sure that you are already treating him like an ally. You can’t deny that, as my eyes can see your feelings now.

[ Delia ]: !!!

[ Alina ]: Heh, you can’t rebuke what I just said, right? Tsk, tsk, tsk. So you really treat Alex as an ally now. What a surprise....

[ Delia ]: H-h-he....

[ Alina ]: There’s no need for you to say anything, Delia. Just stay still on your spot and continue guarding Alex. As long as you do that, I assure you that Alex will not know what we just talked about here.

[ Delia ]: ....

[ Alina]: ....

[ Delia ]: ...

[ Alina ]: ....

[ Delia ]: You... you are becoming more like Alex, Alina! Ugh, why did you end up like this? You’re supposed to be a hard-headed fighter, not an effing schemer!

[ Alina ]: Just shut up already and do your job, Delia. Because if you keep on slacking off, I will really spill a lot of your secrets to Alex once he wakes up....

[ Delia ]: ....

[ Alina]: ....

[ Delia ]: ...

[ Alina ]: ....

[ Delia ]: ... Fine, you win this time, Alina. But don’t expect that this will happen again!

[ Alina ]: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ve heard that threat so many times already that is just sound bland to me. Don’t you have any better threats?

[ Delia ]: ....

Although the way that Alina and Delia interacted with each other makes everyone worry that a fight might break out, the two women were able to actually hold themselves back before their bodies could swing at one another.

Such restraint made the area around these two women look peaceful, although not many still dare to get near to them.

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