Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1898 A Final Goodbye

Chapter 1898 A Final Goodbye

Alex looked into his Soul Space, something he could now do without the use of his Spiritual sense. He saw the Demon Realm hanging into the darkness there, but unlike everything else in his Soul Space, the Demon Realm was in a bubble of space, with life within protected by that space.

To the beasts that were within the Soul Space, they were surprised by the sudden darkness. To them, it felt as though night had come out of nowhere, and which was surprising but not very terrifying just yet.

Alex checked the sturdiness of the barrier around the space and confirmed that it could hold its own in his Soul Space so long as he didn't do something drastic to destroy it.

Even that would take a lot of work on his end.

The next thing Alex needed to do was check whether or not he could get things in and out of the Demon Realm without messing up the barrier.

Thankfully, due to his Dao of Teleportation, he could easily use his Intent to teleport things around the place. Alex managed to teleport things both in and out of the Demon realm.

That was one more thing he confirmed.

There was one last thing Alex needed to confirm before he acted. He needed to check on the gravity of his Soul Space.

Alex understood that there was gravity in his Soul Space, which for some reason appeared from the outside world where the Soul Space was. The gravity was what gave items orientation in the Soul Space.

Thankfully, Alex's own Intent worked as a much stronger force than gravity in his Soul Space, allowing things to stay in one location and not continuously fall through the space.

Within said location, gravity thankfully still affected them normally, allowing beasts and plants to not flail around the Demon Realm where they were.

Once Alex checked these three things, he was finally certain that the Demon Realm was fully usable, so he could move on to the main reason why he had even taken the Demon Realm into his Soul Space in the first place.

Alex moved the Demon Realm around his Soul Space until the beasts within it saw sunlight once again.

The Yang Tree and the World Tree were in sight now.

Alex had given both the trees a small piece of land long ago upon senior Yang's suggestion, but they had outgrown those lands and needed someplace else where they could grow.

Especially after feeding upon dozens of years of Qi that Alex siphoned off into his Soul Space, the trees were far too large to be kept around as just trees. They needed a real place to grow.

That was when Alex came up with the idea to take in a large land where they could grow. He had initially thought of a random mountain, but after giving the problem a considerable amount of thought, he ended up with the Demon Realm as the final choice.

So now, all Alex had to do was move the plants into the Demon Realm.

The transfer took surprisingly little time. He easily moved the Yang tree onto the southern side of the Demon realm.

The bright yellow sun-like plant stood tall at the peak of the 2nd mountain so that it was close enough to the 4th mountain where all the beasts were.

The 2nd mountain used to be a place for training, but that wouldn't be needed anymore, so Alex saw no qualm in using it.

Alex set up the World Tree on top of the destroyed 6th mountain that used to previously hold the teleportation script to the Demon realm in the Northern Continent.

However, after it had been destroyed by the people who wanted Alex all those years ago, it hadn't been restored at all. Therefore, he decided to use the mountain as such.

The World Tree settled in nicely, absorbing a lot of the mountain at first before becoming stable. Alex fixed back the formation flags around the plants, helping them grow once more.

The World Tree quickly began releasing Qi into the atmosphere, which surprisingly did not escape the secret realm.

Even most of the light from the Yang tree did not escape the spatial barrier.

The Demon Realm was itsownecosystem now.

Alex was about to leave it as it was, going to return when he noticed that the beasts wouldn't do well if the 'sun' was out for them all the time.

He needed to turn off the sun, but that wasn't remotely possible. And since the tree was planted firmly on the mountain, it could not be removed every half day and replanted when needed again.

He needed another solution.

After considering many options, Alex landed on one that he thought worked the best. He used the Playground, in its largest form, to stand before the feet of the mountain, its height reaching high into the sky.

Then, the Playground would simply encircle the mountain, casting a shadow around the land which could be considered as night.

The source of the First Shadow was now being used as the source of night itself.

There was nothing else left for Alex to do there anymore, so he decided to return. However, instead of going back to where everyone was, he went somewhere else.

A place he had to go back one last time before he could truly leave this world.

Alex passed the continent within minutes, arriving on the other side of the massive forest, andquickly locating the Scarlet city.

There, he sensed the Hong Wu sect and entered it. He saw many people he recognized inside, all working hard.

Zhou Mei had grown older now, becoming a fine lady. She hadn't yet managed to reach the Saint realm, but she was still quite close.

Alex looked through a few more people before arriving at the Alchemy mountain It seemed to have changed so much in the 130 years since he used to work here.

Both the feelings of being alienated from a place while feeling melancholic for it conflicted within Alex, making for quite a unique experience.

Alex arrived at the top of the mountain and sat under the giant Yin Gathering tree, in front of a headstone that had the name of his late master.

Ma Rong.

Alex took some clothes from his Soul Space and cleaned her gravestone. Then he brought out a flower from his Soul Space and laid it in front of her grave. His eyes misted before he could even speak, and a small smile tugged on his face.

"Master, I'm back for one last time."

Feeling pulled on his heart. "I don't know when I'll be back the next time if I'll even be back again. If I'm being realistic, I will never get to see you again."

"So, I have come to say goodbye, for possibly the last time."

Alex wiped the single tear from his eyes.

"Maybe, just maybe, this isn't goodbye," Alex said. "Maybe, I'm just leaving to go meet you. I don't know if you truly have reincarnated or not, but the girl with your physique is still out there, master."

"I promise I will find her. If it truly is you, I promise I will find you again, master."

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