Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1779 Relayed News

Chapter 1779 Relayed News

The Newsboards drew everyone's attention, even the ones that were not initially trying to look at it.

The news that the Dragon Emperor had somehow killed the Azure Dragon was a big enough news that made the continent come to a halt.

People gasped in disbelief, many crying out in the horror of the situation, the ones with more self-control trying to find reasons why the Dragon Emperor would possibly do that.

The last thing they knew about the Azure Dragon was that the Azure Dragon had been involved in some sort of big incident that involved the other rulers and had been gravely injured.

After that, they hadn't heard anything from him at all. He had apparently been seen leaving his realm a few times, but it was hard for everyone to trust the news as there weren't any proper credible sources.

The same was true with the news they were hearing at the moment. They could hear Alex give the information, but it was hard to believe that was the correct information.

They had no reason to trust the Newsboards either. Still, they were drawn to it like moths to a flame, and as they continued watching more information was revealed.

Alex claimed that he would tell everyone of the Emperor's crimes. The sound rang through the many cities that still had the Newsboards running.

The first thing Alex spoke about was the massacre of the Five great royal families nearly 6000 years ago by claiming that they were trying to start a coup where they would overthrow the Empire and form their own separate kingdoms.

Alex claimed that they had done nothing of that sort, and it had in fact been the Emperor who had manipulated the truth using deceitful tactics to make vile accusations against the kings and queens to get rid of them.

"Is that true?" a person asked someone next to them.

"How would I know? This sounds like bullshit to me."

An old ancestor from an old clan stood up from where he had been sitting. "I knew it!" he shouted. "I knew something like that had to have been happening back then. I didn't see how the sweet Queen Fang could ever plan on doing something so heinous."

Another ancestor somewhere else contemplated on the information, trying to judge it with his memories.

He remembered the event back then had in fact been rather hastily handled. He also remembered thinking that it was rather sad that all the descendants of those families had been killed as well.

He had seen no reason why those poor children had to die.

With this new information, many of the things in the past slowly made sense. They understood that the emperor must have been trying to stop something. What that was, they didn't know yet.

Not everyone believed those words. In fact, few did. The majority were still of the mind that what was being shown on the Newsboard was just propaganda from the King.

However, that didn't stop them from wanting to continue watching it and see the drama unfold.

The next information Alex gave them was about the battle in the Central continent and how the contents of those battles had been wildly changed by the Emperor to serve his purpose to attack the Western Continent, and that in fact, the White Tiger had been the good guy all along.

Many thought back to when they were taken to the Western Continent to fight against the people there. It had not made sense to many why they had to fight the humans just because their ruler had a nasty idea.

That thought made them believe what was being said was in fact true.

"But there's no proof."

"Isn't the King Alex under the Phoenix ruler in the Southern Continent? He would know the answer, right?"

"But we don't know if he's lying or not."

Conversations broke out, and Alex continued in the Newsboard where he stood before the Emperor's subordinates, calling out the Emperor's crimes.

70 years ago, your Emperor then was responsible for the death of the Azure Dragon and his Wife, Shi Meiyoung, when he attempted to kill their newborn child.

The sudden bit of information left the people in shock. Hearing that the Azure Dragon had died was shocking enough, learning that he even possibly had a wife and child that had been killed was even wilder.

"His Majesty had a wife and child? How did I never hear about this before in my life?"

"I'm only finding this out myself."

Everyone seemed vastly confused by the sudden bit of information. What was even more confusing was that Alex had said that the Emperor had tried to kill a newborn child. The Azure Dragon and his Wife had just died just because.

"How could the Azure Dragon possibly die just like that? Even if he was weak, he would still be stronger than the Emperor, wouldn't he?" a young man questioned in front of many people who gathered.

"It is possible that His Majesty was greatly injured as he was said to be 5000 years ago," someone else answered.

"But wasn't he healed? We know His Majesty was seen around a couple of times."

A sudden discourse covered many cities and landmarks where people were gathered. Some knowledgeable ones tried to explain the situation as well.

"Immortals cannot attack another human, or else they would have to face the wrath of the Heavens," old ancestors, sect leaders, and such started explaining to their juniors.

As they explained, they themselves remembered what they knew and were shocked beyond belief.

"If… if an Immortal tries to kill someone, the Heavens attack them with lightning bolts as punishment known as the Heavenly Judgment," they explained, and as they did, they remembered the strong lightning strikes that shook the world.

Was that 70 years ago?

Immediately, they started sending out people to find records of what had happened 70 years ago.

Some in fact remembered themselves and quickly relayed the information to others themselves.

"70 years ago, there had in fact been 3 lightning bolts that had dropped in the region around the Azure Dragon's secret realm. Was that what it was?"

"Wasn't that supposed to be for the Empress?" someone else reminded.

"That's… true, but I have always wondered how the Empress could have died in just 3 lightning bolts. It never made any sense to me back then at all."

Similar doubts and curiosities caused many people to look up information all around.

And as they did, Alex in the Newsboards spoke once again.

69 years ago, your Emperor attacked his own son and daughter-in-law and nearly killed both of them.

"The Emperor attacked his son? Which one?"

"That can't be true. Why would the—"

The scenery in the Newsboards suddenly changed from one of Alex and the sky to one of a dark room with a handsome young man standing in front of them all.

Many were curious about who they were looking at, but a few recognized him instantly.

"Greetings, everyone," the young man spoke. "I am Long Huan, the second prince of the Empire. I am the prince who you heard King Alex just saying."

"And as such, I would like to confirm what has been said. Everything King Alex mentioned as of yet, is in fact true."

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