Eternal Melody

Chapter 196 - Yet Another Rainy Day

It was on a rainy day where she discovered Sano cheating on her. She already suspected it before, but it was the first time for her, seeing it with her own eyes.

"Do you still see that secretary of yours?"

"Which one?"

"The one with the turquoise coloured hair."

"Ah, well occasionally I see her. But she isnt a business person anymore. She works in the entertainment circle. Perhaps you have heard of her? The mysterious cold beauty?"

"Alicia?" Sumire's eyes widened at that revelation.

"By the way she wasn't a secretary to begin with. It was just a ruse."

She did think the woman was too pretty. Somebody from the entertainment industry huh? What a coincidence. It seemed like the woman is an actress, no wonder she isn't too familiar with her.

"You knew about her?"

Sumire sighs. "Do you genuinely take me for a fool?"

Sano chuckled. "Well if you knew then you must have known she was my favourite."

She doesn't even know why they are talking about this. Her gaze fell on the stuff Sano wrapped around her arm. "I said I would trust you on this. But if you harm me in any way then Yuhi will have your head."

"I already know." Sano mumbled.

The last person Sumire expected to see was the very woman they were just discussing. She looked slightly older now and no longer wore her hair in the same hairstyle but Sumire immediately recognized her.

"San!" Alicia said angrily. "Didn't you say you would pick me up at the airport today?"

"I was on my way."

So this must be the reason why the hospital was closed. The reason why he was heading that way. But he stopped because of her? Sumire blinked. If he had prior engagements, he should have just rode off. It would have made no difference to her.

Alicia glanced over and sighed. "If you want to fool around you just have to wait for—" the girl paused in mid-sentence. "Ibuki Sumire?"

She slowly nodded her head.

The girl frowned and looked over at Sano. "What's going on? Why are you with.."

"Cia." Sano mumbled. "Go pack your things. I will explain it to you another time."

Sumire blinked when she heard the nickname escape his lips. Now this is surprising, he used a nickname? He must be fond of her then.

Alicia clearly wanted to stay but one look from Sano was all it took for her to leave. When the doors closed Sano sighed. "Sorry about that."

"She is.."

"My cousin."

Sumire blinked when she heard those words.

"I say that but she is actually adopted so we have no blood ties."

Ah-huh, so that's why he could do that? Then again she already learned that this man was capable of anything. He hurt her so badly when they broke up and yet still had the nerve to claim her as his.

"So, did you want to ask me if your child was affecting your ability?"

Sumire slowly nodded her head.

"If you recall what I said the last time I said the child protected you correct?"

Again she nodded.

"The little one seems to think that your powers are harmful."

Her sweat fell. This child in her stomach is smarter than her. "I wonder if there is a way to.."

"You want to use it?"

"Well with the current situation I am basically defenceless if something happens. Sure I have abnormal strength. But what good does that do against people with superpowers?"

Sano paused. "It's actually more effective than you think."

She was about to ask him what he meant by that when she felt her vision blur. A pounding sound appeared in her head. Sumire lost her balance and tilted sideways, but Sano quickly rushed to her side. He picked her up and sighed.

"Your more troublesome than before. But I guess thats why your more interesting now."

When Sumire woke up it was well past midnight. The first thing she did was pick up her phone and saw the numerous miss calls from Yuhi. Aaahh- what was she doing? She wanted to call back but the minute she clicked his name her phone went off.

"Already fretting about huh?" A familiar voice said.

The source of the voice did not come from the door but right beside her. Sumire turned and saw Sano, she immediately looked at her body and realized that she wore different clothes. "Liar!"

Sano sighed. "I only changed your clothes, we didn't do anything."

Even if that is the case, he shouldn't have done that. "Why did you stay beside me?" Sumire asked cautiously.

"You're the one who climbed here, not me."

Sumire blinked when she heard those words. She tried to recall it but her head hurt a lot. Not just her head but her right eye. Sano extended his hand out but she flinched.

"You were fine earlier, why are you afraid now?" Sano mumbled. But he slowly got up. Thankfully he was not fully naked, just his torso.

Sano returned to the bed and tossed a thermometer at her side. "Check."

"Okay." She was still cautious but did as he said. Sure enough when she took her temperature it showed a high number.

Sano frowned and laid her down. "Go to sleep."

"I need to call Yuhi but my phone."

"I called. That person who hung around you a lot in middle school, I think he was your classmate answered?"


"They are coming. But the heavy rain is causing problems. Stay put here until they arrive."

Stay put here with him? She acted all brave earlier on but as she suspected, she does not want to be alone with him in a room. Sumire tugged on the nightgown and tried to pull it down, but it was unfortunately too short.

"That dress probably doesn't fit you anymore."


Sumire looked at the outfit she wore and realized something, it was one of her outfits. Now this is a surprise he kept some of her belongings? Sumire thought he would throw it out. After all she did the same. Who would have thought that he would keep it? She truly does not know anything about this man.

"I've grown a lot."

Mamoru made sure she ate a lot, and Ren often cooked for her.

Sano was still watching her and she felt very uncomfortable. Why isn't he saying anything? Why is he looking at her like that?

"By the way," Sano broke the silence. "You suspect me don't you?"

"I do."

"Then I guess I should just tell you up front. Yes I am involved in the underground world."

"Ah, mystery solved."

Sano sighed. "They helped out a lot when I lost your support."

Sumire rolled her eyes at that comment. Why does it sound like he is blaming her? Does he not remember the reason why he lost her support in the first place? Their break up destroyed her. But after she got to know Ren she cheered up. First she made sure to contact all the people she introduced Sano too, second she made a list of the investments she helped him with. It took awhile but she managed to take everything from him.

After she did that, Sano turned to the underworld? No, Sumire shook her head. No matter what the occasion is he would never resort to that. Somebody must have approached him.

"Why didn't you ask Alicia for help?"

Sano sighed. "That's another story." She watched as he took out a lighter and packet of cigarettes.

"You still smoke?"

"Occasionally." He trailed off. "You should get some more rest before your companions come."

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