Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1822 Worst Case Scenario

Chapter 1822 Worst Case Scenario

"He's out," Liz said.

"And completely unhurt," Yan Yating said. "Didn't your friend nearly kill him?"

Alex stared at the Dragon Emperor, not answering anyone else's answers. He looked at him, searching for something. Some sort of answer to what he had felt earlier.

"He must have eaten a healing pill," Pearl said. "He can make 9-veined pills just like brother can. He should have healed instantly."

"We shouldn't waste any time," Long Huan said. "We must attack now."

Long Huan wasn't the only one thinking that way. Everyone else who was autonomous to a certain degree had the same thoughts.

Their entire plan from the beginning was to wait for the Dragon Emperor to appear before attacking him. Since he was out, there was no need for any of them to wait anymore.

It had only been 2 seconds since the Emperor had come out of the golden sphere and people were already beginning to attack him.

Alex stared at the Dragon Emperor, still confused about what he had sensed just earlier, the feeling still vaguely present in the place.

It was somehow a familiar feeling as though the man had just learned a Dao, while not learning any dao at the same time.

'Dao…' Alex thought. Immediately, his eyes whipped up to the sky, staring at the sunlight that slowly started getting drowned by something that appeared out of nowhere.

"No…" Alex said softly.

He looked down and toward the many people that were beginning to attack.



Hannah had realized what was happening at the same time as Alex. While she didn't have as much knowledge about everything as Alex did, she had still been present that day to witness what had happened.

As a result, she was familiar with the feeling she got from the current situation.

She knew what was happening and that place of dread inside of her.

Many of the people heard their cries at once and stopped their attacks despite the confusion they felt toward the commands.

However, a few still didn't let out their attacks, for it was too late for them to do so.

The Dragon Emperor reacted to the attacks, attacking with his Noble Dragon spear to create many tendrils of lightning bolts that struck each and every attack that came his way.

Beyond that, he didn't retaliate.

He didn't need to.

The 8 people who had ended up attacking questioned why they were made to stop, only to get the answer from the giant stir that happened above them.

They looked up and saw the sun get blotted out by dark clouds that quickly filled them. And there, they felt something great, something terrifying stir.

They had only a moment to see a flash of light before 8 gigantic purple bolts of lightning fell from heaven, striking each one of them precisely.

They did not even have the time to defend themselves.

The force of the lightning bolt forced many people to move far away, as the shockwave from the strike alone made many of them cough up blood immediately.

When the light was gone, all that remained were 8 different charred bodies belonging to the 8 people who had attacked.

The ones that had stopped their attacks could only shiver at the thought of the same happening to them as well.

"What… what happened?"

"What is going on?"

"Why were they attacked?"

Many of the people were unaware of the phenomenon that had occurred before their eyes. The ones that did understand did not look at the 8 dead bodies, but rather toward the Dragon Emperor, looking at him in an entirely new light now.

"He's doing it," one of the ancestors spoke out loud. "He's really doing it."

"After 10 thousand years…" another one said, disbelieving what he saw.

"What is going on, ancestor?" a few of the younger cultivators asked, the situation unclear to them. "What is the emperor doing?"

"He…" The ancestors looked to the sky where the dark clouds crackled to lightning, glowing sections of the sky in bright purple.

"He is entering Immortal Tribulation," they answered.

"The Dragon Emperor is going to break through to Immortality."

Alex and Hannah were the only ones of the present group that were both present for an Immortal ascendance as well and were strong enough to sense its incoming.

Had Zhou Linfan still been present, he might've sensed it as well. Yan Yating, who had the same cultivation base as Zhou Linfan, had unfortunately never seen someone try and break through to Immortality before, so he wasn't able to tell the early signs of the tribulation beginning as well.

"Alex, what do we do?" Hannah asked. "He's going to start breaking through to Immortality."

Alex didn't know what to say. Whatever was happening now had been his worst-case scenario, and it was for this very scenario that he had prepared the False Immortal pill.

However, he could tell that he had not been prepared enough, for the pill had been spent and the worst-case scenario was only just coming up.

"Do not attack him, anyone. Do not show aggression toward the Emperor or you will be struck by the heaven," Alex shouted for everyone to hear. This one point was something he didn't have to say. Everyone with half a brain had already known what would've happened.

"The tribulation lightning bolts will be strong. Far stronger than any of the Immortal attacks you saw or faced. Move away lest you wish to get hurt by the shockwave upon impact."

Everyone that was standing around immediately started moving away. They had to move at least a few kilometers away, placing them nearly toward the center of the city, away from the Dragon Emperor who flew close above the palace.

By now, even the palace had evacuated long ago, so nobody remained in the area.

"How did he fight his Inner Demon so quickly?" Pearl asked as they all flew far away.

"He has been prepared for this day for ages to come. He has had a long time to prepare his psyche for the breakthrough to the Immortal realm. Perhaps that is why he was able to complete it so quickly," Alex said.

That was the only way Alex could see that it was possible.

"Alex, what do we do? This is bad," Hannah asked in a worried voice. There was a hint of fear in her voice that Alex was afraid would show in his own voice.

"The only thing we can do is pray that he fails, isn't it?" Alex asked. What else was there that they could do?

"We need to evacuate this place. If he breaks through to Immortality, we are doomed," Graham said. "We can make it outside the continent and ask for Scarlet or Pearl's great-

grandfather to come help us. They will be strong enough to beat him, so he won't dare follow us."

Alex nodded.

"Yes, that should be our first course of action," he said. He looked at the Intercontinental teleportation formation that was near where the Emperor was breaking through.

It was unfortunate, but they couldn't use that at all.

"Tell everyone to move out of the Eastern Continent right now," Alex ordered. That was the only way everyone was going to survive this day.

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