Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1857 The Treasures

Chapter 1857 The Treasures

Scarlet looked at the box and took it, opening it. Looking inside, she smiled a little.

"You recognize it?" Alex asked.

"Recognize it?" Scarlet asked, chuckling a little. Then, she reached into her own Soul Space brought out an almost identical box, and opened it.

Inside it was the same talisman as the other one. Alex couldn't hide his surprise. "You have it too?" he asked. "What is this?"

"This is our ticket back home," Scarlet said. "A direct Inter-realm teleportation talisman that will teleport us right into the inter-realm teleportation receiving platform the Land of the Blessed Sun."

Alex looked at the talisman in utter awe. "This… this will take me right to your home realm?" he asked.

"Yes," Scarlet said. "Wait, no, not you. There are similar talismans made for everyone's use, but this one specifically is made to only be used by someone who has the Bloodline of one of the Heavenly beasts. You could have used it if you still had the White Tiger's bloodline, but now I fear you must let either me or Pearl use it."

"I see," Alex said. "And does this work from anywhere?"

"Anywhere," Scarlet said.

"I see," Alex said, thinking for a bit. "So you all have it?"

"All of us are given one before we are sent to the mortal realms," Scarlet said. "Why? What's wrong?"

"Why didn't the Black Tortoise use it to leave this place then?" Alex asked.

"They are separated right now, so they only have one chance to use it," Scarlet said.

"Yeah, but they will always be separated. Whether now or later, it's the same thing," Alex said.

"Not for the elders. To leave before your time was up, the elders would be furious. Since they can, they are staying here until their time is up before they leave," Scarlet said.

"Won't their Heavenly Judgment be a problem?" Alex asked.

"Yes. They will have to do something about it themselves," Scarlet said.

Alex nodded and looked at the talisman before him. "I wonder why the Azure Dragon did not use it to escape," he said. "Or even if he couldn't leave, I wonder why he didn't use it to send his wife and child away. That would've certainly been a safer decision, wouldn't it?"

"I wouldn't be so sure," Scarlet said. "Qing Tianchui would have to be stupid to send a child that is the greatest miracle of an epoch along with a Saint beast that holds in her the bloodline that threatens the entire upper echelon of the White Tigers. He did the right thing sending Pearl and his Mother to the Western Continent."

"It was a shame that the teleportation formation on that side was destroyed. Had it not been, maybe she could've been saved."

Alex nodded. "I would never have found Pearl then," he said.

Scarlet placed her talisman back into her soul space. "I suggest you give that to Pearl," she said. "He's the only one that can use it anyway."

Alex nodded. "I'll do it when he returns from the Western Continent," he said. "It might take some time for the funeral to go through."

Scarlet got up and Whisker scurried out of her lap, jumping onto Alex's. "I'll go now. You must want some time to cultivate or use that ring."

"Right, I will take some time here," Alex said.

Scarlet left.

Alex looked at the three treasures before him, the two circular medals and the ring. He wore the ring and took one of the medals to use it.

He began using it and quickly realized a problem that Scarlet hadn't mentioned to him. She had told him that one had to mark a location they wanted to teleport to using this treasure, but she had never mentioned how difficult it was.

Alex poured his Qi into it and it did not activate at all. Surprised, he tried it again with no result. He was confused for a bit, wondering if the treasure was defective.

Then, he poured the tiniest fraction of his Immortal Qi that was all he had, and the treasure finally activated. Instantly, Alex felt something happening with the treasure and around it.

He could feel the energy gathering up in the treasure, wanting to go somewhere. Alex understood that it needed to be released to mark the location, so he chose the place he was currently at as the location.

The energy flowed out of the treasure in his hand and onto the ground below him, marking it. However, Alex could somehow tell that this wasn't enough. To truly mark this place as his destination for the teleportation, he would have to do what he did for a long time.

"Argh! It would've been so much easier if I had a lot of Immortal Qi. I might even have been able to use it in just a few sessions," Alex said as he let out a loud sigh.

"You'll get more Immortal Qi as you go, brother," Whisker said from the side.

Alex nodded. "What do you think we should do with the other one?" he asked. "Use it to mark a different location?"

"What about giving it to sister Hannah?" Whisker asked. "Or Alex nodded. "What do you think we should do with the other one?" he asked. "Use it to mark a different location?"

maybe to Ronron?"

"Ronron can't use it. By the time she is able to, she will already be in the Sky God's Palace," Alex said with a sigh. "I should give it to sister then."

Alex then looked at the ring and wanted to use it too, but he was out of Immortal Qi, so there was nothing he could store in it for now. He would have to do that once he cultivated.

'That's going to take some time,' he thought. He sat down right there to cultivate and see if he could get back his Immortal Qi quickly, but he was stopped promptly as Linlin walked into the garden.

"Your Majesty, everyone is gathered in the palace hall. We are waiting for just you now," Linlin said.

Alex opened his eyes, a confused look flashing through them. "Who are gathered?" he asked.

"Umm, the candidates?" Linlin said. "To replace the elders."

"Ah!" Alex said as he remembered. "That was today? God, time's been moving so fast for me."

"Yes," Linlin said. "They are all gathered and are waiting for you. If you wish to, I can have some of the other elders to the task. They have said that they are ready to come out if the palace needs them to."

"No, let them rest for as long as they can," Alex said. "Once I begin my closed cultivation soon, I won't be around much and they will have to handle everything."

He stood up.

"I'll go to Mother and help her with the pills, brother," Whisker said and ran away, leaving Alex behind.

Alex looked toward Linlin. "Let us head toward the hall then."

Linlin walked behind Alex as he walked to the palace hall and saw nearly 60 different people gathered in the room, each with a cultivation base in the Saint Soul realm.

No one was below that, but no one was above that either.

Everyone immediately stood and bowed in respect toward Alex. Alex nodded.

"You have come to hopefully be a replacement for the 10 Council elders, so I will hold you all to a high standard," Alex said. "I wish you good luck."

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