Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1901 A New World

Chapter 1901 A New World

One moment Alex felt dragged into the sky and the very next moment he was hovering half a foot above a white marbled platform. He landed on the platform and quickly surveyed his surroundings.

The very first thing Alex experienced before even seeing anything else around him was the feeling of suppression. It wasn't just a suppression of his cultivation base, but also his senses and everything else.

He had been told this would be the case.

Because of the presence of higher forms of Qi such as Immortal Qi and Divine Qi in these realms, there were greater restrictions on what one could do with their strength.

It was said that this was a preventive measure to keep the realm intact. If Immortals and Divinities were allowed to use their entire strength, they would destroy the world.

Alex next sensed the strong and deep Qi that surrounded him. His body rejoiced at sensing it, something it wanted ever since he reached the Immortal realm.

Immortal Qi.

Only then did Alex see his surroundings. There were a few traditional buildings scattered in the distance, far away from the platform. Further than that, there were mountains in all directions, layers upon layers of them.

He was in some sort of a valley it seemed.

Alex was only thinking of getting off the platform when multiple senses all landed on him, checking for something. He could almost tell they were looking at his cultivation base.

Then, several people quickly flew out of the buildings he saw, arriving next to the platform within seconds.

Men and women gathered around the platform, waiting for him to get off.

Alex was confused at the moment as to what was happening exactly, but it didn't seem as though these were bad people. It appeared as though these people were in competition with each other for something.

'For me?' Alex thought. It seemed like it.

Alex finally got off the platform and gave a small bow to everyone. "Greetings, seniors."

"Young friend. Congratulations on reaching the Immortal realm. It is not that easy for someone coming from a lower world like yours," one of the many men said.

Alex raised an eyebrow. He wondered if they had a way to tell which world he teleported here from. On top of that, his cultivation base had to be a dead giveaway.

"You can tell I came from a lower world?" he asked them. He decided to pry some information out of them if he could.

"Of course, it's simple," a woman spoke. "Most people who have the right to use the Interrealm Teleportation formation are not so weak as you. It costs a fortune after all. And you have clearly just reached the Immortal realm."

"That and we can tell that you came from the 3rd Major Spirit World. The only way out of that world is to either use an Interrealm teleportation treasure, or more likely in your case, simply Ascend."

"I see. Thank you for enlightening me, seniors," he said and looked around. He was still confused about something. "May I ask why you have all come for me? Have people not come to this world in a while now?"

That reminded Alex. He didn't know what this world was. It would be helpful to know, but he didn't want to push for answers. These people were different from Bai Jingshen or Senior Yang.

"Since you have just ascended—"

"You must be without a background."

"It is suggested that you join a guild or sect quickly."

"Our Great River sect will take great care of you."

"No, our Fairy Heart sect is where you must come."

"Join our Thousand Visions sect instead."

All of the gathered people talked over each other, trying to get their words in instead of the others.

Alex was overwhelmed with names within moments, most of which he didn't even get to hear properly as people cut off each other too quickly.

They began handing out talismans one after another, all of which Alex had to grab lest he upset them in some way. He quickly looked at one of them and realized they were all advertisements for their sect or organization.

They all wanted him to join their group.

Alex hadn't been prepared for such a thing. He had not been told any of this would happen at all.

Two loud claps caught everyone's attention as a man hovered down from the sky. He wore a light blue robe and had a thick white mustache and beard on a bald head.

Alex sensed the man's aura but failed to tell just what realm he was in. He had no concept of Immortal strength, so it would take a while before he could tell what realm someone was in.

"Clear up. You have surrounded the young man long enough, give him some peace."

Alex realized the man's words werehaving an effect onthe group. They were dispersed with only a few remaining behind just to hand over their talisman before leaving.

Alex looked up at the man and bowed. "I thank you senior."

"No need to thank me. This is what I do," the man said. "I am Cai Dusong, the one in charge of newly ascended individuals like you."

"Speaking of which, Congratulations on reaching Immortality, young man. To reach such a realm at your age, you must be quite talented."

"Thank you, senior Cai."

"How old are you?" the man asked. "You cannot be older than 4000 years old."

Alex raised an eyebrow in surprise. "I have a few years before I reach 3000 years. How could Senior tell my age?"

"It's simple once you have seen Hundreds upon Hundreds of Immortals come through this platform every century. You get a knack for this sort of thing."

The man turned around and started walking away. "Follow me."

Alex quickly walked beside him, looking at the surroundings. He turned back toward the old man, as his words burned at his curious heart.

"Hundreds and Hundreds?" Alex asked. "From what I am aware, our world didn't produce many Immortals until recently. Is the frequency of Immortal Ascensions usually very high?"

"It's average, but you may call it high," the old man said. "You are from the 3rd Major Spirit realm, are you not? Yes, there haven't been many ascensions from your world, but contrary to what you may think you know right now. There are dozens upon dozens of Spirit Realms out there."

"I am responsible for telling you all about it at a later date though. For now, since you have just arrived, take your time and get acclimated to this world."

"There is a higher level of suppression in this world than you may have felt already. You need to get acclimated to this level of suppression if you want to continue your cultivation."

Alex nodded. "Speaking of that, senior Cai. Iwas meaningto ask you something if you would allow it."

"Go ahead."

"What is this world called?" Alex asked the old man.

"Oh, did those others not tell you?" the man asked. "Welcome to the Myriad Spirit realm. One of the best realms for newly ascended Immortals like you."

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