Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 664 Warped Rules and Green Ground

Chapter 664 Warped Rules and Green Ground

"....Those f**kers. They found a way to run away! F**k!!!"

Even though his mind was addled from his partial corruption, Alex was not that stupid to oversee what had happened.

Alex’s targets had successfully escaped from him, and from the looks of it, they had no intention of coming back.

"S**t, how did they manage to do this? This area here... is under the control of evil attribute beings. Only evil fantasy powers are allowed here, and anything other than that are banned! That means those three women should not have been able to escape!" Alex thought to himself as he resisted the urge to scold his pet.

That was hard for him to do, as most of his anger was urging him to berate his pet for not attacking Professor Frances quickly. "Tsk, what should I do now? Should I chase them? But I have no idea where they f**king went!"

As much as Alex wanted to maim and imprison his servants, he knew that it is almost impossible for him to catch them right now. They will surely try hiding from him first, a feat that is possible given the way that they escaped from him.

In fact, Alex had the inkling that the next time that he will meet Alina and the others will be on far future...

"Ugh.... If I just attacked them much earlier, things could not have gone this way..."

With his self only to blame, the partially corrupted Alex gloomily unsummoned the Abyss Sickle and his created Divine Being. Both of these objects went inside Alex’s Abyssal Pillar, and they stayed immobile there as Alex continued his downcast mindset.

"Tsk, now that those three have run away, I am sure that they will try finishing the Main Mission by themselves. They don’t like the Abyss, so they will find another religion to support in this world..." The Abyss Energy gathered on Alex’s body roiled with anger due to his latest thoughts, and it seemed to grow like a kindling fire as time passed by.

"Crackle crackle crackle..."

Alex allowed this rampaging Abyss Energy to bombard his body, as his well-being was the least of his worries right now.

"With my connection to the Abyss, I know that there are hundreds, if not, thousands of young religions present in this world. Each one of them represent a powerhouse by themselves, and they all want to be the dominant religion here..." Alex added, with a hopeless expression appearing on his face.

He seemed to be rendered hopeless by his thoughts right now, and he did not appear to have a way to dispel them.

"Aside from the Abyss Temple, the Holy Order Church, and the Goetic Palace, there are more religions that vie for the dominance in this world. Most of these extra religions are remnants of the True Gods and they aim to bring this world under the rule of their ’Gods’...."

"Now, I am not sure if these True Gods are still alive since the Abyss also has no idea about it... But even if these religions had no support of the True Gods, their sheer number alone is a great detriment for my Main Mission."

"Because of their desire to dominate, these religions waged countless Holy Wars in this world, and it became so prevalent to the point that even the Abyss Temple had to join in too. Heck, from what I know, even normal residents are affected by this war in one way or another!

"As for those who are related to these countless religions, they are obviously tied more to these wars...."

Alex was visibly frustrated, to the point that his body was trembling with the desire to vent his rage.

"Tsk, the Abyss sent most of their agents in this world because this is a good seed to construct a religion, but because of these pesky ’other religions’, the Abyss had not even succeeded a bit! The best that the Abyss can do is barely take control of a small country, and even that is also in danger of getting wiped out..."

At the mention of this ’small country’, the frown on Alex’s face became more pronounced.

"Because of the prevalence of religions in this world, the laws on it have been warped, to the point that the regulation of Power Systems had been useless here. Instead of having one uniform system on how powers should work in this world, what happened here is different."

"Now, the effectiveness of a power will depend on what kind of religionsrules an area. If it is an order-aligned religion that rules a certain place, only order-aligned powers will blossom there. As for the places that are ruled by religions like the Abyss, of course only evil-aligned powers will be boosted there."

"With that rule, there are places in this world where different powers will work. In the case of the Abyss Temple, its power only work on the ’small country’ that it is in. Which is obviously the place that I am in."

"Since I am here in the place that the Abyss Temple rules, then there should be no danger for me. But how in the world was I attacked earlier? And how the hell did Alina and the others managed to escaped from me? Argh! This is just making me more angry!

Alex let out a snort of anger this time, as he suddenly remembered the technologically advanced clan that attacked him earlier. The sheer memory of their bomb and their flying disks gave Alex a headache, as he now knew their danger to him.

"Those f**kers that bombed us earlier worship the True God of Knowledge Elwon. They don’t like any religion that worship evil-aligned beings, and of course that includes the Abyss Temple... So it’s no wonder that they attacked us. But how could they just come here without any interruptions? It was as if there was nothing that stopped their tracks..."

"Tsk, if my mind is just clear, I can make sense of this weird situation!"

The combination of Alina’s escape, along with the weirdness of his opponents, made Alex so mad that he could not wait to vent his rage already.

But since he had just unleashed a level of power that had exposed him, Alex knew that this is not his time to make a tantrum.

"According to the dumb fairy, there are currently 5 other Travelers present in this world. I don’t know where they are, as they did a good job of hiding themselves. But as for me, my location had been exposed already since I just used a high-leveled power...."

Alex could not look any more disappointed this time, as he realized that his reckless actions had directly backfired on him.

Instead of catching his slaves and making them subservient to him, Alex’s act of revealing his power has revealed his location and capabilities to other Travelers!

This is certainly a bad news for Alex, and if he does not do something to remedy it, his bid to dominate in this world will surely fail!

"Argh! If I stay on this place for longer, some Traveler might think of attacking me just for the rewards. If I let that happen, I will just be at more disadvantage..." Alex was raring to make a chase towards his escaped allies, but with the impending danger that might come for him, he knew that laying low will be for the best.

There is nothing else that Alex can do right now aside from hiding, and he was certainly not that shy to implement it.

"Ugh, those women really had tricked me! Not only did they managed to escape from my clutches, they even succeeded on using the other Travelers to restrain me! F**k!"

If it were the pure, uncorrupted Alex, he will surely have seen through the schemes that were employed on him by ALina and Professor Frances. But of course he was already corrupted, as such, he had no choice but to accept his current situation.

"Tsk, you may have won this time Alina. But I swear to you.... Once I manage to make the Abyss Temple grow, I will hunt for you!"

"I will never give you up, and I will never let you go! So just you wait, my lover. We will be embracing each other again in the future..."

After giving this declaration, Alex did not dare linger on his current place anymore.

"Hong~" A portal teeming with the evil power of the Abyss materialized behind Alex, which quickly sucked him in at the moment that it appeared.

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According to many historians and scholars studying the nature of humans, most of them will say that because most humans lived near forests and greenery, humans are usually more relaxed on their stay in these places.

As for the places filled with artificial objects like metallic buildings or concrete structure, humans can tolerate them, but they will never be relaxed here.

This principle had been proven many times in many worlds, as such, many groups of people had accepted this as a way of life.

One such group is those that follow the Wisdom Church.

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