Entertainment News Headlines

Chapter 631

631 Unfamiliar

There were still ten minutes left before the ‘century of cinema’ organizers announced the name list. Shupeien returned to the hotel after dinner. He was originally planning to sit in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and quietly read a book and take notes for a while, waiting for the results when the time was up. However, he couldn’t help but be interested in the atmosphere and decided to go out for a walk and find a bar to sit down.

At such a Grand moment, many bars were holding Grand parties to announce the result of the ‘century-old filmmaker’s Red carpet. He shouldn’t be sitting in a hotel. He should be enjoying the happy atmosphere.

He asked his assistant to bring him his coat. When he finally found a corner of the bar and sat down, there was less than a minute left before the official reveal.

The music in the bar had stopped, and many people had already stood up with glasses in their hands, ready to celebrate the works they supported.

Shu Peien also opened the bottle of wine. His assistant was holding a glass of wine. Someone was already counting down the time, and his assistant was also following the rhythm and shouting in English, ” “Ten, nine, eight Luan Luan three, two, one!”


In the midst of the cheers, the TV projection wall of the bar had already shown the scene of a century-old history of film art. At 12 o ‘clock sharp, the nomination for this successful advancement was announced.

‘the winner’s lie’,’ the boxer ‘Wuwu ”

When every movie was read, the people who guessed correctly cheered in surprise and surprise.

teacher Shu, Jiang SE’s God’s redemption is also in the advanced works list!

The assistant grabbed shupeien’s wrist in a daze. When he saw that God’s salvation was also in the promotion list, he couldn’t help but shout.

His voice was drowned out by the shouts. Shupien nodded with a smile.

The nomination of ‘God’s salvation’ was within shupeien’s original expectations. The members of ‘century-old filmmaker’ didn’t have any prejudice or discrimination against this excellent film just because there was a Chinese actor in it. It was because of their devout mentality towards the film that ‘God’s salvation’ could advance to the current stage.

The atmosphere in the bar was quite lively. After the champagne was opened, the bubbles rushed out, causing people to burst into laughter. Everyone, whether in a group or not, could have a drink under such circumstances. The topic of discussion was the advanced movie tonight.

Shu Peien was getting on in years. He had stayed up all this time without sleeping purely for the sake of getting the results. Now that the results were out, he was ready to return to the hotel.

The assistant was a young man. Affected by the special atmosphere, he was a little reluctant to leave.

Shupien left him to play alone. It wasn’t far from the hotel, so he was going to walk back.

After leaving the bar, he saw that the streets outside were full of people. There were street artists performing in the middle of the square. A girl wearing a light headband handed him a headband of the same type as hers and smiled. She said to him in English,

Sir, please support God’s salvation.

Shupien was stunned. The girl thought he didn’t understand English, so she pointed to the headband on her head and handed it to him.

He realized that he had probably met a fan, so he took the headband and thanked her.

The girl smiled at him and turned around to give other strangers hairbands and other small items related to God’s salvation.

He took a few steps and turned back to look at the girl’s hard work. He smiled and put the lovely light headband on his head before putting his hands into the pockets of his coat.

The local news media were all waiting for this moment. When the official website of ‘century of cinema’ announced the list of films that had been promoted and confirmed that ‘God’s salvation’ was on the remaining list, the major media used the most space to broadcast this news!

[ Huaxia Intel: Jiang se has finally gone overseas and become the first person in Huaxia to step onto the ‘century-old filmmaker’ stage! ]

[ worldwide fashion: centuries-old filmmaker was about to be established a hundred years ago. Jiang SE’s appearance has finally broken the red carpet that was destined to belong to the best actors and the best directors. No Chinese had ever walked it before. Congratulations, Jiang se! ]

[ entertainment daily: after being shortlisted for the France Film Festival for two consecutive years, Jiang se has worked hard to successfully advance ” God’s salvation “! ]

[ Chinese movie: this year’s ‘century-old filmmaker’ doesn’t just belong to Europe and America, but also China! ]

[ long Xing media: not only did Jiang se prove herself with her works, but she also proved to the world that China can do it! ]


Every media outlet’s front page was hyping up this matter. The entire nation was proud of Jiang se and happy for her.

Gritting her teeth, Tao Tao opened the webpage. When she saw that God’s salvation had appeared on centuries-old filmmaker’s official website, she almost cried.

Just as worldwide fashion’s media had said, Jiang SE’s movie had broken the ‘century-old filmmaker’s’ regret of not having any Chinese actors appear on the red carpet. It brought joy to the people in the country.

Jiang SE’s hard work paid off. At that moment, Tao Tao was so excited that she almost could not control herself. She took several deep breaths, but she could not stop the tears from welling up in her eyes. Her boss came out of the office in excitement.

