Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 104: Siege of Neve Dorei (10)

Chapter 104: Siege of Neve Dorei (10)

The Superior Wight landed in front of his army and made them stop. The hundreds of thousands of undeads left looked at the survivors who had dropped their weapons with no emotions. They just stood there, waiting for their next orders.

Well, except for the three Elder Rank monster, Holdir, the Superior Wight and the Level 100 Elder Tiarsus had been fighting. Only the three of them were looking at Adam.

Holdir was looking at him with pity, but the other two with ridicule. In their eyes, this was just an ant they needed to crush.

But the Superior Wight stopped caring about Adam, seeing he wasn't attacking. Instead, he said with a much clearer voice than any other undead "Surrender, there is no way for you to live. Your commander has already been defeated, and your strongest warriors are already on my side."

As he said that, the heads of the different clans walked next to the boss. They stood in line and yelled "Clansmen, come stand with us!"

Many looked hesitant, but the vast majority of the members of those clans came forward. Only a few brave ones decided not to go. They knew that joining the undeads would mean eternal life, but was it truly worth it if they had to become abominations?

They decided to stay behind, in case a miracle were to happen. And even if there weren't any miracle, they would rather kill themselves. Now the question was, would they be strong enough to actually do it when the moment came?

As for Adam, he was looking at the elves and Foxkin with despise, by now he had truly embraced his new identity as a Northman, and was more and more acting like one. In his eyes, this new identity was just so much better than his previous self.

The Superior Wight finally looked back at Adam and asked "Why don't you put down your weapon? Do you actually think you can win? You are a fine warrior, that's for sure, but not that great."

Adam sneered and replied "Who knows, maybe I still have something for you." The Superior Wight rolled his eyes and said "Don't be stupid, you will die a pointless death. Why don't you join me instead? You shall make a fine warrior, in no time you will become my greatest general! Together, we could rule the world!"

Adam had both his hands on his sword's handle, and said as he looked backwards "Why would I do that, I'm sure I can rule the world on my own. But let me help you, I can teach you a very important lesson today."

The Superior Wight gritted his teeth, he was absolutely furious, and the Level 100 Elder was about to attack. But the Superior Wight stopped him, and said "You arrogant Northman, I really want to see what you can teach me."

Adam readied his sword as he said "There are two things actually. First, never underestimate your opponent, they might just be strong enough to kill you. Secondly, raw power alone isn't enough to win a fight."

He walked toward the three undeads, and only stopped when he was exactly 14 meters away from them. He then activated both [Totemic Rage] and his set's berserk skill, shocking everyone present.

They already expected him to have a berserk skill, he was a berserker after all. However, he should have never received such a huge boost in strength.

Because of the shock from Adam's new strength, the three undeads didn't feel the ground below them tremble, and when they saw black shadows head toward them, it was too late.

Eight spears appeared all around the three undead, and before they could protect themselves they were impaled by the spears. Only the Superior Wight had had the time to activate a shield, but it didn't help in the end. His shield had already been badly damaged in his earlier fight, so the spears just impaled him too.

As for those spears, they weren't actually spears, but they were Neith's legs. While Adam had been talking to the undead, Neith was hidden underground. When he used his berserk skills, he used them to distract the undeads.

Meanwhile, Neith was right below them, her upside down. She also had activated her Berserk skill, as well as several other skills that made the undeads unable to move, and also lowered their defenses by a lot.

Now, the three leaders of the undead were impaled by the legs, and they were stuck to each other as all the tips of Neith's legs joined on their tip.

The three frantically tried to move, especially the Superior Wright. Despite being the strongest being on this battlefield, he was the most vulnerable of the three. Holdir was a Paladin, and the Level 100 Elder Undead was a swordsman, both were physical classes.

However, the Superior Wight was a mage, and as such he was weak in close range. If he didn't have access to his mana, he was literally a sitting target.

But the three barely had the time to do anything when a sword appeared before them. Adam had activated both [Misty Escape] and [Whirlwind Slash], boosting his already boosted agility to the point he crossed those ten meters in an instant.

His sword crashed against the three undeads, hitting them all in the chest.

-90 000 HP! (*3)

Then, they also received damage from being in contact with Adam as he was in his vapor form, dealing an additional 60 000 damage.

They barely received those damages that Adam had already struck again, [Wind Blade] was already activated, and this time he used [Mighty Strike] and [Lunar Smite]. Had they really been fighting, it would be hard to even hit them, but because they couldn't move, he was able to hit the throat of the three of them with this powerful attack.

Critical Hit! -416 000 HP!

Critical Hit! -416 000 HP!

Critical Hit! -416 000 HP!

Critical Hit! -416 000 HP!

Holdir, the Level 100 Elder and the Superior Wight all had 60% of their health left when they arrived. Also, they respectively had 3 million, 5 millions and 12 millions health points in total.

Hence, when they stood in front of Adam, they respectively had 1.8 million, 3 million and 3.6 Millions. When Neith impaled them with her legs, they all lost 1.2 million HP. With berserk skill on as well as all of her skills, each of her legs could deal 150k damage each, and all three had been hit by all eight legs.

Then, Adam's first attack took off 120 000 HP from them, followed by [Lunar Smite] that dealt 1.6 Million damage. This was thanks to the Critical Hits of course, as he was hitting weak points.

By the end of Adam's attack, Holdir was dead, his head flying in the sky, and the Level 100 Elder was about to die as he only had 80 000 HP left. As for the Superior Wight, he had 680 000 HP left, but he had been affected by the rare freezing effect that lowered his agility by 30%.

The Superior Wight wanted to speak, but he barely opened his mouth when Adam's boot hit his jaw, breaking it and knocking off all his teeth. But a frost shockwave also appeared, coming from the activation of [Icy Stomp].

Critical Hit! -600 000HP!

-300 000 HP!

The Level 100 Elder Undead was finished by this attack, left to transform into an ice sculpture. The Superior Wight had suffered a critical hit because the frost shockwave was in his mouth, and instead of hitting the outside of his body, it turned everything inside him into ice.

But the two weren't the only ones hit. The moment Adam had started attacking, the undead troops behind had started rushing toward Adam, and this time they were all stuck to each other. Hundreds of undeads turned into ice sculptures too, and the few Ghouls that survived were too slow to approach anymore.

Now with only 80k HP left, the Superior Wight wasn't much of a threat anymore, especially since he was immobilized, but Adam didn't want to leave him any chance. Maybe he would only deliver a final clich villain threat, but maybe he would also activate a skill similar to Adam's Ecdysis, that would allow the user to recover to 100%.

That's why, the teeth from the Superior Wight that were knocked out of his mouth didn't even have the time to land on the ground that Adam pierced his sword through the Superior Wight's forehead, killing him.

Critical Hit! -100 000 HP!

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