Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1895 Fighting the Lightning

Chapter 1895 Fighting the Lightning

Godslayer was worried about Alex too, but there was nothing he could do to help him currently at all. If he interfered in Alex's tribulation in any way, either Alex would have to suffer more, or he would in turn be destroyed by the heavens.

"Hang in there kid," Godslayer said softly. "You can do it."

Judging by how strong the last Dao Lightning was, Alex was all but certain that this one would be the one that would match his strength.

A vast aura of the Dao of Teleportation gathered in the sky, slowly gathering at the center of the sky, ready to rain down.

"That power…" Scarlet looked to the sky in shock. "It's just a step away from reaching the Immortal Origin realm. How can it be that strong?"

"It is," Bai Jingshen said, staring at the sky with open awe in his eyes. Never had he seen someone's tribulation lightning reach such a massive strength.

And it was far from the last one.

"Is brother going to be okay?" Whisker asked from the side.

"He's going to be okay," Pearl said. He fully believed in Alex.

Alex swung his sword, sending out a Heavenly Static Slash that sent out a sword slash in the form of a lightning bolt of his own.

The lightning from the sky struck down at the same time, and the two attacks clashed at the center.

The world shuddered at the clash of the two attacks, with large cracks already filling the island beneath him.

Bai Jingshen protected the rest of them from the shockwave of the clash, including the many people in the continent far away. The force of the clash was enough to create massive waves that would take down many coastal towns.

Alex felt his feet sink into the ground from the force and flew back up, a worrisome look filling his face as he did so. He had managed to fight off the current lightning with his strength, but the next ones were going to be troublesome.

Alex got maybe a few seconds of time to gather himself before he felt the aura of the Dao of Space from far above him. He looked up and saw the lightning ready to drop again.

And this time, it would be stronger than his Immortal Qi without a doubt.

Alex stood tall with Midnight, Qi already filling the blade as he stared at the sky. Midnight took on the Immortal Qi with the Yin affinity, drinking it like dry sand.

Alex was partially surprised when he felt the ease with which his Qi was moving through the sword, almost as if Midnight knew what he was going to use.

No, there was no if. Midnight knew, and he was ready.

"Good," Alex said softly and launched his attack.

God Rending Death Blade.

The technique carved into Midnight's body flew into the sky like a black scythe, filled with the aura of death and darkness. Alex had added the Dao of Death to the attack, making it stronger than before.

The lightning bolt flashed down from heaven, striking the black slash. Black and white clashed, and purple and silver filled the world.

Alex failed to destroy the entire attack and was hit with the remnant force that threw him down into the island, creating a small crater that further opened up the cracks in the island, and water began seeping into it.

Alex quickly flew back up, the minor wounds around his body healing back up. The attack had been stronger, but only by a small margin. It was something he had handled after using his Dao with the attack.

And then he felt the same dao in the sky once again.

Dao of Death was what was going to fill the next lightning strike.

"This late?" he asked himself. He had never known that

Alex had always known that the Dao of Death was a difficult dao to learn, but he had never realized that heaven considered it such an important Dao.

The only ones after this were the two True Daos, who told him just how strong this was.

As the Dao lightning prepared to falldown, Alex realized that he needed something stronger than before if he wanted to survive this attack.

Nearly a hundred different swords flew from within his Soul Space, mixed with about 2 dozen different swords created by Qi and Blood.

They quickly fell into ranks, forming the 123 Sword Array as Alex poured his Sword Intent into the sword, unintentionally creating a Sword Domain around him.

Blood aura filled the swords and so did a few Dao, all of which Alex could handle with his current level of Intent.

Then, he pointed the sword toward the sky and they flew toward the lightning bolt that fell from heaven.

The swords spun within the array, empowering each other as they raised his level of strength by a small amount. The swords then clashed with the lightning bolt, creating the biggest explosion of energy just yet.

The island beneath Alex was shattered, but the ocean didn't fill it just yet. The ocean itself was parted around that area, sent back by the force of the shockwave.

Alex felt the force of the shockwave blast him into the ground, stripping off a layer of skin from his body. Many of Alex's bones cracked, some even bending in the wrong directions.

When the explosion disappeared, Alex pulled himself out of the shattered ground, his body slowly healing back to its normal state. His upper clothes werecompletelydestroyed by now.

The aura of Death surrounded him, mixed with the remnants of the many aura from the previous Daos. Alex looked around, searching for his swords, but the area around him was filled with so much aura that sensing anything within this place became almost an impossibility.

"Midnight!" Alex shouted, and the sword flew out from a crack in the ground, flying into his hands. As soon as Alex grabbed it, he began preparing for the next lightning bolt.

The next lightning bolt would carry with it the aura of a True Dao, making it much stronger than anything else.

As such, Alex needed to prepare for it the strongest attack he did have.

The Endless Severing Strike.

He had trained in his self-made technique long enough that he could use it within a moment's notice. It still took a lot longer time to prepare when compared to other techniques he knew, but compared to before, he did not have to spend nearly as long a time he preparation.

There was another thing Alex had noticed that made him frown a little. His Sword Domain was useless in this battle. He had thought about it a lot during his training and it had finally become a problem.

Because the Sword Domain appeared in a small radius around him, it did not affect his enemy who was hundreds of meters away from him.

That made the Sword Domain nothing but a means to keep the opponent at bay.

That was useless.

Alex needed to use it if he wanted to survive the next lightning bolt.

So, when the lightning bolt came down from the sky, Alex stayed his hands long enough for the lightning bolt to enter the range of his Sword Domain.

And then he attacked.

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