Erotic RPG: I am in the Game world, But My Heroines are Villainesses

Chapter 292 Mid-Term Exams 7

"Flames of Annihilation."

The moment that one phrase echoed inside the arena, a flame mightier than everything else erupted, engulfing the young girl whose eyes were wide open.

"What a strong magical power…"

The audience's eyes were wide open. Even the second-year students who were there to witness the performance of the ranked one student couldn't help but get surprised.

"Winner, Student Callius."

As the result of the duel was confirmed by the instructor overseeing the duel, everyone finally breathed.

The audience erupted into a mix of reactions. Some were in awe of Callius' incredible display of power, while others were deeply concerned for Emilia's well-being. Murmurs and whispers spread like wildfire throughout the crowd.

"Did you see that spell? It was like a blazing inferno!"

"I can't believe she took that hit head-on. She's incredibly strong!"

"Is she all right? That attack looked devastating!"

"It's amazing that Callius could conjure such immense flames!"

As the healing formation worked its magic, slowly repairing Emilia's injuries, the concern for her began to outweigh the awe of Callius' power while, at the same time, the people who always criticized others also spread their mouths.

"I hope she'll be okay. That was one intense duel."

"That girl…Emilia showed incredible determination, but that attack looked brutal."

"Does he not have any conscience? How can he attack like that? It was obvious that Emilia had already lost the duel."

The instructor stepped forward, looking over the arena with a stern expression. "The power displayed in this duel was extraordinary," he announced. "But let this be a reminder to all of you that dueling is not to be taken lightly. You will be prone to feelings of pain, and not everyone will be strong enough to defend themselves from such assaults."

As the instructor's words echoed, everyone nodded their head. After all, the power they had seen here was something they would never forget. They now understood how strong the higher-ranking students of the Ark were. After all, this was the best academy in the world.

"I feel like I have been living in an illusion for a while….."

A student murmured herself, and the others agreed by nodding.

Meanwhile, Emilia slowly regained consciousness, blinking as she looked around, her vision still slightly blurred. She felt the healing energy working on her body, easing the pain and discomfort as she remembered the flames and her defeat, a mix of emotions washed over her.

"Emilia, are you all right?" one of her fellow paladins asked, kneeling beside her.

"I'm... I'll be fine," she replied, her voice slightly weak but determined. "I need to leave now."

She raised her body immediately, trying to move away.

"You are not going anywhere." However, her friend was there to stop her from moving any further. "The wounds you have sustained are still not fully healed….

The girl mumbled as she looked at the departing figure of a young man.

"That guy…. Just how much mana did he put into that spell…. Even the healing formation is not enough to fully heal your wounds…"

Emilia's fellow paladin gently held her back, concerned about her injuries and emotional state. "Anyway, you need to rest and recover," he said, his voice filled with worry. "It's not safe for you to leave now. I won't take no for an answer."

Emilia's red eyes narrowed as she glared at the departing figure of Callius. She didn't speak much, her emotions still raw from the intense duel and the memories of her friend Arden. The pain of defeat and the burning desire for revenge weighed heavily on her heart.

"I must go," she finally said, her voice steady but filled with determination. "I can't stay here, not when he's still out there."

Her friend sighed, understanding the turmoil inside her. "Emilia, I know how much Arden meant to you, but rushing into vengeance like this will only put you in danger. Stay right here, or I will contact the captain."

Emilia didn't respond, her eyes still fixed on Callius' distant figure. She knew her friend's words were true, but she couldn't bear the thought of letting her friend's sacrifice go unanswered.

"Sigh….Okay…." But in the end, she was still able to take control of her emotions as she lowered her head….Or was she?


A small drop of tear fell to the ground.

"I am here, okay…. I am here…."

And her friend gently hugged her from above, tapping her on her back, as the silent cries of the girl echoed in her heart….


After the first duel reached its end, everyone was dispersed doing their own thing.

However, there was one girl that didn't.

"Arthur Nightlance. I challenge you to a duel."

It was Emma who was waiting for the crowd to dissipate so that she could gather everyone's attention on this duel.

In her hand was a ticket for the duel….A ticket for

'Now you will pay for what you did.'

Emma was angry.

Angry at that bastard before her who never answered the questions she asked….Who left her childhood friend or his 'lover' to death….Who never showed any responsibility for his actions…Who escaped and found other things instead of facing the consequences.I think you should take a look at

'You coward…. Come here.'

