Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1927 Confess

Chapter 1927 Confess

Alex was flown away from his courtyard, directly over to the Elder's Hall. Throughout the entire way, he had continued trying to gain more information about this apparent crime he had committed, but to no avail.

These Elders either did not care enough to answer him,?or?they?were not allowed to tell him anything?at all?besides the fact that he had committed a crime.

So, Alex was still?completely?in the dark when he arrived at the Elder's Hall.

The three Elders immediately took him inside the pyramid building, taking him?2?floors above to a floor with no more than?10?different rooms, none too large.

Quite a few people were hanging around on these floors, both Elders and disciples.

Alex saw Liao Xumei sitting on one of the chairs in the hall, looking somewhat disgruntled by the entire thing.

Alex noticed another woman sitting not far from Liao Xumei. Among the sea of Elders, she was the only one who appeared close to being mistaken for one as she wore a robe very similar to them.

Based on her robes alone, Alex could tell that this woman was the third highest-ranking disciple in the sect, Yan Xuanwo. Or, more likely, she was the highest-ranking disciple of the sect.

Hei Tingxie.

If Alex had to bet, he would bet?that?she was the latter?one.

Liao Xumei looked up to see him and seemed to want to say something before looking the other way. The Elders pushed Alex along, sending him toward another room.

As Alex entered the room, he saw?5?different people sitting in a row, with 3 of those people looking the?exact?same.

These were the three Sect masters of the Poison Fighting sect. And?Alex was put?in front of them.

Alex sat on the empty chair, looking at the sect masters, none of whom seemed to hold a particularly interested look on their faces.

Alex waited for one of them to speak, but the person who spoke out was a slightly older woman with half a head full of gray hair. Her skin showed no wrinkles, but her age was?very clear?on it.

"Disciple Dawnblade, do you confess to the murder?" the woman asked, fury unkept from her voice. Her furious red eyes looked as though they wanted to murder him.

"Elder, I am not sure what you are talking about. I have not murdered anyone. I haven't even hurt anyone," Alex said.

"Do you confess or?do you?not?" the woman shouted again. This time, Alex could see things more clearly and saw traces of tears on the woman's cheeks that he hadn't noticed before.

"Elder, I have nothing to confess. I have not killed anyone," Alex answered again.


The woman lost it. The air thickened around Alex as the power radiating from her seemed to want to squeeze the truth out of him.

Alex struggled. He could feel his bones crushing within him, the muscles?being pressed?into those broken bones.

His body acted up, releasing hot power from within him to try and counter the power, but it?was unable to.?This?was more than just someone trying to keep him in place. This power was actively trying to crush him.

"First Elder!"

The power disappeared from around Alex upon a single word uttered by one of the three sect masters.

"Please, understand your place," another one of the sect masters spoke.

"This disciple is not yours to kill," the last one said.

The woman's face paled for a second before slowly nodding. "I'm… I'm sorry, Igot ahead of myself. But sect masters, you must understand that this disciple killed my son. He must pay for it."

Alex had no idea what the woman meant, but hearing that she was the First Elder of the sect did make him wonder justwhat hellhe had gotten himself into this time.

The last of the 5, a younger man sighed and spoke up. "FirstElder, you have to considerthe factthat your son made an honest mistake. There was nothing malicious about his death."

"Bullshit!" the woman shouted. "Don't you think it was convenient that the pill that was supposed to remove his poison did not work at all? And now we finally have the person whoapparentlymade that pill of his."

"Well, let us confirm that it wasinfacthim," the man said."Young man,was it you who madethe Nether Ice Immortal Poison antidote pill?"

As Alex listened tothe words thatthese Eldersspoke, it finally dawned on him just what had happened to her.

Bai Wanzhao had died, and from the sound of it, it had happened because the poison he had made did not work on him.

And as the person who made the pill, Alex was not considered a murderer.

Worst of all, from what he understood, Bai Wanzhao had been the son of the First Elder.Thiswas a horrible scenariofor Alex as someone with no backing at all.

"I made that pill for Senior Brother Bai Wanzhao," Alex said. "Did he…"

"See? He made the pill," the woman said.

"Elders, Sect Master, it was indeed me who made the pill. But making a pill that didn't work should not constitute me of being a murderer."

"I made a 57% pill, and Brother Bai had been aware of it when I gave it to him. Everything else was hischoice,and his fault."

"Shut it!" the woman turned toward him. "I've heard that you got into a fight with him. You must've killed him because of that."

"No, we got into a fight after I made the pill.Heattacked me because the pill came out to 57%. Even if I had any malicious intent after that, I could not have caused his pillsto not work."

The woman suddenly stood up and pointed at him. "So you do confess to having malicious intent regarding my son."

"No, I didn't—"

"That is not what he said, First Elder," the Elder to the side said. "From the looks of it, young Wanzhao was at fault for trying to take a poison that he wasn't sure his body could handle."

"You know damn sure that is not the problem here, Fang Xintao. Even if the pill was bad, a 57% pill should've removed most of the poison anyway. Yet the pill hadn't worked at all. This disciple must've done something."

"That is not the case, First Elder," Alexspoke up. "I had no reason to do anything of that sort. I had only just met Brother Wanzhao today. I had no reason to make a bad pill for him."

"We don't know that," the First Elder said. "For all I know, you could've been harboring hatred for him for a longtime,and only just got to enact your malicious acts on my son."

Alex was getting tired of the constant baseless accusations.

"I swear to the heavens that I did not kill or knowingly did something that led to Bai Wanzhao's death. I am innocent!"

The subtle fluctuations of energy in the air could not be mistakenat all.

Alex had spoken a heavenly oath, and he had not lied at all.

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