Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1867 Another Dao

Chapter 1867 Another Dao

After learning the Dao of Water, there was nothing that kept Alex in the Eastern Continent anymore.

He went to meet Hannah and Long Huan one last time and passed on the message about how it would be her who would take Senior Yang with her when she went to the Immortal world.

"I will have to do that? Not you?" Hannah asked.

Alex shook his head. "He wants you to be the one to do it," he said.

"Why me?" she asked.

"Because you will most likely be reaching Immortality earlier than me," Alex said. "He just wants to leave as soon as he can."

Hannah thought for a moment and nodded.

Alex did not tell her about the trees. There weren't many that knew about the trees, and he wanted to keep it that way. Especially given that there were ways to get information out of a person without them even intending to.

The only people who knew about the trees as of now were Pearl, Whisker, Scarlet, Bai Jingshen, and Senior Yang.

Hao Ya knew that he ate the Nine Yang Divine Tree's fruit, giving him the Yang source, but that was it. She knew nothing about the World Tree.

And Alex would rather it all be kept that way.

"But won't it be dangerous for me? How many people am I taking with me? 4?" she asked.

Alex quickly counted. "Actually, more like 7."

"SEVEN?" Hannah was surprised. "How seven?"

"You, brother Huan, the senior, Aunt Liz, my parents, and Ronron," Alex said. "Wait, if you have to take Hao Ya with you, that will be by 8. And if Ronron insists that we take her parents too, that will be 10 for you."

"Wait, why am I taking so many?" Hannah asked. "That sounds impossible for me."

"It's not impossible," Alex said. "The senior told me about it. The closer one's cultivation is to the Immortal realm, the easier it will be to take them away using the natural ascension process."

"There have apparently been instances where an Immortal has taken away entire clans to the other realm because it is just that simple."

"That doesn't sound very simple, honestly," Hannah said.

"Yeah… Ronron's parents will be a problem. They are completely mortals, and the heaven apparently doesn't like it when you take people with you who are either not closely related to you, or too weak to ever go away themselves."

"And you can't take any?" Hannah asked.

"I'm afraid not," Alex said. "I'm not even supposed to leave quickly. I have to wait a while before I reach Immortality."

"Why is that?" Hannah asked. "Alex, what's going on with you? You're being secretive."

"I have to be, sister. I'm sorry, I cannot tell you," he said with a sigh and stood up. "I will leave now. You should talk to the senior when you get to in a few years. Until then, work hard and learn all your Daos."

Hannah frowned, but she nodded. "I'll do my best."

Alex nodded and left.

An hour later he arrived back in the palace in the Southern Continent, where he once again began his tiresome days of trying to learn a Dao.

The Dao of Rust was very close to him to fully understand it, and the Dao of Water he needed to do so was something he already learned.

So all that he really needed now was time.

Alex learned the Dao of Rust some weeks later, right after which he combined all the Metal Daos he understood to form the True Metal Dao.

The event was a big one, compared to all the other times someone had learned Dao in the palace.

10 different Dao came from the sky at once, settling on him as they intertwined to give him this new dao.

Now, the total number of Dao he learned had gone down from 16 to 13. That was an incredible thing he had done.

Now that he had learned what he had, he began helping Pearl with his own Dao. Pearl picked up things far more easily than Alex did when it came to Metal Dao.

He already had the Dao of Metal, Dao of Sharpness, Dao of Malleability, Dao of Ductility, and Dao of Conduction. He was missing the other 5, which he was sure he was going to learn.

Apparently, Bai Jingshen had been teaching him about the other Daos, letting him learn all at the same time so that he could gain all those Dao at the same time.

Alex didn't have to worry about Pearl because of that, but he still helped him where he could. He let Pearl read the aura of his True Metal Dao, helping him learn the rest of it sooner.

Pearl left for the Western Continent after learning the Dao of Alloy, promising that he would learn it all in just the next few years.

Alex tried spending his next few weeks on his own, but there wasn't much he could do here, which led him to a lot of boredom. He filled his open hours with making pills, as many as he could, and even that didn't fulfill him as much.

So, he began thinking of what he could do with his time. A few thoughts came to his mind, but none made him excited.

He would train his Sword Domain, but he had plenty of time to do that. He could improve the Pill Splitting Qi to work for 3 pills at once, and maybe even more, but he also could do that in the many years he still had.

He began thinking about what else he could do that would take a lot of time to learn, and came upon something that he hadn't thought about in a long time.

It was certainly something that would keep him from becoming bored, but at the same time, it was also something that he himself deemed evil.

But the wish to learn it overpowered any sort of moral reasoning he had. Alex knew he needed to still be ethical about it all, so he needed to think about it a little longer before he decided to do it for real.

"I can't think about this right now," Alex thought. "I need to focus on the teleportation formations first.

Pearl would've already told Bai Jingshen about his plans now that he was there, so it was time for Alex to go talk with the people in the Northern Continent.

While he talked about the formation, he could also take the time to check just what the hell was up with those wells, and how it was that no one in the other continent was that surprised about the prophecies.

After deciding as such, he went to tell Scarlet what he was doing so he could get her approval. Once he received the approval, it was time to leave.

There were so many people he could take, but the less he took, the easier it would be on him. After thinking for a while, he decided that he would have to take his Aunt Liz with him, and her alone.

So, after talking to her, Alex got on his super fast ship and made his way north of the Southern Continent.

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