‘God’s salvation’ has been shortlisted as an outstanding film. Jiang se will be walking the red carpet at the closing ceremony of ‘centuries-old filmmaker’ on the 20th.

Such a grand event was not to be missed by the domestic audience and movie fans. On the day of the closing ceremony of ‘century-old filmmaker’, it would be open to the world’s famous media and media, and they would be invited to watch the entire process of the award ceremony.

In recent years, the development of Dragon Travel Studio had been good. It was becoming bigger and bigger and could be considered as one of the best in the industry. A year ago, the boss had been writing emails to the official website of ‘centuries-old filmmaker’ to apply for membership. Half a month ago, some media outlets were banned from entering the country due to visa reasons. Dragon Travel Studio was a substitute, and there was finally a vacancy.

little Tao, your visa has been processed. You’ll be leaving tonight.

Half a month ago, his boss had already sent people to handle the visa application for his employees. When news of Jiang se possibly being the female lead of “God’s salvation” spread, he had chosen Tao Tao to be one of the interviewers.

It was a pleasant surprise for the boss that the movie Jiang se was starring in had been promoted. If Tao Tao could get a one-to-one interview with Jiang se, it would undoubtedly be beneficial for the development of the studio.

Even if Jiang se could not get her hands on the manuscript due to her busy work, it would not matter much. The people in the country probably wanted to see Jiang SE’s shadow appear on the red carpet of ‘century of cinema’ the most.

Tao Tao couldn’t see the envy and jealousy in the eyes of her colleagues around her. Her eyes were still red, and she covered her mouth and nose with a piece of paper and replied in a choked voice.

Under Shu Peien’s personal column in “times criticism,” the netizens who had learned of the news all rushed to leave their names and praise him for his foresight.

After confirming that Jiang se would be able to walk the red carpet, the styling that they had prepared came in handy.

Xia Chaoqun had prepared the red-carpet dress for Jiang se. It was a meloovin that had been custom-made for her in Paris. There were three sets in total, and they had yet to decide on which one to choose. The styling team was still discussing the details of Jiang SE’s red-carpet look for that day.

In such a high-profile occasion, Jiang SE’s every move was the center of attention. She could not afford to make a single mistake.

The company was worried that Jiang se did not have enough manpower, so they sent a group of people to help her with some matters. In the past few days, Jiang se received calls from Luo Yin, Chang Yuhu, hou Xiling, Liang Chunbo, PEI Yi, nie dan, and the others. She even received a message from Dai Jia, congratulating her on her movie’s entry into the ‘centuries-old filmmaker’ outstanding work.

It was the 19th in the United States local time. There were less than 20 hours before the red carpet walk. Mo Anqi and the others were so nervous that they could not fall asleep. Jiang se received a call from Feng Zhongliang.


She lowered her voice. In the room on the other side of the suite, Xia Chaoqun was still in a meeting with his team. She had already washed up and was ready to go to bed.

“Are you ready to sleep?”

He could tell that Jiang se had lowered her voice. Thinking that she was already sleepy, he quickly tried to hang up.

“I’ll call again tomorrow.”


“Wait a little longer, Grandpa.” Jiang se quickly said, ” I want to talk to you too.

She wanted to cry when she heard Feng Zhongliang’s voice. She had been abroad for a long time and had been away from home for some time. Recently, because of her busy work and the promotion of ” God’s salvation “, she had endless activities like a spinning top. She had no time to call her family at all.

Coupled with the time difference, she had not been in contact with Feng Zhongliang for a long time.

Now that Feng Zhongliang called, it was probably because he missed her, and also to cheer her on. She felt a little guilty.

“I’m sorry, Grandpa. I’ve been very busy recently and didn’t have time to call you. I’ve made you worried.”

After she finished speaking, there was a moment of silence on the phone. Feng Zhongliang’s voice was strict, as if through his words, she could imagine his stern face and frowning expression.

“Are you nervous?”

“Yes.” yes, ” she replied. In the past, Jiang se had walked the red carpet before and was also surrounded by people. However, this time, the significance was different, and the attention she received was different.

The cautious attitude of Xia Chaoqun and the others inevitably gave her some pressure. It was as if the team members had to confirm the position of every thread in the dress over and over again.

The netizens ‘expectations for ” God’s salvation ” this time were too high. This made Jiang se tense. The congratulatory words from her family and friends made her feel a little stressed. There were many outstanding films this time. Although she was confident in ” God’s salvation “, she could not help but think of the’ Best Actress ‘award that she had missed out on at the France Film Festival a few years ago.

“You’ve already done very well.”


When Feng Zhongliang heard her admit it, he could not help but use a caring tone, ”

yesterday afternoon, I went to the PEI family’s house and watched God’s redemption with old master PEI. He even praised you for your acting and helped us gain face.