As she held her ticket, she shouted.

"I will repeat once again…Arthur Nightlance, I challenge you to a duel."

This time her volume raised, she asked.

As Emma's voice rang out, the surrounding students turned their attention to her. Her fiery determination and unwavering gaze drew their curiosity and anticipation after all; who didn't like a scene from a drama unfolding before their eyes?

Though the boy before Emma looked composed, as if he was expecting this. He had a rather calm smile on his face.

Arthur, with his confident aura, approached Emma with a calm expression. He could sense her anger and frustration, but he remained composed. He knew what he had done in the past, and he had come to 'terms' with it.

'There is no way I am going to face this bitch right now…. But I can't let this ruin my image, as well.'

Even though Arthur was a man who mostly thought with his lower head, at least he knew how to read the atmosphere, from the looks they were giving him alone, he knew the situation was not favorable.

But at that moment, the words of Alicia echoed in his head. He just had visited Alicia yesterday after responding to her call, and that proved to be helpful.

'Arthur….You know, by acting the way you are right now, you are putting yourself and me in a tight spot, right? Don't you want to return to the times of the past, just like how we were? Don't you want to continue our relationship?'

'Yes, I want to.'

'Then, you know you should face Emma and Celia….They are also waiting for you, don't worry….I will also help you to build your relationship once again….You are my beloved Arthur….'

'Then, what should I do?'

'Just listen to me….I will let you rebuild everything again….But, you won't have another chance like this again….Make sure you are not making any mistakes….'

'I won't….'

'Good…. Then come here…..Tomorrow, in the practical exam, Emma will challenge you a duel the moment its contents are explained…..'

Remembering the talk they had yesterday at night time, Arthur thought.

'That's right…. I am their beloved Arthur… if I listen to her and speak like that, that should be enough… This annoying quest is also here, and I can't afford to lose any more than this…'

With that thought, he looked at Emma as he was holding his tears.

"Emma," he said, his voice steady, "I understand your anger and your desire for retribution. You have every right to do that." As he said the words Alicia wanted him to say, he looked into Emma with a guilty expression.

"I don't care about your understanding," Emma retorted, her yellow eyes burning with intensity. "You left her to die without any remorse. You abandoned her and ran away like a coward. I won't forgive you for that."

Arthur sighed, his blue eyes softening slightly with a look of understanding passing through his gaze. 'Just like Alicia said. Good.'

"There are things you don't know…. Just listen to me once…."

"What things? Your cowardice?" But Emma was still looking at him like he was some sort of insect.

Arthur's expression softened further as if he was trying to convey the pain he felt. "I won't deny that I ran away. I was scared of facing the consequences of my actions, and I made a terrible mistake. But I want to make amends, Emma. I want to change."

Her anger didn't waver, but there was a flicker of curiosity in her eyes. "Change? Why should I believe you?"

'Heh…. It is that easy….' Arthur thought, seeing the small change in Emma's demeanor. Even though he was trash, he still knew how to read people he was close to.

"Because I want to prove to you that I'm not the same person I was back then," Arthur responded, choosing his words carefully. "I want to face my mistakes, and I want to be held accountable for my actions. That's why I'm not going to refuse your challenge."

Emma's eyebrows furrowed, taken aback by his unexpected acceptance. "You're not refusing? You're actually going to accept my challenge?" It was different from the demeanor Arthur had shown so far.

Arthur nodded, maintaining his remorseful expression. "Yes, I will accept your challenge. I will face you in a duel, and I won't hold back. But I hope that by the end of it, you'll see that I'm truly sincere about changing and making amends."

Emma's anger seemed to soften slightly, but her guard was still up. "Fine, then prepare yourself. I won't go easy on you."

Arthur offered a small, understanding smile. "I wouldn't expect you to."

As the crowd watched, the tension between the two continued to simmer. It was clear that this duel would be more than just a clash of physical strength; it would be a battle of emotions and the desire for redemption.

Just like that, before everyone's eyes, Arthur accepted the duel while gaining the recognition of those around him…

Everyone saw how sincere he was, aside from some of those who really knew how to deal with others…


Hope you liked the chapter. 

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Check out my new book if you are interested.

This time it will have a modern hunter theme, where MC will be driven by the feeling of vengeance.

The name is; Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

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