Eternal Melody

Chapter 317 - Never Part 9

He understood it. The reason why the guys in Nanairo feather are so important to her is not because of Ichinose Arashi alone.

"Mimi, your desire to make people happy with your songs is because of Nanairo feather, isn't it?"


Huh? She didn't realize it?

"The words you said earlier, I don't think you realized. But you said something similar back then, too, that just listening to them sing and seeing their smiles make you happy. That it's all, you need. Doesn't that mean the reason you debuted was because their music inspired you?"

At that comment, she exclaimed."I see! So that's it!"

His sweat dropped; she didn't know? Quite some time has passed since he has last seen traits of her clumsy personality.

"No wonder. It makes sense now. It feels like I just discovered something amazing! Thank you for helping me figure it out, Kou. When I spoke with Masaru-senpai earlier, I kept thinking about how comfortable I was and how I immediately felt better. I get it now."

"I hope you can write an amazing song for me now."

"That's why I came here. Initially, I planned to just slip it into the mailbox and leave. But, I realized that would do nobody any good." Sumire pulled some paper out of an envelope.

Kou's eyes widened when he received it.

At the top left-hand corner, it said.

Composer: Ibuki Sumire and Terashima Yuhi

"Mimi, this--"

"I haven't been in a good state recently." Sumire sighed deeply. "It feels like all my emotions are going crazy. You know how long it takes me to get back on my feet when I am like this."

"So you asked.."

Kou couldn't believe it. This girl has never asked anybody to help with her composing before. Not even Arashiyan or Daiki. So how did Terashima manage to- an image of the two's interaction appeared in his head. Why should this surprise him?

Even though there is still something wrong with their relationship, he has not seen Mimi this happy in so long.

"Then tomorrow night, invite Terashima to my concert too."


Following night - X Stadium -

The lights, the music, and the sound of the crowd. How many times has he seen this scenery already? Yet, there is something different now.

His gaze flickered onto the backdrop that said his song's title; underneath was who composed the song.

He heard many people whispering backstage already. But the reactions from the audience were something else.

Good grief, that couple is a handful. But he is somewhat grateful. Kou took a deep breath before he walked onto the stage and started to sing.

"The glow of the buildings dissolved into the night sky.

As your eyes suddenly welled up with tears

If the appearance of adults must burden us,

There is no way we can conduct ourselves well.

The nightscape's chandelier is so cruel.

It seems to spark a man's true intentions.

For discovering the real me,

What kind of miracle should I give you?

Still unfinished, this dream blossoms

Deep within my heart… Like a shining star

Lighting the love in my dormant heart,

Warmed by the words, "You're fine as you are"

A kiss for your innocent smile." Kou sang.


He expected Terashima to be waiting with her. But instead, he only found her there.

"I always thought you were amazing, Mimi. I knew from the start that you would find a way to surprise anyone with your songs. But I never thought that you'd even surprise me."

Who would have thought that she would write a song like that? Is it because of Terashima?

"I told you to write a song that makes people happy because it suits my cheerful persona. Instead, you wrote a song regarding feelings of love. Did you know from the beginning about me too?"

"Well, I suppose."

She was trying to act brave, but Kou could see how nervous she was.

Kou laughed. "Sorta? How did you find out?"

"You're indirectly flirting with me from the start."

Is that how it was?

"Still, you are amazing. Right now, you're in the middle of a slump. However, I am sure that you're already slowly putting all the pieces together what you're missing, what you have to do, and who is the most important. Like I said before, you don't have to separate it since all of it is important to you. The feelings and emotions you put in your singing, your smiling face is something I've always liked."

He reached over and placed his hat on her head, confusion evident in her eyes. A moment like this is the perfect time for it—the perfect time to say those words.

But if he says it now. Then she will end up having such an expression on her face as she did before. That's something he really does want to prevent as much as possible. However, if he doesn't say it now, then this opportunity will vanish.

"I love you."

To his surprise, Sumire's colored. She seemed oddly flustered.

Why is she so surprised? If she figured it out, isn't it only natural for him to say it? Or maybe she didn't expect him to say it?

Ah gee, then he really didn't have to go ahead and put on some sort of false bravado. Well, he supposed his profiling skills really can still use some work. After all, learning to read her is somewhat of a complex matter. Regardless, the reason he is going through these complications is because it is to do with Sumire.

He winks. "Just kidding."

"I see." Sumire nodded. "You know so much has changed since we first met. It was a real disaster at the start."

His sweatdropped. "Just hearing you mention that is giving me nightmares of that time."

It was a mess. He didn't think the four of them could get along, let alone become a group. Yet from the very start, Kou didn't want to give it up.

Sumire chuckles softly. "It's fine. Experience makes a person after all." She trails off. "Right, it's because of all your experiences together that you're able to shine brightly now. All those experiences shaped who you are now. But that doesn't necessarily mean you have solved all the issues. It is a cycle. You will keep going round and round in circles. But one day in the future, that cycle will stop."

"That's true. I didn't think we could remain a group. It was chaotic, you know? It was chaotic. But without those experiences, we probably wouldn't be as close as we all are now. And the one who knew that it would end up like this is your darling."

It was quite some time ago. But Terashima gave him some advice last year.

"Yuhi did? What did he say?"

Just mentioning Yuhi makes her this happy, eh? He's been far too preoccupied with his matters to even think of intervening in your relationship. But his feelings for her haven't changed. In fact, despite him being busy. Kou knew that his feelings for this girl had gotten a lot stronger.

His feelings are still here. But unlike the others, he isn't going to try and ponder what to do with them.

Just now, he jokingly confessed. But he will not go further than this. He has feelings for her, yes, but he never thought about being with her.

It's not like he is content with just being friends. But it never crossed his mind. To have more than what he has now.

It's never crossed his mind to gain an alternative ending and obtain his form of happiness. After what happened back then, he never thought to obtain happiness.

His thoughts break off when he found Sumire staring at him again. Staring aside….why is she doing it directly in front of him? Is she not aware of the rules regarding personal space?

"Uh, Mimi?"

She doesn't respond and continues staring at him from up close. After ten minutes, she finally pulled back.

"Hmm, I got it. You're hungry, aren't you?"


"Ah! I knew it. Of course, you are; you had to do all your jobs alongside Ran-chan. I made too much earlier, so do you want some?" Sumire said, producing a bento box out of her bag.

He didn't get a chance to tell her she was wrong. Since Sumire quickly started setting things out on the benches.

Kou blinked. Well, it won't do any harm in going along with it. Now that she mentions it. He hasn't eaten since earlier, so he probably is hungry.

He looked up at the skies... It's okay for him to enjoy this, just for a little while longer without feeling guilty, is it?

It's okay isn't it? Just a bit of happiness. He won't be selfish and ask for anything more than this. He won't do something like that when she is suffering right now.

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