Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 250 Yet Another Evil Resolution

Chapter 250 Yet Another Evil Resolution

Niti left the room after completing her work, but Rudy was still sitting on the chair with his back leaned and his eyes closed.

His head was hanging on the backside of the chair as it was only supporting his back, but not his head or head.

"I hope the letter reaches Alice…" he muttered.

Rudy had no way of knowing if the letter had truly reached Alice or not. But he was rest assured knowing that there wouldn't be any consequences even if it was sent to the wrong person.

Sure, he had written Alice and Reina's name in the letter, but there could be thousands of Alice and Reina in the world, and no one would know which one the letter was referring to.

He also didn't reveal any personal information, although he had mentioned Reina's website. However, that was only for Alice.

If the letter was received by someone else, they wouldn't know which website it was referring to. Furthermore, he never wrote his own name but an alias that Reina used to call him.

Even if he hadn't written his name or any other indication, Alice would have still realized that only Rudy could send her a message in such a way.

"I just hope Alice received my letter…" he muttered again. "I can't have them worry about me for two weeks. The thing I am most worried about is obviously mom. Not to mention, Joe and Lucy could move in this week. I don't want to trouble them either."

"It's honestly so weird, not going to lie…." After a brief pause, he continued, "I have powers unfathomable to anyone, yet, I am still worried. Can that be considered my weakness? If the answer is yes, then almost everyone in this world or any world is weak."

"What are you murmuring on your own?" a sweet yet sexy voice asked.

Rudy opened his eyes to see Jane standing in front of him with her hands folded below her bosom.

"Hello, Princess. It's not nice to barge into someone's room without knocking, you know?" he said with a playful grin on his face.

Jane raised her brow with an amused expression on her face and uttered, "First of all, this is my room. And secondly, I don't need your permission to come near you."

"Oh? Now, if that's not an obsessive trait, then I don't know what is."

Jane got close to Rudy and sat on his lap. She then wrapped her arms around Rudy's neck and said, "You belong to me."

"Okay, now you are scaring me. Like earlier, you didn't try to deny it."

Jane brought her face close to Rudy's ear and whispered, "You know, I realized something."

"And that is…?"

"Men are simple," she said with a straight face.

"Of course, everyone knows that. And it's the women who are complicated, always," he remarked.

"Excuse me? I am not complicated," she retorted.

"Remind me who slept with her brother-in-law?"

Jane puffed her cheeks and said, "You don't bring that in this or any conversation."

"Anyway, did you take care of the matter?" Rudy asked curiously.


"You rushed out of the room to do something about the bed sheet, am I right?"

"Oh, that. Yes, it's taken care of."

"But is it really that big of a deal if they know about me? I mean, Nyxia and the school already know. So…"

"They are normal citizens of this kingdom. And grandma doesn't really care about the rules and all. She is a rebel. But if the royals and nobles got to know about it, it could cause some unnecessary drama."

'Not if I can silence them…' he uttered inwardly.

"You know, I have heard that grandpa Virgil was exiled from the kingdom as he married a human. I don't know the details, but the matter was settled after some punishment."


"If the issue was only about this kingdom or the rule created by us, there wouldn't be any problem. But it's created by the Lord, which is a very big problem."

Rudy stared at Jane for a few seconds before moving his hand to her face and pulling her cheeks. After that, he moved his hands down and squeezed her twin mountains before pinching and playing with her nipples.

"I can't believe you are doing this while I am having a serious conversation with you…"

"Listen here, Jane. This rule, or whatever it is, is created for the vampires, not for me. And—"

"But the Lord will punish you too!"

"Listen to me, first. No offense, but I don't care about the rules or the vampires of this world. I don't love them, but I don't hate them either. Sure, I would help one if they are in trouble, just like how I would help a human or an animal. But that's about it," he asserted.

A brief pause later, he continued in a solemn voice: "But, if they try to trouble me, then they are as good as dead. Their lives don't matter to me. I wouldn't think twice before giving them what they deserve."

"I don't understand…"

"These so-called royals and nobles you are talking about are simply using that stupid rule as an excuse to do what they want. They don't care about the lord or whatever. They are petty and pathetic. I am still angry at them, but I am holding it back because you asked me to. Doing something wrong in the name of right doesn't make it right. You might already know this, but no one innocent is ever truly innocent."

Jane lowered her gaze and got up from Rudy's lap without speaking a word.


"You should go take a bath. The royal bath house is something you would surely like," Jane said to him.

"Why don't you join me?"

"I will be there in a few minutes."

"Oh… kay…"

"The bath house is at the end of the hallway. You will have to go right and—"

"I know. I strolled around the entire palace when I was searching for Virgil in the morning."


What do people do in the bath house? (Only wrong answers allowed!)

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