Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 94: Fame of a Sovereign

Chapter 94: Fame of a Sovereign

Eleyrius' architecture was very different from Fjora. In Fjora, most of the buildings were made of different types of wood and the roofs were triangular.

In comparison, most of Eleyrius' buildings were made out of white marble, and looked like they were carved directly into it. The houses looked less sharper, and there were more curves in the way they were built.

The other big difference was, of course, the inhabitants. While in Fjora one would mainly see rough, tall and muscular Northmen, mostly dressed in either armors or furs. Northmen were more scary than welcoming, when you didn't know them.

But in Eleyrius, the population was a mix of Light Elves and Foxkin, the two races recognized worldwide as the most beautiful. If the first feeling when seeing a Northman was fear, then the one when first seeing either of those two races was bliss or even lust.

Also, another major difference between the two races is that Northmen were a mix of warriors and mages, but almost every Light Elf and Foxkin were mages.

Northmen had the attributes of warriors, but the bonus in damage also applied to magic, so they had a lot of Elementalists too. However, Light Elves and Foxkin both had attributes meant for magical classes, and their racial skill was for magic too.

This difference in classes changed many things in the city too. This city had an ethereal feeling to it, for a human from Earth. One could really feel like they were in a magical city while in Eleyrius, with the mage towers that floated in the sky and the mana being overwhelmingly denser than in other locations. This was really a blessed locations for mages.

In comparison, Fjora just looked like a big Scandinavian city of old, and was more down to Earth. Even though Adam really like Fjora, he had to admit Eleyrius looked better.

Unfortunately, he wouldn't get to stay for too long within the city. This would just be a small stop in his journey south, as he now needed to teleport to the Kingdom that was the closest to Buwog.

Now that he had teleported into Eleyrius, his map had been uploaded, and he although he couldn't see all the maps, he could see the different kingdoms, and now knew that the Kingdom where he wanted to go was Silenond.

Adam paid for another transfer, and disappeared from the beautiful capital.

The moment he appeared in the capital of Silenond, he noticed something was wrong. He could see several soldiers surrounding him, but also players, and all of them were armed to the teeth.

He placed his hand on his sword's hilt, ready to attack if any of them showed any sign of threat. He didn't worry about the players, they were all below Level 30 and none of them had even opened a single Gate.

However, the NPCs did worry him. They were all Silver Classes above Level 50, and there was one Level 100 Silver among them, which worried him the most.

[Commander Tiarsus] (Silver, Level 100)

HP: 30000/30000

In term of pure stats, without any equipment on, Adam was actually about as strong as a Level 100 Silver who did not open the Third Gate. However, he only had access to equipment below Level 40, while this NPC had Level 100 Equipment.

A Level 100 Common equipment was definitely stronger than a Level 40 Rare equipment, and much stronger than a Level 20 Rare equipment. And he was pretty sure that this NPC didn't have Common Equipment, but either Rare or Extraordinary

Apart from that, there were also the skills, this NPC would have much more skills than him, and probably of a higher level. His only advantage was the fact he had opened the Gate of Limit, while the NPC had only opened the Gate of Healing.

But Adam felt like he had a chance, because this was a Light Elf, and he was a Swordsman. His attributes were probably a little lesser than normal as he should mainly rely on his equipment.

However, as Adam was getting ready to kill as many people as he could, Tiarsus stepped forward and asked threateningly "What do you want?!"

Tiarsus didn't think much when he first saw Adam, he was only a level 28 after all. However, for some reason this Berserker became hostile, and released a powerful aura. Although he was definitely weaker than him, Tiarsus knew he would lose men if they fought, and he himself might get injured. That's why he decided to negotiate.

Hearing his question, Adam frowned and said "I just want to go south, but the moment I appeared you surrounded me with your men, so what do YOU want?"

Tiarsus looked stunned for a second before he waved his hand and said "That's a misunderstanding, we weren't waiting for you, we were about to use the array ourselves. One of our cities is being attacked, and we are the reinforcements."

Adam took his hand off his sword's hilt and said "I see, good luck with this then." As he said that he took look at his map to see which city he needed to go to. Neve Dorei.

As he did so though, he heard the players that were with the NPCs whisper among themselves, and speak about him. They couldn't believe they were seeing him in person, and they also wondered what he was doing here.

Tiarsus, as a Level 100 Silver who opened the first two Gates, he obviously heard them, and froze when he heard the name, Valiant Heart. He turned back toward Adam, and this time paid attention to his status. He had just looked at his level before without really minding his name because he was below Level 30.

However, upon confirming the name, his eyes shone with a strange light. He now understood why he was so strong.

Tiarsus approached Adam as the latter closed his map, and asked "Are you the Valiant Heart from Sunflower Valley? The Sovereign?"

Adam looked at him surprised, his fame was really great, his guild members had really done a good advertising job, even elves from Aldeneid knew about him. He nodded and said "The one and only."

Tiarsus clearly looked excited as he asked "Where are you going, if it isn't too indiscreet?" Adam hesitated for a moment, before deciding he didn't really care about them knowing where went. Those who could really endanger him could find where he was by themselves, so there wasn't really any harm into telling him "I'm heading to Buwog."

Tiarsus' though looked even more excited once he heard that, and said "So you must be going to Neve Dorei, right?"

Adam scratched the back of his head, he didn't really understand why this elf was so excited, didn't he have other things to do? But he still nodded his head.

Tiarsus sighed this time and said "Neve Dorei is our destination too. An army is heading toward the city right now, and is threatening it. The city is currently closed, only reinforcement had been granted the right to teleport to the city. If you help us push the assailants back, then you can come with us."

[Ding! New Quest detected, 'Siege of Neve Dorei'!]

Quest Detail: You have met with Commander Tiarsus and he has asked for your help to defend Neve Dorei!

Quest Difficulty: City Scale

Objective: Defend Neve Dorei from its invaders.

Reward: Depends on your achievements.

Failure penalty: Disappearance of Neve Dorei

Reading the new quest that popped up, Adam blinked his eyes in astonishment. What kind of joke is this? Of all the cities in Aldeneid, it had to be that one that was attacked?

But after a moment, a smile formed on his lips. Although it surprised him, he wouldn't say no to such an opportunity to earn money and XP. And to fight and kill, of course.

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