Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 98: Siege of Neve Dorei (4)

Chapter 98: Siege of Neve Dorei (4)

Everything within a fifteen meters radius suddenly got covered in ice. Unfortunately, the undead army wasn't as densely packed as the other armies he had fought, and thus he had only hit about two hundred units.

However, the damage he did was very high. All the skeletons died instantly, their white bones turned bluish as they fell to the ground. As for the Zombies, the lower leveled ones were on the verge of dying, while the higher leveled ones had still taken a heavy hit.

As for the Ghoul, it had used a defensive skill, and shrugged off most of the 120k damage. Adam then jumped at the Ghoul, his sword raised above his head.

The Ghoul roared and prepared itself to counterattack, and Adam roared back, overpowering the Ghoul's shout.

He activated [Mighty Strike], [Wind Blade] and although he would usually activate [Lunar Smite] right away, this time he didn't. Instead, he feigned his attack and swung his sword early, totally missing the monster.

However, thanks to the weight of the sword, his trajectory was completely changed and he fell back to the ground, dodging the claw of the ghoul. Then, he activated [Lunar Smite], and slashed at the defenseless ghoul.

-60 000 HP!

-60 000 HP!

-60 000 HP!

-60 000 HP!

The Ghoul lost half of its total health in a single strike, shocking it. It tried to strike back, but it was still slowed down from the effect of Adam's [Icy Stomp].

At the same time, he felt a warm energy invade his body, and the undeads around him began burning. With a quick look, he saw his army didn't just stay behind, the Clerics were the ones who acted.

Clerics were the strongest class against the undead. Normally a Cleric doesn't really have much attack spells, and they are very weak against the living. However, if they tried to apply a healing spell on an undead, they would damage it instead.

That's why, while Adam had felt a warm warmth surge in his body, the undeads began burning. Most of the zombies that had lost a lot of HP were finished off, and even those who survived were on their last leg.

And this didn't only happen with the undeads around Adam, all the Clerics in Adam's army began the battle with their biggest AOE healing spell.

Following this first barrage of spells, the light elves swordsmen made their move. Their swords glowed with different colors as they slashed at the first row of undeads.

However, Adam was surprised by what happened. They didn't just slash at the undeads, instead arcs of light shot out from their swords and hit everything in front of them.

But what surprised him the most was the feeling those arcs of light gave him. Those weren't shot using aura. Instead, it felt closer to the feeling Adam felt when Liara used her aura to scare the heads of the Noble Families.

This meant those swordsmen were using Mana, and not Aura. Adam didn't even know this was possible. But now he understood what Tiarsus meant by not forsaking Mana.

Adam smiled at the swordsmen coming toward him and turned back toward the ghoul. He had been dodging its attack while he looked at the army behind him, but now it was time to end it's life.

As the ghoul's claw, which was clenched into a fist, swung toward him, he shot his sword back, using both [Mighty Strike] and [Crushing Blow].

-10 000 HP!

It didn't do much damage, his flat damage was of 30k, but because the ghoul was also attacking most of the damage was nullified. However, 25% of its defense was removed.

Moreover, the ghoul's arm was moved back and it staggered backwards. His Strength was way above it's own Strength, so adding the additional strength and knock back effect from [Mighty Strike] staggered it and even injured its shoulder.

As it was staggered and its defense was lowered, Adam began madly slashing at it. He first slashed at it six times, then jumped to slam his body into it's chest using [Charge], before dealing another 8 slashes.

This brought the ghoul's HP to less than 10 thousand, and blood had splattered everywhere. Unlike skeletons, who didn't have blood, and zombies who had almost solidified blood, ghouls were a big mix of flesh of actual living beings, which was why it was really bloody.

Some chunks of flesh had fallen to the ground, and the ghoul was kneeling, it knew it was about to die. Adam could see something he never thought he would see in the eyes of an undead, tiredness. Weren't undeads supposed to never tire?

But at the same time, the ghoul wasn't physically tired. The reason it was kneeling was that Adam only reached its knee, so its legs were his main target.

No, it was more of an emotional tiredness. It didn't care it was about to die. It's as if it expected to die, and couldn't care less.

Well, in a sense, it shouldn't fear death, as it would eventually be revived anyway. But that wasn't it. Adam couldn't quite describe what he saw, he just felt something was wrong.

But he didn't care, he was only here fighting because it coincidentally happened when he was here, and he would rather fight than go around the city.

But once the fight was over, he would enter the desert and head to Buwog. He didn't have time for conspiracies, especially in a foreign empire. He first needed to get his armor, and maybe by then he would poke his nose in, if everything wasn't already over.

Anyway, Adam didn't feel pity for the ghoul, maybe it and all the other undeads were used as baits, Adam didn't care, he wouldn't let free XP live.

Adam activated [Mighty Strike] and [Whirlwind Slash]. His [Wind Blade] and berserk skill were still on, so the ghoul, which was slower than Adam, didn't see him move at all. He just disappeared from its sight, and it felt its life fade away as its upper body slid off its lower body.

Moreover, every undead behind it now had a more or less deep gash on their chest, the skeletons had their armor destroyed while zombies bled a little.

At the same time, Adam's berserk skill ended, and his [Wind Blade] had a few seconds left. With no other ghoul near him, Adam began ravaging the undeads, advancing deeper and deeper in their army.

Adam liked to fight on his own, in the middle of the enemy army. With the gates he opened, fighting in the middle of a group of enemies didn't matter much, and like that he didn't have to worry about friendly fire.

After some time, Adam finally saw another Ghoul. With how strong he had become, Chieftains weren't really threats anymore, even the Level 70 ones had 250k HP, only half of what a Level 50 Lord had.

The most annoying about fighting in the middle of an undead army were the skills, they didn't care about friendly fire as it seemed, he was too big of a threat, and so they were trying to stun him. If he was hit by a stunning skill even once he would die, as they would start stacking. Moreover, he didn't have much health, so he really wouldn't last long.

However, every time he dodged a stunning attack, another undead would take it, and it allowed him to use said undead to decrease the number of attackers.

This new ghoul was a Level 60, with 750k of health. Moreover its stats would be higher than the last one. From a glance, its Endurance was the same as his, and its Agility was slightly lower, so its Strength should also be lower.

Ghouls all had a similar distribution of attributes. Their Strength and Endurance would be their main stats, and Agility would be lower. The Strength and Endurance would only have a difference of a maximum of 5%, and Agility would be 25% lower.

Adam and the Ghoul looked at each other, both eager to fight. The undeads weren't just dumb walking soldiers, they could speak and think too, and they had already relayed information about Adam, and he had become a primary target.

The other undeads moved away from Adam, and no longer attacked him. The Ghoul was so big that its every attack was an AOE, and they knew they would only drag it down if they intervened.

Adam was actually quite curious to see how well he would do against the Level 60 Lord without any berserk skill on.

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