Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1879 Announcements

Chapter 1879 Announcements

10 years had passed since the war in the Eastern Continent, and the world was more peaceful than ever. In fact, the world flourished with new blood as new, talented cultivators popped out all around the world as the Central Continent was reintegrated back into the world.

Their arrival had created some chaos, but that was something people got used to very quickly. Nobody thought anything else new would happen in the meantime, only for 2 very weird announcements to be made by the King of the Southern Continent in the Southern Continent.

First, anyone with Saint Core realm or above was asked to donate their blood. In doing so, they could ask for any pills to be made, so long as there was a recipe and they had gathered up the materials.

These pills would all be created by King Alex himself, so one could only expect the very best in return.

Exchanging blood for Pills was a weird concept to most, but those in higher places knew that Alex was capable of using his own blood in battle, so at least they understood what was going on.

It was the second announcement that stumped them all around.

In the capital of the Southern Continent, was created a house for the elderly and those terminally ill. So long as they consented to giving their corpse for research purposes after they were dead, the kingdom would give them and their family anything they wanted in return.

This announcement was the one that got people scratching their heads. They simply couldn't understand what reason Alex would have to gather the dying, or what reason he would have to research their corpse.

In fact, many even called it immoral and unethical to do any sort of research on the dead, but given how all the choice in the matter was handed to the dying, no one could fault Alex on anything.

So, within weeks, there were tons of people who went over to the capital for either of the announcements.

By the end of the month, the place Alex had opened for the dying had been full with all 2000 rooms filled, the rest having to wait.

As for blood, thousands upon thousand liters of blood were gathered each day, with many wanting various types of pill in return, all of which Alex had to make for them.

By just the end of the first month of opening this program, Alex owed nearly 3500 pills to everyone.

Alex felt relieved that he hadn't asked for people lower than the Saint Core realm. Had he done that, people would have instead ended up making him make over 10 thousand pills in total.

Alex began making the pills, about 90% of which he already had a recipe for. People were given a list at the start to let them know what pills required what ingredients.

Many of the others came with their own recipes. Those were the ones Alex had to spend some time with.

It was a blessing that Alex had focused his time on the Pill Splitting Qi to improve it to make 3 pills at the same time. He was working on his way to making the technique split the powder into 4 pills, but he hadn't reached there yet. It would take some more time.

Working on 4 cauldrons at once, making 12 pills at the same time, Alex made about 600 pills a day on average.

In the days when there weren't too many recipes, his efficiency was high, making about 900 pills a day. The day when the recipes varied, he could only make about 300 pills a day.

With that speed, he spent a week making all the pills for the blood gathered in a month and handed it over to the people who were in charge of this operation.

For the rest of the month, he was free to do what he needed to do.

With so much blood gathered in one place, Alex finally got to improve his blood aura. It had stagnated at around Saint Transformation's 7th realm for nearly a decade now, and he could finally push it further for the last 2 realms.

It would've been much better if he only took blood from people in the Saint Transformation realm, but that was simply not possible given the fact that the Southern Continent didn't have many Saint Transformation realm cultivators.

The Eastern Continent did, and soon Alex would have to open part of this operation there as well. But that was a task for the future him.

Alex absorbed all the blood aura he could from the blood he was given, gaining enough aura to be on the precipice of reaching Saint Transformation's 8th realm.

Even with all the blood he had gathered, it wasn't enough to push it that far ahead. Thankfully, this was only the first month, and he still had a few years left.

Alex had been in the middle of cultivation when Linlin messaged him. On the 39th day of opening the house for the dying, someone had finally died.

Alex walked out, leaving his room to go to the dome where the body was already delivered. Everyone stayed out while Alex walked in with the body alone.

Many wondered what he was going to do, and what research he was planning on with the corpse. Alex couldn't tell them. If words got out of what he was planning to do, the world would immediately enter a period of chaos and bloodshed.

Alex took off the cloth of the corpse and saw a woman in her late 40s who had died. There was a talisman next to the corpse explaining who she was and how she had died.

'Qi deviation leading to wounded spirit, huh?' Alex thought. He looked toward the woman's corpse and gave a bow of respect to the dead.

Then, he stripped away her clothes and began his research on the corpse.

Since this was the very first corpse he was dealing with, he needed to be thorough with what he did. He could make all the mistakes he made, but he would have to learn from them so he didn't repeat them again.

Alex brought out a scalpel, made by himself using various durable materials he had. Using the Dao of sharpness and cutting, he cut the woman from the bottom of her ribcage all the way down to the naval region.

He cut around the skin to flay it open, revealing the bloody innards.

Alex looked at the thing he had opened up the skin to reveal. The Dantain.

More importantly, Alex had opened up the skin to reveal the spiritual roots.

He saw the meridians branching away from the dantian, hiding within muscles and organs, making their way throughout the body in thousands and thousands of tiny vein-like structures.

Now, Alex was going to have to try and pull it all out in one piece.

This was what the research he was doing was. Since that day nearly 30 years ago when he had gotten the memories of the man who had been researching this very subject, Alex had wanted to do it.

He wanted to succeed in taking the spiritual root out of a person without destroying it so that he could place it into another person.

Alex wanted to learn how to successfully perform a Spiritual Root transplant.


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