Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 47: Clearing the Small Monsters

Chapter 47: Clearing the Small Monsters

Chapter 47: Clearing the Small Monsters

"Is it really that exaggerated?"

Even though it came from Liu Bin's mouth, the other principals and teachers remained in a state of confusion.

Their inner thoughts told them that even a dragon in its juvenile stage, no matter how terrifying, shouldn't possess such fearsome attributes.

But the reality before their eyes slapped them hard, showing that this dragon was indeed that powerful!

Even the Star-Slaying Sword Saint was full of shock, let alone them!

Moreover, they knew their experience was far inferior to that of the Star-Slaying Sword Saint.

So what Liu Bin said might very well be true!

A juvenile dragon, in its form transformation, could actually boost its strength attribute up to 4000!



Truly monstrous!

"Look closely, this form, while enhancing its strength and physique attributes, has significantly reduced its wisdom attribute!"

"We can draw a final conclusion."

"This crimson dragon has four forms of transformation: one focusing on magic, another on physical attacks and close combat, as well as its normal thirty-meter height form, and an adorable small cat form!"

Liu Bin, a student of the King of Hell, was not to be underestimated.

With just a quick glance, he had already figured out the form changes of this juvenile dragon pet.

Since Qin Fan brought out this dragon pet, all the principals and teachers present had stopped paying attention to the other students' exams.

Instead, they focused entirely on Qin Fan's exam.

After all, this was their first time witnessing the moment of a high-tier juvenile dragon!

"Look! Qin Fan is preparing to order this little dragon to crush everything!"

At this moment, a teacher exclaimed.


Everyone was stunned to see that after Qin Fan had Su Rou apply buffs to him, she found a place to hide.

Then he jumped onto Xiaojiu's head!

Standing a hundred meters high, he could even feel the chilling wind from the dungeon labyrinth.

Looking down, the zombie horde that once amazed him now seemed like tiny ants.

"Is this what it's like to be at the top?"

Standing on Xiaojiu's head, Qin Fan couldn't help but sigh.

He finally experienced Xiaojiu's perspective of other creatures.

In this view, everything seemed like ants!

This feeling was truly intoxicating!

No wonder Xiaojiu always looked at others with a haughty head raise, treating other beings with disdain.

In this commanding view, who wouldn't be filled with pride and arrogance?

"Damn humans! What is that thing you are riding!"

Unlike the previous stages, this stage's tyrant corpse retained some intelligence.

Upon seeing Xiaojiu's true form, a long-lost fear resurfaced in its heart!



It was a famous emperor known for its tyranny and bloodshed!

How could it be scared by a mere human?


It wasn't scared of the human!

It was scared of the dragon!

For the first time, it felt its insignificance!

Under the dragon's contemptuous gaze, it sensed a strong threat of death rising from within!

Perhaps due to its internal fear, it didn't order its subordinates to charge and fight the hundred-meter-tall dragon.

"Good heavens! The tyrant corpse was actually shaken, falling into fear and not daring to order its subordinates to charge!"

"This is precisely a small mechanism my teacher set up in this stage!"

"As long as you can infuriate the tyrant corpse, it will personally attack the challenger without ordering the small monsters to charge."

"If you can make the tyrant corpse fall into fear, it will lose its 'Emperor's Courage' passive skill, equating to losing its imperial prestige."

"Then the elite monsters around it won't obey the tyrant corpse's orders."

Liu Bin explained in a soft voice upon seeing the rare expression of fear on the tyrant corpse's face.

Everyone suddenly understood.

No wonder this stage was so difficult, it was because a mechanism had been set up in advance.

Avoiding the frantic charge of these small monsters.

In fact...

Many high-difficulty dungeon instances have mechanisms and tricks to avoid certain monster skills.

High-difficulty dungeon instances often have small mechanisms. Once found and triggered, the dungeon's mechanisms become much simpler.


Unexpectedly, Qin Fan's dragon hadn't even attacked, and the tyrant corpse was already intimidated.

Is this the terror of dragons?

At this moment.

Qin Fan inside the dungeon didn't care if the opponent was scared!

In his eyes, these small monsters were equivalent to loads of experience points!

Once he killed the tyrant corpse, these small monsters would likely turn to dust as well.


"Xiaojiu! Charge directly! First crush the small ants below, then crush that big ant!"


Xiaojiu roared in response, indicating 'I got it!'



As Xiaojiu took its first step, a three-meter-deep dragon claw pit instantly appeared on the palace floor!

That was Xiaojiu's footprint!

And more importantly...

As it stepped forward, the entire palace began to tremble.

The zombie small monsters closest to Xiaojiu didn't even have a chance to move before being shattered by the powerful shockwaves!

At this moment, Xiaojiu's strength attribute had actually reached 4500!!


Extremely terrifying!

Of course, this was in the 'Heaven-Shaking Force' form.

If Xiaojiu returned to its normal form, the attributes would balance out.

But this clear division between power and magic forms did provide Qin Fan with convenience.

At least Qin Fan could freely switch between magic and physical forms.


The second step landed.

"Ugh ugh------!!"

Another swath of zombie small monsters perished!

The elite undead generals and royal resentful spirits, with their intelligence, retreated in shock after feeling this overwhelming destructive force!


Before they could leave, a huge black-gold dragon tail, like a reaper's scythe, swept across the ground!

"Ugh ugh----!!"

This time, even more perished!!

Roughly estimated, Xiaojiu's tail sweep killed at least a thousand zombie small monsters!

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