Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1767 Reinforcements

Chapter 1767 Reinforcements

Midnight glowed bright white as Sword Aura filled it fully, and somehow glowed with black light as well as Yin Qi flowed out of his body and filled Midnight at the same time.

The woman realized that Alex was behind her, but wasn't fast enough to protect herself at all.

Alex slashed.

God Rending Death Blade.

A crescent slash of pure black light landed point blank on the woman's back as Midnight tore through her clothes and her skin, lacerating her back muscles until it came out of the other side.

The slash dug deep inside her, tearing through the rest of her body, sending her flying away along with the attack.

The woman screamed in pain as Alex's Sword Qi attacked her back relentlessly. And the darkness and death aura, formed from the God Rending Death Blade technique made it impossible for the woman to heal so very quickly.

Alex paused and looked at the woman after the attack, surprised that she wasn't cleaved in half entirely. He was sure that would have happened when he attacked her from this close.

'Damn! Her Immortal Qi must have increased her natural defenses even without any techniques,' he thought. That was certainly a problem he would have to deal around with.

For now, since the woman was so wounded, he could just kill her before she took her healing pill.

Alex was about to go after the woman when he sensed someone flying toward him. He turned around quickly, Midnight ready to attack the person.

At the last moment, however, instead of attacking, he created a barrier to stop the man from hitting him.

Zhou Linfan crashed into the barrier, only then managing to stop himself. He let out a soft grunt before looking back to see Alex.

"Thank you," he said. "That bastard is a little too strong for me now."

Alex looked away from the man, toward the fight between the Dragon Emperor and his sister.

Hannah seemed to be in deep concentration as she fought the Dragon Emperor and the Dragon Emperor was managing to fight her on equal footing as well.

They exchanged attacks with neither side coming out on top.

Zhou Linfan slammed his crystalline sword onto the barrier that surrounded the group of 400 soldiers who were empowering the woman.

Alex looked away and toward the woman who was slowly getting back up. It was time to deal with her first. He took a deep breath, concentrating everything he had on him in this one single attack.

The woman ate a pill quickly and took a cold breath as the pain of her healing back sent electric jolts through her body.

Immortal Qi, which was in small amounts now, coursed through her body, making her feel more alive and well than she truly was.

She felt the aura change somewhat around a figure nearby and looked up to see that it was Alex. She saw him concentrating and realized he was using a technique.

Anger flooded her and she made some simple gestures with her two hands before placing both palms in front of her, as if holding onto something invisible.

Immortal Qi flooded her palm, coalescing in between them to form a very powerful concentration of water and converged and strengthened on its own until it glowed bright blue.

Suddenly, she lost all sense of the aura that was skyrocketing in front of her. She feared that Alex had moved away from her again and looked up, only to see him still flying ahead of her.

He had lost all of his aura somehow and was in a position as if he had just attacked her.

But there was no attack. There was no—

The concentrated ball of water in her hand suddenly burst apart as the woman saw something not just cut through it, but also cut through her fingers, into her palm.

Then, before she realized it, whatever it was that attacked her, cut through her as well.

The ball burst into a massive ocean fountain of water, and when it disappeared, all that was left behind was the corpse of the woman cut perfectly in half, her eyes still wide open as she didn't even understand how she was dead.

Alex took a deep breath to stabilize himself and his somewhat aching head. He had gotten a lot better at using his nameless technique without taking too much time or too much headache.

He turned around and looked toward Zhou Linfan, who had stopped attacking to watch him with eyes of shock.

Zhou Linfan couldn't believe how quickly Alex had dispatched someone who was currently stronger than he was.

The soldiers inside the barrier were currently horrified to see their leader dead. However, not as horrified as they should have been.

Alex wondered if they trusted in themselves enough to survive. That was when he noticed it.

Alex teleported right in front of Zhou Linfan, creating an All Swirling Elemental Shield in front of him.

Lashes of fire struck the barrier and destroyed it easily. Thankfully, that gave Alex enough time to grab Zhou Linfan and teleport away.

They arrived closer to the main battlefield from where the two of them could see a newly arrived group of fighters. No, there was way more than just one.

Alex placed Midnight on his back as if sheathing into a sheath that hung on his back. He stopped a spear stab going right for his spine and spun around quickly, cleaving the man that attacked him in half.

The regular soldier had thought he had caught Alex off guard, only to die on a simple counterattack.

Another soldier attacked him just the same, but that had only been a distraction for someone else to shoot him with an arrow from far away.

Zhou Linfan placed his arm to the side, the crystalline formation of Qi surrounding his body stopping the arrow.

Alex looked around, noticing the situation for the first time.

"There are too many members of the army here," he said softly. "We're being outnumbered."

Zhou Linfan looked around. "Our soldiers are being pushed back. This is bad. We will enter a stalemate soon. And if the soldiers continue pouring in as they have, we will be on the losing side soon enough."

"Our element of surprise has run its course," Alex said, dodging another attack to take out the woman who was coming for him with a hammer.

He punched her with his left hand so hard that the woman ended up having her face crushed inward, the shards of her skull piercing through the back of her head.

Alex couldn't guarantee that he had killed the woman, but he didn't have the luxury to check. More attacks came for him and Zhou Linfan.

As they were important figures in the battleground, he was a primary target and was thus constantly under attack.

Alex and Zhou Linfan moved back, joining their army.

"At least your father seems to know what must be done to overcome this problem," Zhou Linfan said, nodding in a direction toward the city.

Alex looked down at Zhou Linfan's gesture, and far away in the city that now looked deserted, Graham had brought along a group of soldiers to attack the building with the teleportation formation.

As long as they could destroy that building, they could limit the amount of reinforcements the army got for the time being.

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