Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1846 Back Again

Chapter 1846 Back Again

Alex returned to the Southern Continent with the rest of his soldiers.

Helen and Ronron as well as Emily and the older Alex were more than happy to see Alex and Graham return well and alive.

Upon his return, Alex announced their victory over the Eastern Continent, sending a wave of excitement and celebration throughout the country.

But of course, it wasn't all happiness and joy. Many had died, and their funerals were held.

Alex and the elders set up a massive funeral pyre in one of the cities outside of the capital city and made their farewells with the departed.

Soon after, Alex entered closed cultivation, hiding away for nearly a week before he came out. When he came out, he was much stronger than before.

Alex felt his own strength, his Blood Aura, which had improved by nearly 2 realms, placing it close to reaching the Saint Transformation 9th realm. A little more and he would reach it.

He had not just absorbed all the blood that had been gathered, but also their blood essence, improving his power all that more.

Most of the people didn't have that strong blood, but the Dragon Emperor had been immortal at the end, and his blood was way better than anyone else.

Linlin bowed as Alex walked out.

"How's everything going, Linlin?" Alex asked. "Have the things I asked for been prepared?"

"We have managed to amass quite a few alchemists to make pills for the beasts as you have asked. They are ready to be taken to the Eastern Continent," she told him.

"Good," Alex said. "What about our own soldiers? How are they doing? Have they been healed?"

"Everyone is doing quite well," Linlin said. "The loot we had gathered from the Eastern Continent has been given to the soldiers as you had asked, so they are quite happy."

"They helped us, they need some reward," Alex said. "Have every single one of the soldiers who fought in the war be promised a Dao pill. It will take some time to make it for all of them, but just promising it shouldn't cause much problem."

"Dao pill?" Linlin asked. "Wouldn't that require a lot of that one flower—"

"Soul Elucidating Tulips, we can grow more of those," Alex said. "I believe that flower should be more readily available than it is. Although, growing it would require a lot of resources."

"I see," Linlin said. "Your aunt has come from the Eastern Continent too. Would you like to meet her?"

"Aunt Liz is back? When?" Alex asked.

"Yesterday evening. She is waiting for you in her room," Linlin said.

"Let us go meet her then."

Alex arrived at Liz's room and waited for a while for her to come out.

"Ah, you're finally out. I was worried I was going to have to wait far longer for you to come out. How are you feeling now?" Liz asked.

"I'm doing well," Alex said. "Actually, far better than well. Anyway, did you return for good? Where is sister?"

"No, I returned to get you," Liz said. "They have set the Dragon Emperor and his son's funeral for tomorrow, and they are asking for you to come to it."

"The Dragon Emperor is getting a funeral?" Alex asked.

"However bad the man may be, he was still Long Huan's father. So he feels compelled to perform some sort of ritual for the dead. But it's more so for his brother than anything."

"I see,"  Alex said. "We'll leave tonight then. Linlin, have all the pills and other aids prepared for me when I leave."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Linlin said and started communicating with other workers to do as he had asked.

Liz looked at Linlin and leaned in a little closer. "I think at the rate she is working, she's going to get overworked," she said.

Alex looked at her aunt with a confused look. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"The elders, have gone into closed cultivation after their return, so that leaves most of the workload on the poor girl's shoulders. I fear it might be too much," Liz said.

"I see. I did not consider that," Alex said.

"Linlin!" Alex called her out.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" she replied.

"What are my master and martial uncle doing at the moment, do you know?" he asked.

"Senior Wen and Senior Lang? Senior Lang should be working in the royal alchemy guild. As for Senior Wen, I believe he only cultivates. He should be close to reaching the Saint realm, so there isn't much he does."

Alex nodded. "Have the two of them come to the palace and aid you. They have experience in managing things as sect leaders and sect elders, and they can help you a ton. Don't overwork yourself."

Linlin gave a small smile. "I will do as you ask, your Majesty."

Linlin left Alex, leaving him to do what he wished on his own. She was supposed to stick by him at all times, but times were as such where she was needed in all places where he couldn't be.

Alex decided that it was time to promote her to the job that the Elders did. That and it was time to hire more people worthy of taking care of a continent in his or Scarlet's absence.

Later that evening, Alex arrived at the Voidgate to the south of the Southern Continent, along with his mother, father, aunt, and daughter.

Helen and Ronron made implications that they wished to see the Eastern Continent too, so Alex decided to take them with him.

The Voidgate swallowed all 5 of them at once, and both immediately and 3 hours later, the 5 arrived inside the secret realm in the Eastern Continent.

Alex tore through the walls of the secret realm, coming out on the other side, where a group of individuals waited for his arrival.

The King of the Ebony kingdom welcomed Alex with a bow.

"King Wan, I did not think you would be here to welcome us," Alex said.

"I was going to leave for the capital when I heard you would likely be coming too, Your Majesty. So I decided to wait for you," he said.

"I see," Alex said.

"I do not believe I know any of the individuals behind you, Your Majesty," the king said.

"These are my family," Alex said and introduced his family to the King.

King Wan was stunned to realize that Alex had a family. His family members were kept secret during his first visit, so no one had even realized.

Most of all, King Wan was surprised was Ronron. He wondered if there was a queen he was hiding too. Not that he could ask Alex.

"The teleportation is primed up for us to leave right away," the king said.

"No," Alex shook his head. "We won't be teleporting to the capital. My family wishes to see the Continent, so we will be going there the normal way."

"All the way to the capital?" the king asked. "But it will take you at least 6 hours even on the fastest boat."

"That's alright," Alex said. "We have plenty of time. Do you wish to come with us too?"

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