Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1877 The Great Discussion

Chapter 1877 The Great Discussion

Alex returned from the Western Continent, with Hao Ya testing the teleportation formation there too. This time around, he sat with her to see just what she did.

Hao Ya's job was to test more of the physical aspects of the formation, to basically stress test the consoles that were around the formation.

She hit the thing with hammers, dug around the soil, and did whatever else she thought would be natural damage and see if that affected the console in any way.

When all was tested and done, they returned to the Central Continent again.

Alex spent the time learning more about the formation in the special room. Unlike the other formations out there, the formation in the Central Continent was a little more crude than usual.

Because the original formation had been damaged by the Yang energy from the fruit of the Nine Yang Divine tree that rebounded back here, the senior had to use other materials to reform the formation, which wasn't as good as the other four.

"How exactly did the Yang energy come here? I'm still a little confused about that," Alex mentioned as he was taught.

"There was a connection with your body and here, both through connecting you to your clone, and connecting your storages with a simple teleportation formation that sent whatever you discarded here, such as books you 'learned' or Spirit stones you converted."

"We believe your Yang energy activated one of those on its own, and teleported a portion of it here," the senior explained. "It wasn't so much that I could not handle it, but just enough that everything was destroyed and we had to start over."

Even when Hao Ya went to the Southern Continent, Alex stayed behind and learned about the formation. He learned about how to maintain the formation and how to remake it should he ever need to.

"Surely I won't have to remake the formation," Alex laughed a little. "We plan to have quite decent security all around, so that sort of thing won't be needed."

"Oh, it won't be others who will force you to remake the system. You will have to do so yourself," the senior said. "Every so often, you will have to switch the Spirit Vein underneath the formation so it doesn't get destroyed. When you do that, you need to remake everything."

"It's more of reassembling than a remake, but you'll have to do it nonetheless," the senior said.

"We have to replace the spirit veins?" Alex asked. "Do they dry up too quickly?"

"After a few hundred or so uses, they need to be replaced," the senior said. "Since they can't regain the Qi they lost, they end up shattering into Spirit Stones at the end of it all."

Alex understood why it was important for him to learn how to reassemble the formation, and maybe even remake some parts if they break in the process of disassembly.

"Is there a way to fix this problem at all?" Alex asked.

"Unless you can get rid of the Qi barrier surrounding this continent, no," the senior said.

Alex gave an awkward smile. Surely the senior wasn't expecting him to do such a thing. How could he even begin to destroy such a turbulent mass of Qi?

Alex thought for a moment and looked at the senior. "Do you know of a way to destroy the barrier?" he asked. "Can it be done at all?"

"I… don't believe so," the senior said. "Even if you somehow manage to remove the entire barrier, the Intent will still remain, and that Intent will reform the barrier in time again."

"The only way to destroy it is to destroy the Intent and then destroy the barrier. I could destroy the Intent, but anything I do will reveal myself to this realm and it will force me to leave immediately."

Alex wondered if he could chip at the Intent piece by piece. He wondered if he could improve his Intent this way at all.

He had been somewhat planning on using the Qi to body cultivate. Now, he had a way to hone his Intent as well.

Hao Ya returned a few days later and gave her a sign of approval on the whole matter. The formations were ready for use.

The entirety of the Central Continent immediately got the message, which spread like wildfire. And the news was far better than they had expected.

In one month's time, the teleportation formations were to be opened to the world, and they would remain open forever, with people allowed to leave whenever they wanted to.

No one had to hurry. Everyone could take their time.

During that month, heavenly beasts from all 4 outer continents along with humans that were represented by them were called to the Central continent for one final meeting.

Pearl represented the Eastern Continent, with Long Huan and Hannah sitting in the meeting with him.

Bai Jingshen represented the Western Continent, and he had surprisingly brought Fu Zexian, Emperor of the Crimson Empire, and Wei Gumin, Emperor of the Luminance Empire. Both of those individuals were surprised to see Alex there and were even more surprised to see his cultivation base.

When they began hearing about what he had done, their heart those individuals were surprised to see Alex there and were even more surprised to see his cultivation base.

could barely hold back from sounding audible.

Five of the elders from the Northern Continent had come alone, represented by no beast. Or so they thought until they met with Xuan Luhei, the snake, and were surprised to learn that they were looking at their ruler.

The snake explained why he hadn't come back, and how there was another ruler back in the Domain of the Ruler still.

Finally, Scarlet arrived from the Southern Continent and Alex sat in the meeting beside her.

This was the first time in a long, long time that ruling figures from all four continents had met in one location. The last time such a thing had happened was most likely 14 thousand years ago when the 4 Heavenly beasts came down from heaven.

The meeting was to discuss how the formations were going to work. They were to discuss the frequency of its usage, the order in which it was used, and how they were going to protect it from misuse.

The group discussed for a long time and ended up deciding on a few key facts.

The other continents were to use their formation to send people just once during the first week of each month. How it was chosen who would go would rest at the hands of each of the continents.

Those people gathered in the Central continent after the 1st week would be sent out on the 2nd week. The remaining 2 weeks would see no use from the formation unless there was something urgent that needed its use.

People belonging to the Central Continent got priority during teleportation. There were other rules put into place, all of which were to protect the Central Continent from any ill-intended cultivators.

Several groups of individuals from all four continents were brought in as security and management to help with this problem and any other that mind come up.

Then, a month later, the teleportation formations were finally opened, and people began leaving for the other continents.


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