Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1960 The Blue Silk Sect

Chapter 1960 The Blue Silk Sect

After thoroughly looking through the talisman about the Immortal worlds, Alex moved on to learn the rest of the information he had purchased.

He took out the package he had purchased, checking what sort of information he had received through it.

There were 4 different talismans, each one with a different set of knowledge.

The first one was a map of the entire world, and it included names of places and the distance between them. Alex had known how large this world was beforehand, but learning that a single one of the continents was almost as large as the Spirit world he came from was still stunning information.

It took him a moment to wrap his head around that information and process it. He looked through the three different maps, looking through to see where the major locations were.

In each one of the continents, the sect that ruled it was somewhere around the center. In the Blue Silk Continent, there ran a mountain range from the north of the continent, all the way to the south, which spanned thousands of kilometers across.

And the entire area belonged to the Blue Silk sect.

To say that this information shocked Alex would be an understatement. It was such a large piece of land that Alex couldn't even comprehend it properly, and yet it belonged to a single sect. Just how big was this sect?

Close by the mountain range, Alex saw the Oldbranch City, next to which the Twin Saber sect was named. There weren't many sects named in the map, including the Poison Fighters sect. Considering that, Alex concluded that the Twin Saber sect had to be a rather amazing sect.

He wondered why such a sect had to send their disciples around to gather new Immortals to pay to enter their secret realm.

He would know about that soon enough since he had the talisman for it.

The Rosesteel sect was also in a mountain range, but they didn't take even half the area that the Blue Silk sect took. As for the Spring Grass sect, their sect ground was quite small.

Alex wondered why that was. Would the next talisman have that information?

The next talisman included information about the various sects and families of the entire world, with the majority of the information being about the Blue Silk sect.

Alex had been looking forward to learning the Blue Silk sect's information, so he checked it immediately.

The Blue Silk sect was so old that its origin dated back to the time when the war was still in its initial phase. At that time, the Continent was apparently ruled by a royal family whose history had been lost to the annals of time.

Throughout the war, the Blue Silk sect had managed to cultivate such great talents that their influence grew more and more throughout the years and before anyone knew it, they became the defining sect of the continent.

They were also the only people at the time to make Blue Silk, created from the Blue Silk plants, which only they knew how to cultivate. By now, the information had spread throughout the continent, but the name stuck with only that sect.

'Blue Silk comes from a plant?' Alex thought. He closed his eyes and quickly thought of the Blue Silk plant, but there was no information about it in his mind.

Either the Blue Silk plant was not an alchemy ingredient, or it was something the Alchemy God did not know about.

That made him quite curious.

Alex went on to read about the many figures that the Blue Silk sect had managed to create over the years.

Daoist RedScion, Daoist Brightviper, and Daoist Pinklight were some of the more popular names. But, the most popular one of all that came from the Blue Silk sect was surprisingly Reverend Sixghost.

"Oh? He belonged to the Blue Silk sect first?" Alex thought. That made him more excited about the secret realm opening in 13 years. Just what sort of treasures would that place have?

'I wonder if I have the luck to find those sabers,' Alex thought. He continued reading.

The Blue Silk sect was divided into 2 sections. One was the core section which was the main sect. In fact, when someone referred to the sect, they referred to the main sect.

The cultivators in the main sect were some of the strongest this world had to offer. Even high-level Immortal cultivators were only disciples in the main sect, with every single elder being in the Divine realm.

And they weren't just any Divine realm cultivators, but only the most talented ones too.

The main sect was filled with monsters. No wonder it ruled over the entire continent. Alex wondered if the other two sects in the other continents were just as incredible.

The other part of the sect was the Outer sect, which was more of a group of employees working for someone, than an actual part of the sect. They employed people from all around the continent to uphold their laws.

It was no different from the sect having an army outside that worked for them.

To differentiate, the two sections wore different insignia on their robes. The main sect wore a bright thin blue leaf growing from a branch. The outer sect wore an insignia with a blue silkworm wrapped around the same branch but without the leaf.

Alex read more about the Blue Silk sect and began learning that only exceptional cultivators were taken in through thorough and rigorous tests. As it was, Alex had no chance of joining.

Fang Yuxie was correct in saying that he needed to be stronger in order to join them.

Alex put the talisman down, thinking. Would he not be able to join the sect then? As things stood, he had no intention of waiting to join the sect.

If he were to wait to grow stronger, it would take a long time, and he had every intention to leave this world long before that.

After some thought, Alex shook his head. He would take the sect's entrance test just to make sure he didn't give up without trying at least once.

If he didn't pass, then well… it didn't matter. He had many other avenues to leave the world for sure. He just had to find them.

He finished looking through the talisman, reading the many other sects and families that were around the world. If push came to shove, he could join one of these other sects.

Maybe they would take him in if the Blue Silk sect did not.

Still, reading the requirements of most of the high-ranking sects surprised Alex a bit too much. They all expected him to be above the Immortal Origin realm.

That sort of cultivation would take him centuries, if not more. Considering how slow his current cultivation speed was, that long of a wait was given.

'I should hope for the best and plan for the worst,' Alex thought. That was the only thing he could do in the end.

After reading through everything, Alex put down the talisman and read the next talisman which noted the geographical features and locations in the Blue Silk Continent.

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