Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1942 Inside the Room

Chapter 1942 Inside the Room

Whisker remained in a corner of the hallway, completely hidden not just through his own concealment technique, but also through a small net of Heavenly Silkworm's silk that he now wore.

He was the one responsible for taking care of the silkworms inside the Demon Realm in Alex's Soul Space and had managed to collect a bunch of it already, which he had put to use.

He had prepared them for situations exactly like the one he was in at the moment.

Two men had left the house already, and finally, another woman had left as well. Once she was gone, Alex had given him an order. He was to see what the triplets remaining inside the house were going to do next.

Whisker saw the triplets walk out of the room they were in and walk to somewhere else. He wanted to follow, but he needed to be careful of the senses of an Immortal regardless of the types of concealment he was using.

He waited in the shadow, invisible, waiting for any sort of fluctuations of aura in the air. He didn't need his Spiritual sense for it. His whiskers were much better at catching the subtleties of the aura.

He waited for a decent amount of time before he finally felt a stir in the air. The dark and gloomy atmosphere around him got gloomier. He needed to move.

Whisker finally stepped out from the shadow, using no Qi whatsoever, and made his way toward the back of the courtyard, following his whiskers' information.

He quickly arrived at one part of the house that had more of a gloomy aura than normal and made his way toward there.

'Be careful!'

Alex's words flowed into him through their bonds.

Whisker replied. "I will."

He finally recognized the room that was the origin of the aura.

'That's the room that has more Death aura than normal,' Alex's words flowed in. 'Try and look inside without entering.'

Whisker did as told and slowly walked up to the door of the room. As he got closer, he began hearing voices, soft but clear.

"We agreed it was my turn this year," one of the three men inside the room said. His voice was mellower, with a sharp twang to the syllable at the end of every sentence.

Whisker could feel the fluctuations of the sound through his whiskers and tell the difference.

"We are down two dead disciples because Bai Ganzhou decided to kill the same one twice and failed. I should be the one given the opportunity this year," another one said.

This one had a sharper voice with a slightly higher pitch.

"I will refrain this year," the last one said. "You two can enjoy."

The last one spoke slower and had a much calmer tone.

Whisker managed to locate all three of them from the door. One of them had their back facing toward him, while the other two were obscured by the man, but they were still more than visible.

Whisker also saw two sets of legs sticking out from within the three. Two corpses. Both disciples.

Alex recognized part of Tai Guidao.

"Let us not delay," the one with the mellower voice said. He was the one sitting with his back facing the door. "One for each or do you want to share?"

"If you wish to give the girl to me, I don't mind doing one for each," the man with the sharper voice said. He was sitting opposite to the first man.

"Just share it," the man sitting adjacent to them, with a calm voice, said.

The other two nodded. "Her first. I think she is ready. The boy will have to wait for a bit longer."

Whisker felt slight fluctuations in the air as Tai Guidao's body was pushed away, keeping the girl in between them.

He couldn't see anything, but he could sense the aura at least. Whatever was happening, it was producing a tremendous amount of aura.

Alex could feel the aura too, and to his surprise, it wasn't just Death aura that was being released. There were other auras too, but since Death aura was all that he could feel, that was all he thought was present inside that house.

The aura fluctuated harder inside of that room and something glowed from the woman's body that Whisker simply could not see. All he could see was the glow on the face of the man sitting on the other side of the room.

He had his eyes closed while doing… something? Whisker could not see, and his senses gave him nothing important he could relay back to Alex. He simply did not know what was happening inside that room.

Whisker tried moving around the outside, tried looking for windows to see through, but nothing he did gave him a clear view of the situation.

Alex was following Whisker's vision too and couldn't see anything. Were they doing some sort of experiment on her corpse? Were they using some sort of technique?

He needed a better view, but Whisker couldn't get it for him.

All he could see was the glowing legs of the girl as it shined brighter and brighter.

Alex wondered for a while what the right move was here, and while he wondered that, the two men were done doing whatever they had done to the woman's corpse.

Whisker went to check on what had happened to her corpse and was shocked to see that her body wasn't there at all. Just moments before, it glowed with such power, but now there was no corpse.

"Aaaahh…" the man near the door let out a soft moan of satisfaction. "That was nice."

"Would've been nicer if we didn't have to share," the other one said.

"Don't worry, we'll go back to killing higher-ranked disciples soon. No more killing trash," the one with the calmer voice said.

"Speaking of trash, I think he's ready too," the man with the mellower voice said.

Tai Guidao's dead body was pulled in closer and lay before them, his torso disappearing in between them once again. Alex could not see anything,

'Whisker… once they begin, go in,' Alex ordered.

"But what if they catch me?" Whisker asked.

'We're hoping they won't,' Alex replied. 'If they do, try to see as much of what is happening as you can.'

"Okay, brother."

Whisker waited for Tai Guidao's body to glow, and as soon as it did, he went in.

Maybe because of his concealment, or because of the net on his body. Or maybe even because the triplets were lax with security inside of their own house, Whisker's intrusion went undetected.

Whisker quickly made his way to one side of the room from where he could see the three sitting on three of the four sides, with Tai Guidao's lifeless corpse at the center, slowly glowing.

All of what Whisker saw was seen directly by Alex on the other side.

Alex saw the glowing corpse and felt pained at seeing his friend that way. But when he ignored that painful image and focused on other things, it was only then that he finally saw what was happening inside of that room.

The glowing body of Tai Guidao produced motes of light that flew into the air. On either side of him, two of the sect masters were using a technique to draw in the light toward themselves, absorbing it.

They were cultivating using Tai Guidao's dead body.

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