Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1869 Talk of the Wells

Chapter 1869 Talk of the Wells

The entire continent gathered at the Blazing Earth sect within the day. Sect master, ancestors, and any notable figure did not wait even a single second after getting the notice that Alex, the King of the Southern Continent, slayer of an Immortal, had come to the continent and had asked for their audience.

Every single one of them was in the Saint Soul realm, which was the highest anyway had managed to reach in the Northern Continent.

There were many that reached even higher realms, but over time in the past thousands of years, the Mad Immortal had killed every single one of them, causing the Northern Continent to be much weaker.

They were now the third weakest continent, right above the Western Continent, and barely had a history of no more than a thousand or so years.

The nearly 100 different newly arrived gathered at a secret hall in the Blazing Earth sect where Alex addressed them and explained why he was there.

The people there brought up similar concerns as the one in the Eastern Continent did, only there were fewer of them this time around, and most of them agreed that it was a good idea.

Still, everyone was reluctant to do so. They were worried that the spirit veins would lose their Qi too quickly if they continuously allowed the teleportation formation to be used, causing them to lose one after another vein.

This was the same concern that the Eastern Continent had as well.

"We can measure how much Qi is required for a single teleportation to the Central Continent, and from there decide how often we want to use it," Alex said. "If we do that, it should be fine."

The others nodded, agreeing to his words.

"If you all agree, then I will assume that we should go forward with this," Alex said and watched everyone.

Everyone slowly nodded, and by the end, it was a unanimous agreement. They had come to an agreement in less than 5 minutes.

"Is this all you gathered us here for?" one of the ancestors from a big family spoke. "I thank you for calling us here, but… I do not see why most of us needed to come here. If just the 5 great sects agreed with you, we couldn't disagree."

"Your input is still helpful," Alex said. "And the more minds there are, the quicker we could get through all the pros and cons of the situation."

"I… see," the old man said.

"Also," Alex added. "I have something very important to ask of you all. This is very important, so I hope you can answer me as honestly as you can."

"We will be honest." Many of them gave the same sentiment.

Liz sat behind Alex wondering what there was left to talk about. Was the teleportation formation not what they came to talk about?

"I want to ask all of you if you visited the Nine Wells of Time. If you have what was the prophecy that you heard? If you can't answer me that, at least tell me how important the prophecy was to your life, or if it came true at all."

Alex's questions caused a stir among the crowd.

"Nine Wells of Time?"

"That was so long ago I don't remember what it was I saw back there."

"I hadn't reached Saint realm back then. I don't recall anything."

"I don't think there was anything important in my prophecy."

They all talked one by one and as Alex listened to them, he understood that most of them had simply no idea what they had learned.

"I believe my prophecy was something about me surviving a very bad fight," one of the ancestors said. "I think that was fulfilled when I fought Xue Kuangren and survived."

"Mine was that I would win some sort of competition," another person said. "I did win a few competitions in my life, so I consider that fulfilled."

"Mine was too cryptic. Something about foxes and horses. I never understood what it meant in the end."

More and more people talked about it, and Alex frowned as he heard every single one of them.

"Let's ignore the visions for now since you can interpret them in anyways," Alex said. "What about the prophecies? What words did you hear from the final 3 wells?"

"I heard nothing. It didn't work for me."

"Me neither."

"It worked for me. I remember the words 'Forged by wind and earth' in my prophecy, but I can't recall the rest."

"Wait, some of you didn't hear it?" Alex asked.

"The final 3 wells don't work for everyone," Elder Xuan of the Frozen Heart sect said. "You just have to get lucky."

"Hmm?" Alex was taken aback. "Is that true?"

A lot of people nodded.

"How many of you remember hearing something?" Alex asked.

About 2 dozen among all the people claimed they had heard it. It was far less than Alex had expected. That made him wonder what it was about the wells that made it work for some and not for others.

Alex talked to just those who did hear anything and tried to figure out what it was that they heard. Unfortunately, that wasn't of much help as most didn't remember.

The ones that did remember didn't know if their prophecies had come true or not just yet. They never focused on it much and it was cryptic enough that there had been hundreds of such events that they could tell had been fulfilled in such a way.

There was one common thread between a few, which was about the defeat of Xue Kuangren, or so it sounded like.

In the end, Alex decided it would be for the better if he went and checked on the wells himself.

He brought his aunt along to the wells, as she was the only one with Time dao and perhaps could help him understand a few things.

The two of them arrived at the wells and were allowed to go anywhere they wanted without having to stay in a line.

Alex walked in, and as soon as he did, he could feel the thick Time aura that emanated from the wells.

"I can't believe there was so much time aura here," he said softly.

"And I can't believe there was such a strong Dao aura here. What is this? I can't put my finger on it," she said softly.

"You don't know what the Dao is?" Alex asked.

"I've never sensed this before," she said. "Back when I came here, I was barely beginning to understand Time aura itself."

Alex got curious about what Dao it was that his aunt was sensing. "Let's go see what is up with the last 3 wells. Maybe you will catch something."

They walked over to the three wells and stood before them in, surrounded by a thick Time aura. Liz sat on the ground and began focusing on the aura.

Alex stood next to her, focusing on the aura too, seeing if he could sense something from it at all.

As he did so, he felt a different sort of Time aura envelop him for a second, confusing him.

Then he heard a voice speak from all around him.

"What is your name, child?"

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