Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1842 Dead

Chapter 1842 Dead

As the Dragon Emperor's body fell to the ground on either side, his innards spilling out with blood gushing from the cut-open wound, Alex moved right over him, ready to strike again.

However, even as he was ready to attack, he paused as he realized there was no need to do so. The Dragon Emperor was dead, and he had killed him.

Alex felt his body grow weak all of a sudden, the strain of using his Immortal Qi in his current state was something he hadn't expected to take a lot out of him.

He used Midnight to keep himself standing and he breathed heavily while making absolutely sure that the Dragon Emperor was dead.

"His soul," Alex said in a rasping voice. "Sister, check his soul."

Hannah finally woke out of her stunned stage, looking away from where the Dragon Emperor's body lay and toward Alex. It took her a moment to comprehend what he asked for and quickly sent her spiritual sense into the dead body.

There was nothing in there.

"He's gone," she said. "He should be dead. At least, I cannot sense any soul."

Alex didn't think he could be certain himself. It was an Immortal body where the soul was supposed to have merged with the body itself, until when the body was destroyed.

He did not know if there was information he was missing about Immortals, so he decided to be certain on his own.

He took the Dragon Emperor's body and stored it in his vast Soul Space.

As soon as he put the Dragon Emperor's body into his Soul Space, he knew at a deep level that the body took over more space than simply what it occupied.

'He grew a soul space when breaking through to Immortality,' Alex thought. 'That soul space is still there.'

Alex wondered if the Emperor would've died on his own had he had time to understand more about his body so that he could use the Soul Space more easily.

If he had placed him inside his Soul Space, he was bound to have died immediately with his world breaking.

"Alex…" Hannah whispered softly. "He's dead, right?"

Alex did not sense the mental strain that came from a spirit or soul being in his Soul Space. He nodded.

"He's dead," he said.

"You did it!" Hannah shouted, immediately running over to him to hug him. "You killed him."

"I did," Alex said, looking at his own hands. He had killed the Dragon Emperor, the strongest man in the entire world with his own hands.

Pearl teleported right next to them, his eyes wide and full of shock. "Brother, are you alright?" he asked in a panic. "I saw you… I saw you die. Your body…"

"Right!" Hannah said. "You were dead. I saw your body, but then it…"

Alex smiled. "We can talk about that later," he said. "I'm very tired right now."

Hannah caught him around the arm.

"What about the Emperor?" Pearl asked in a worry, wishing to hear the good news, but not expecting it.

"He's dead. I killed him," Alex said.

Pearl felt his heart beat faster. "Is that… the truth?" he asked.

"It is," Alex said, bringing out the corpse to show him. "I've confirmed it, Pearl. He's dead. Your mother and father can rest in peace now. Yao Ning can rest in peace now."

Pearl's vision blurred as tears gathered around his eyes. They rolled down his soft fur, one by one as he began sniffing and crying.

"We did it, brother," Pearl said. "We really did it."

"We really did it," Alex repeated.

Several other people started arriving. Yan Yating, the elders, Long Huan, and various others.

One by one, they learned that the Dragon Emperor was dead.

Hannah moved toward Long Huan, holding him by her side. Long Huan didn't know how to feel about the entire thing.

Not only had he lost his brother today, he now lost his father too. After his mother had died, these two had been his only family remaining, and they had both died today.

He did not hate his father. At least, he did not think he did. After all, if he had hated him truly, would he be feeling bad for him at the moment?

But there were definitely grievances and his father was too far gone to be saved. After all he had learned about him, he saw no justice for everything his father had done than his death.

Still, he did not want to see him like this.

Long Huan fell to his knees and started weeping, crying over the last blood family he would ever have.

"They're all dead," Long Huan said. "Everyone. My family, they're all dead."

Hannah hugged him from the side, slowly rubbing his back as he cried. She could feel tears forming in her own eyes because of her pain for him.

"You have me," Hannah said softly. "You have us. It will be alright."

Alex watched the second prince cry and felt somewhat bad for him, but not a lot.

This man had killed so many people that he would never feel bad for his death at all.

"Your Majesty!" one of the elders quickly called out to him, andAlex turned to see it was Ren Gaunting.

"He's dying," Ren Guanting said, pointing to Zhou Linfan.

Alex quickly walked up to Zhou Linfan, kneeling by his side where Zhou Linfan lay on the ground. "Senior Zhou? Can you hear me?" he asked, holding onto the man's hands.

He used his spiritual sense to check the man's state and was horrified to learn that he was beyond saving. The man was on his last breath, his body destroyed by the pill he had let him eat.

"Senior, can you hear me?" Alex asked again.

The man's lips moved ever so slightly, but nothing came out. He didn't even have the strength to speak anymore.

"He's dead," Alex said, delivering the message directly into Zhou Linfan's mind. "The Dragon Emperor is dead."

Zhou Linfan's mouth stopped moving.

"It was all thanks to you, senior. Because you forced him to break through, it gave me the time and motivation to break through myself, which allowed me to finally kill him."

"If not for your sacrifice, we wouldn't have made it, senior," Alex said. "It was all thanks to you."

The old man's lips moved, curving into a small but satisfied smile.

"You can rest now, senior. You have done what you set out to do. Your family has been avenged," Alex said.

A single drop of tear slid down the side of Zhou Linfan's eyes and he breathed his last breath.

Alex felt the life slip out of the old man's, dying as if nothing was keeping him fighting to stay in this world any longer.

He had let go.

Alex clutched his hands tighter, feeling the hint of sadness growing in his heart. "They say reincarnation is real,' he said. "If it is, I will pray that you can live a happy life in your next incarnation, senior."

Alex stood up and bowed deeply in respect for the man without whom today's victory would have never happened, and in hopes that he may rest in peace henceforth.

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