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Chapter 623

623 Chapter 623-apprehensive

When he found out that Chesare’s work would participate in the election for centuries-old filmmaker, the first movie he decided to watch was ” God’s salvation. before the event officially began, he had already booked a seat online and found the address of Hall 16 in ten minutes.

Outside Hall 16, the electronic screen had already displayed the name of the movie, the salvation of God. After he verified his identity and entered, there were only five minutes left before the movie would officially start.

There had been a lot of publicity for God’s salvation recently, and Donald was the male lead. These two factors alone had already attracted many members to book tickets.

In addition, the film company released a wonderful and eye-catching trailer at the last minute, which made the movie more popular even before it was released.

The set could accommodate 100 people, but 80% of the seats were already full. More people came in one after another as shupeien entered. It seemed that ‘God’s salvation’ was very likely to win a full house for the first broadcast in the sacred Great Hall.

Shupeien was quite apprehensive about the final part of ‘the salvation of God’. The trailer released by the film company was simply too wonderful. The more attention it attracted, the more shupeien was worried that the essence of the final effect might be in the short film.

Although he knew that Cesare must be confident in himself since he dared to bring his work to such a show, he wasn’t so sure until he saw the film.

In just a few minutes of broadcast time, he had checked his watch seven or eight times. At this moment, most of the people in the theater should have the same urgency as him.

Jiang se and Donald entered the venue a minute before the film started. The lights had been turned off. After they entered, they sat in the two seats outside in the last row.

Neither of them had watched the film after it was shot, so they decided to watch their own film first before deciding to watch the other people’s works. As the time ticked down, it was finally time for the film to be officially released.

The opening chapter of chessaray was magnificent. The endless snow and the gray sky were seamlessly connected, and there was almost no end to it.

The howling of the wind had already started off with the image of the cold weather and harsh environment.

When the wind blew across the ground, it stirred up the snow. The extended camera showed the vast snow scene to the eyes of every audience.

In the snow, a black dot was unusually eye-catching. It was swaying and walking over.

It was not until she got closer that she could see that it was a tall and fit woman. Her curly golden hair was stuck to her face, which was red from the cold, in a very sorry state. The leather armor on her body had traces of battle, and many places were stained with black and red marks.

As she walked, red blood gushed out of her leather armor from time to time, dripping down the leather armor. However, in the cold climate, the blood did not drip down, but instead solidified into icicles.

However, what did not match her desolate appearance was the determination in her pair of blue eyes. With every step she took, the veins on her forehead were clearly visible, and the hot air she exhaled was like the last breath in her chest. When the audience was worried that she would fall into the snow with her next step, she was able to stand firm until she fell in front of a church door.

The church was already very dilapidated. From the cold atmosphere in the front yard, it could be seen that there were not many believers here. Connecting it to the vast snow before, it was easy to associate it with a dilapidated church in a small town on the edge.

“You’re awake?”

As soon as the female warrior moved her finger, a gentle male voice rang in her ears. She subconsciously reached for her sword and opened her eyes vigilantly, only to find that she was no longer in a World of Ice and snow.

She was lying in a simple room with a fireplace burning next to her, warming up the whole house.

A man in a black priest’s robe sat by the fire and smiled at her. The church’s seal on his chest made the girl let her guard down immediately, and she laid back down.

I found you at the entrance of the church.

When he spoke, his expression was a little embarrassed. The miserable and neglected life made the old man look a little timid.

Suffering and poverty were engraved on his hunched back. The priest’s robe on his body could be seen to have been worn for many years, as it was very old. Facing the girl’s gaze, he looked a little shy.

“I’m Andre, the priest of this town.”

When he had rescued Shireen, he had already seen the unique emblem of the church Knights on her. She was a female knight of the church, named Shireen, and served the Pope.

He just wondered why a female knight would come to such a remote place.

As they got along, the two of them gradually became familiar with each other. Andre learned from Shireen that many priests of the church were glorious and rich in Rome, and he was envious.

Shireen’s personality was like fire, and she was extremely loyal to the church. After being saved by Andre, and as a fellow member of the church, her trust in Andre was increasing day by day. While she was recuperating, she would also casually mention the life of a rich Bishop to Andre. She did not notice that the look in Andre’s eyes had gradually changed.

He didn’t have a Bishop in the church who trusted him and was willing to help him, so when he was assigned, he was sent to this remote town, far away from the center of the church.

If it wasn’t for this accident, he might have been a servant of God for the rest of his life, a part of the pontiff, and not even know what the Roman Pontiff looked like.

Shireen’s words ignited the flame in Andre’s heart. He also yearned to be valued, to be able to obtain Supreme abilities, to be respected by the people, to be served by Knights and maids.

However, in reality, he had to stay in this small town, day after day, receiving offerings from the nearby believers, bringing a little food, and living a poor life.

He was dissatisfied with the hierarchy system of the church, and began to doubt the existence of gods.

If God really existed, why was he so devout to ‘her’, praying sincerely every day, but never receiving a gift from God?

Shireen’s injuries were almost healed. She was ready to leave and return to the bishop’s Court.

my journey was delayed this time. If it wasn’t for the heretics ‘counterattack before their death, I should have returned to the goddess’ embrace long ago. The girl who was cold and emotionless when she mentioned the heresy, had a warm and sincere look of worship when she mentioned the goddess.

did you know that goddesses really do exist, Andre? ”

She grabbed the food with one hand and stuffed it into her mouth.

in the process of exterminating the heretics, I obtained an incantation that can summon a priest and tell your wishes to God. You will get what you want!

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