Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 55: Generous System Rewards!

Chapter 55: Generous System Rewards!

Chapter 55: Generous System Rewards!


[Reward ①: S-level Dragon Magic Skill Book 'Flame Dragon's Roar'!]

[Reward ②: 200 Skill Points, 200 Free Attribute Points!]

[Reward ③: S-level Talent 'Extraordinary Healing'!]

[Reward ④: Level 20 Gold Staff 'Falling Flame Staff'!]

[Reward ⑤: S-level Dragon Pet Skill 'Divine Fire from Heaven'!]

[Reward ⑥: Title 'Majesty of the Dragon'!]

[Reward ⑦: S-level Heavenly Material 'Divine Fire Essence'!]


Generous! Incredibly generous!

When Qin Fan looked over these rewards, his face lit up with uncontrollable joy!

Wow! All the rewards are S-level! Truly worthy of the system!

“Is this the reward for overachieving the mission? It's way too generous!”

Qin Fan felt like he was dreaming.

This challenge task was triggered on the day he changed jobs. At that time, he thought the task was as difficult as climbing to the sky.

It required him to become the city’s top scorer. The problem was, he didn’t even have a dragon!

Unexpectedly, he managed to become the provincial top scorer step by step!

Now it was time to tally up the rewards.

First were the three S-level skills and talents!

[Flame Dragon's Roar (S): A high-level AOE skill of the Dragon Mage. When cast, it releases a powerful flame roar that deals significant burning damage to enemies.]

No need to think, it's another high-level AOE skill!

The strength of a Dragon Master lies not only in their ability to ride dragons but also in their ability to use all skills related to dragon professions.

Whether it's a Dragon Blood Warrior, Dragon Mage, or Dragon Hunter, all their skills can be used.


[Extraordinary Healing (S): Any injury you receive, including fatal ones, can be quickly healed as long as you are not killed instantly.]

Very good... another life-saving skill!


[Divine Fire from Heaven (S): The dragon pet soars into the sky, locking onto all targets within a range on the ground and bombarding them with divine fire, causing massive burning explosion damage.]

Note: This skill can only be learned by the Blazing Sacred Dragon.

This is an exclusive reward for Xiaojiu.

Currently, all of Xiaojiu's skills, except for 'Destructive Flame Claw' which is only an A-level skill, are S-level.

It’s fitting for a legendary Holy Dragon!

Then there were the staff, title, and S-level heavenly material 'Divine Fire Essence'.

[Equipment: Falling Flame Staff.]

[Grade: Gold.]

[Level: 20.]

[Profession: Mage, Dragon Mage, Dragon Master.]

[Attributes: Wisdom +150; Agility +100.]

[Enchantment Effect:

① Targets hit by this staff's spells take 1% of their maximum health as burning damage per second for 10 seconds.

② Increases the holder's fire spell damage by 20%.

③ Increases the holder's spell penetration by 30%.

④ Converts damage dealt by the staff into a 'Fire Robe' shield to block incoming damage.]

[Note: This weapon is forged from a section of the spine of a Blazing Dragon and greatly enhances fire skills, making it the dream staff of every Explosive Mage.]

Another top-tier weapon!

As mentioned before...

The grades of weapons, from low to high, are: White, Blue, Purple, Gold, Spiritual, Sacred, Mythical.

Actually, White corresponds to Black Iron and Bronze.

Blue corresponds to Silver and Gold.

Purple corresponds to Platinum and Diamond.

Gold corresponds to 'Rare'.

Spiritual corresponds to 'Legendary'.

Sacred corresponds to 'Epic'.

Mythical is just mythical, with no other name.

Currently, this gold-grade staff, if it appeared in Anning City's auction house, would definitely cause a sensation and attract countless wealthy buyers.

This is a gold-grade weapon!

Even the high-difficulty vocational entrance exam didn't reward this level.

Such weapons only drop in extremely special trial realms!

“Very good!”

“With this, the Black Crystal Earthscale Sword can be used for close combat and charging, and the Falling Flame Staff for long-range bombardment...”


Qin Fan was naturally very pleased.

[Divine Fire Essence (S): Contains extremely pure fire power, not to be easily consumed by ordinary people.]

Note: It is said that the Blazing Sacred Dragon clan lives in a forbidden land called 'Endless Fire Domain'. This item is refined from a millennia-old fire coral from that domain. Ordinary people who consume it will explode, but giving it to a Blazing Sacred Dragon will enhance its physique and divine fire power.

Seeing this note, Qin Fan couldn't help but twitch his mouth slightly.


Ordinary people will explode if they consume it.

But the Blazing Sacred Dragon not only survives but becomes stronger.

There's no help for it; this is the dragon clan.

Their physique is incomparable to humans.


[Majesty of the Dragon (Title): Strength +300; Constitution +300; Wisdom +300; Agility +300; All Dragon Profession Skills Damage +20%.]


A top-level title!

Ordinary titles only add a little to attributes.

But this 'Majesty of the Dragon' title adds quite a bit!

Qin Fan couldn't help but exclaim!

The rewards from the system this time were too generous!


The little dragon cub nestled in Qin Fan's arms also let out a soft cry.

Xiaojiu has a certain level of telepathy with Qin Fan.

They can feel each other's joy and sorrow.

Although it didn't know why its master was so happy, if the master was happy, it was happy too.


Qin Fan took a deep breath.

Since Qin Fan and Xiaojiu are one, Xiaojiu didn't need to do anything to learn the skills.

Qin Fan only needed to close his eyes and enter the system warehouse to use all the skill books, and the vast information would flow into both his and Xiaojiu's minds.

In just a moment, these skills were fully mastered by Qin Fan and Xiaojiu.

Finally, Qin Fan took out a bottle of Divine Fire Essence.


Xiaojiu's little nose smelled the unique fragrance of the Divine Fire Essence and sensed the intense flame energy contained within. It instantly called out happily.

Then, with its big golden dragon eyes wide open, it let out a cooing sound, as if begging Qin Fan.

“Haha, look at you, little foodie…”

“Here you go, only a monster like you can consume such heavenly material.”

Without hesitation, Qin Fan handed the bottle to Xiaojiu.

Xiaojiu adorably hugged the bottle, sat on the table, then used its little mouth to open the stopper and lifted its dragon claw to pour the Divine Fire Essence into its mouth.

Gulp, gulp…

The liquid filled with intense flame energy flowed into Xiaojiu’s stomach.

The Divine Fire Essence, which could burn through a human’s mouth, was like a normal drink in Xiaojiu’s mouth and was quickly finished.

A huge thank you to [Kyalal] for joining my Patreon! Your support means the world to me.

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