Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 317 He is the One

Chapter 317 He is the One

"Why… did you want to meet him? And how did you even know about him? I kept it a secret from everyone."

"From the vampire academy. My classmates told me that you had visited there with a human boy. And everyone knows you would never sit with a boy. I wasn't sure if he was your lover, but after witnessing everything just now, it's obvious," she replied honestly.

"You still haven't answered me. Why did you want to meet him?" Jane asked with a judging look on her face.

"You are the best among all my cousins, and I admire you a lot. Everyone in the royal and noble family— even their personal maids— always humiliate you, but you never let any of that affect you. You give me courage. You are my role model, and I want to become like you," she said while smiling slightly.

"So if you decided to give your heart to a boy, he must be the perfect man in the universe. So I was just curious and wanted to see what type of person he is…" she added.

"Oh, so that was it." Jane sighed in relief and smiled at Miu as she said, "You are indeed correct. He is the best man in the universe."

"What about elder sister Rias' lover? Who is better? Your lover or hers?" she asked curiously in excitement.

All this time, she had thought that Rias' and Jane's lovers were different entities, and it wasn't her fault to jump to that conclusion. She knew better than anyone how close Jane and Rias were, and she was certain that they would never hurt, let alone badmouth each other. So the possibility of Jane stealing Rias' lover was unfathomable to her.

"Well…" Jane had already realized what impression Miu had on her, and telling her that she stole Rias' lover from her when she was in a slumber, would surely ruin her perfect image in Miu's eyes.

She was stuck in a situation she never imagined she would ever be in. She didn't know what to answer, but she didn't want to lie to her either.

Admitting that Rias' lover was better would make it look like her lover wasn't the best man in the universe as she claimed to be. But she didn't want to say her lover was better than Rias' as they both had the same lover.

After pondering for a good ten seconds, Jane took a deep breath and decided to tell the truth to Miu. That showed how much she cared for Rudy and that she was ready to ruin her perfect image.

After telling Miu everything, her reaction was as she had expected.

"What?!" Miu exclaimed in astonishment.

"I know what you are thinking, but it's the truth." Jane shrugged her shoulders and said, "I am not as—"

"That's so awesome!" Miu exclaimed again with a resolute expression on her face. "As expected from you, sister Jane! You really do love elder sister Rias so much that you got the same lover as her. My respect for you has increased tenfold!"


Maybe Miu's reaction wasn't as she had expected. Regardless, Jane was thrilled to know that her image was safe and her character wasn't questioned.

"Are you feeling okay now?" Miu asked with a concerned look on her face. "If you want to rest, then it's completely okay. I will visit you tomorrow."

"No, it's fine." Jane sat up and fixed her clothes under the blanket before tossing it to the side.

After that, Jane helped Miu with the essay and her studies.

Meanwhile, Rudy was flying around the vampire world.

"I have nothing to do… should I visit Nyxia? But it's hard to find her. Hmm…." He pondered for a while and muttered, "Maybe I should go to a library and read some books about this world?"

While he was flying, his nose caught the scent of the blood moon fruit.

"Yeah, I now know what I am doing."

Rudy flew to the blood moon trees' garden and scanned the area. As expected, it was guarded heavily by the guards, but Rudy had no need to worry.

He landed in the middle of the garden and activated the magic sensory alarm. However, that was his plan, to begin with.

The guards rushed to the spot and surrounded him with deadly weapons and magic spells in their hands.

Those guards were appointed to protect the trees, no matter what the situation. They also weren't allowed to move from their assigned spot. That's why, none of them knew who and how powerful Rudy was.

"Heh!" Rudy smirked arrogantly to copy Jane's haughty expression and summoned a fireball in his hand. He pointed it at the trees and said, "If you don't back off, I will burn all the trees to the ashes."

"...!" The guards glanced at each other with a petrified look on their faces and lowered their hands and weapons.

"Good. Now make sure to keep your mouth shut and not tell anyone about this. Or you will be my next target."

One of the guards approached the other guard and whispered something in his ears. Then, the said guard began to sweat and bowed down before Rudy.


The others did the same and left the garden to go to their assigned spot.

Of course, Rudy heard what the guard said to the other guard, but he didn't understand why he said that.

'He is the one.' The guard had whispered.

Rudy walked closer to one of the trees and plucked the nearest fruit. He then took a bite and muttered, "It tastes awesome. What were they on about? Harvesting the fruit at certain hours and all. Bunch of superstitions."

He leisurely ate the fruit and was surprised to see that it had no seed. However, he didn't stop there. One by one, he ate all the fruits from one tree and let out a soft sigh.

"Now, time to do what I really came here for."

Rudy's main goal for going there wasn't to eat blood moon fruits— even though he ate an entire tree— he was there to find a solution to produce more blood moon trees.


A/N- Mass Release of 5 chapters this Sunday (19th of June). Support the book with Golden Tickets and Gifts.

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