God’s salvation had not been released yet, but it was not a problem for old master PEI to watch it first.

The PEI family was the first to receive a copy of the movie when it was released in China. When Feng Zhongliang went to the PEI family’s residence yesterday and heard old master PEI praising Jiang se, he felt extremely proud and emotional. he even said that he’ll get your aunt ning to give you a call and ask you to keep up the good work.

Feng Zhongliang consoled Jiang se in this manner. He was not good at speaking in such a tender tone. In the past, when he was chatting with his granddaughter, he would usually put on the airs of an elder.

Jiang se stammered as she praised him. It did not go smoothly, but it made her feel even more comfortable.

“Did your aunt ning call you?”

“I did.”

As soon as she answered, Feng Zhongliang continued, ”

it’s good that you’ve won. You see, everyone at home is supporting you. If you can win an award overseas, then win it. If you can’t, then forget it. In grandpa’s heart, you’re the best regardless of whether you win this award.

He raised his voice.

“When your grandfather was awarded the honor, he couldn’t sleep for a few days, couldn’t eat, and was in a daze. Your grandmother said,’what’s there to be nervous about? I’ll eat when I need to eat and sleep when I need to sleep. There’ll be more glory like this in the future. After thinking about it, I feel that this is indeed the case, so I’m not nervous anymore.” As he said this, he deliberately wanted to make his granddaughter happy.

“Who knew that your grandmother’s situation would be so predictable? I quit this job and lost the chance to win glory again.”

He was referring to how he had left China for Hong Kong with his family for the sake of his family’s plans. Jiang se chuckled at his words. When he heard it, he heaved a sigh of relief.

“That’s right.”

After a few words, someone from Feng Zhongliang’s side pushed the door open and entered the study. The voice sounded like Xiao Liu’s. Before she asked, Feng Zhongliang said, ”

“Rest early. Grandpa will be waiting for you in front of the TV tomorrow.”

She answered and hung up the phone. In Feng Zhongliang’s study room, Xiao Liu said in a low voice, ”

old master, miss Feng Nan has already been ‘sent’ back to Hong Kong. I’ve already called the young master and told him that you would like someone to keep a close eye on miss Feng Nan.

Feng Zhongliang nodded. The smile he had on his face when he was chatting with Jiang se vanished completely when he mentioned Feng Nan.

“Keep a close eye on her.”

He rubbed his eyebrows. In fact, the exact words he had told Xiao Liu to find someone to escort Feng Nan back to Hong Kong and put her under house arrest.

At the very least, he could not let her cause any trouble while she was promoting the new movie.

At that time, Feng Nan had posted the thread on the internet in a fit of anger. No one had noticed it, but it was soon discovered by PEI Yi’s men who had been watching her and informed Feng Zhongliang.

There were some ‘family matters’ that he had to settle by himself. He frowned, and the good mood he had when he spoke to his granddaughter on the phone was now ruined by Feng Nan.

“The young master has already promised that he will not let her make you angry again.”

Feng qinlun already knew that the old master was extremely dissatisfied with him because of the kidnapping of ‘Feng Nan’. He was also worried that the old master would be biased against him when he inherited the inheritance in the future. At this moment, the old master’s words were like an imperial edict, and he did not dare to disobey.

Feng Zhongliang nodded and heaved a sigh of relief.

In a row of old streets in the imperial capital with the word ‘demolish’ printed on it, rows of old buildings formed a sharp contrast with the new buildings in the distance.

This place was like an old thing that was about to be eliminated, exuding a rotten smell. Because it had not been demolished in time, the original owner of the house had rented this place to migrant workers.

During the day, it was unusually quiet. This was Jiang Zhiyuan’s ‘new residence’. When he received Dai Jia’s call, he had quit his job and moved out of his original address. He had broken away from the Feng family’s control and lived in this mixed area. It was a cover-up for him, and he worked during the day and at night.

This simple building had a history of more than 40 years. From the outside, it looked very old and shabby. The outer wall was already mottled and had a sense of teetering.

The house was simple and crude. Jiang Zhiyuan’s simple luggage was casually thrown in the corner.

He sat on the edge of the bed with a cigarette in his mouth. He held a piece of paper in one hand and his phone in the other.

There was a string of numbers written on that piece of paper. Because it was often rubbed by his fingers, the corners of the paper were covered in hair, but he held it with great care.

Jiang Zhiyuan had already memorized the numbers on it. However, in the past few days, he still took it out from time to time to look at it and put it in his pocket, afraid that he would lose it.

The phone was given to him by Dai Jia after she had contacted him that day. Jiang SE’s phone number was written on it. Dai Jia had emphasized that it was Jiang SE’s personal phone.

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