Evil Samurai In Cultivation World

Chapter 146: Delusions Of Grandeur

Chapter 146: Delusions Of Grandeur

"So the only other reason was to test you," Senior Beldon said and Claude nodded his head. "You're most probably right about that." After all, that was the whole point of the contest. The whole sparring contest was a way for Claude to prove to the Headmaster and to the Grand Astral Faction that he was a worthy addition to their team. 

"But to not interfere even after my opponent had cheated.." Claude murmured under his breath. "You're not exactly making it easy to trust you, Headmaster." Claude wasn't so sure before, but he was sure now, that no matter what happens, he and the Headmaster wouldn't be able to trust each other. But right now, the Headmaster held more power and had control over him. Claude knew that this had to change. 'I'll play this game to survive, Headmaster..' He said to himself. 'But don't make the mistake of trusting me, for it won't end well for you.'

"Next match! Leroy Wayne vs Ray Walker!" Elder Kenneth's announcement entered their ears, and they turned to look at the entrance of the infirmary. 

"Oho! It's going to be a good match!" Senior Beldon turned to Claude and said. "Don't you want to watch it? You might end up fighting the winner of this match. So it'll help if you study the fight and learn their techniques and patterns." 

"... Alright, sure." Claude nodded his head after thinking about it for a few seconds. Senior Beldon didn't know that Claude had already received all the information he needed describing both Leroy Wayne and Ray Walker's fight styles and techniques from the Headmaster himself, and he definitely wasn't intending on revealing this information right now. 

'And plus' Claude placed his hand on his chin. 'It's much better to get a good look at the fight styles and techniques myself rather than completely trusting the data given to me by someone whom I can barely trust.'

Claude and Senior Beldon exited the infirmary and made their way to the spectator stands.

"Oh? Well, well, well Look who it is!" As they were walking, they were stopped by a voice coming from behind them. Both Claude and Senior Beldon turned around to find Russell Davies leaning against the wall and smiling devilishly, and standing next to him was Javier Banderas, who simply looked at Claude and then turned his attention back to the arena.

"Senior Russell," Claude said with a smile as he slightly bowed his head. Senior Beldon simply waved his hand once. "I thought you would be practicing for your next match." Claude said.

Russell Davies snorted in response. "I could say the same thing about you, and yet here you are, wandering around the spectators stand." 

"For your information, I am here to take notes on the two fighters that's about to enter the arena." Claude said as he pointed his hand at the arena. "After all, one of them could definitely be my future opponent." 

"Well, what a coincidence," Russell said with a grin. "I was about to do the same thing." 

"Good." Claude said, his innocent smile still plastered on his face, and Russell nodded his head. "Good." 

Senior Beldon was watching what was happening and shook his head. He then shifted his gaze towards Javier, who felt his eyes on him and turned his head to meet his gaze. Senior Beldon nodded his head and said, "I'll defeat you the next time we meet." 

Javier didn't reply for a few seconds, which made Senior Beldon think that he was being ignored, but right then, Javier nodded his head and said bluntly. "Alright, sure." 

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Didn't Mister 'Senior' over here get beaten by Javi in the second round?" Russell Davies, who noticed the interaction between Senior Beldon and Javier Banderas, decided to chime in with a tease, and Senior Beldon turned to look at him with an annoyed expression. 

Tch! Javier, who clicked his tongue in frustration, turned his gaze back to the arena, and saw that the two cultivators had now entered the field. 

"The fight is starting," He said softly, and everyone's gazes turned to the arena. 

In the Arena...

Both Ray Walker and Leroy Wayne walked towards the centre of the field z where Elder Kenneth was waiting for them. 

"Warriors, bow your heads!" Elder Kenneth yelled as soon as the two reached the centre, and the two contestants immediately lowered their heads as soon as the Elder spoke.

"This isn't going to be a repeat of last time." Ray Walker said as he bowed his head and Leroy Wayne simply snorted in response. Ray ignored Leroy's dismissal of his words and continued, "I hope you still have that same attitude after you lose." 

"... Alright, sure. Keep dreaming, Ray!" Leroy snickered as he raised his head after he finished bowing, staring at Ray's face with disdain in his eyes. 

"Warriors, step back!" Elder Kenneth ordered, and the two contestants exchanged one last staredown before turning around and walking back in opposite directions to their respective spots.

Elder Kenneth looked at the two, and after making sure that they were both in the correct spot, he nodded his head and yelled out, "Contestants! Assume your battle stance!" 


Ray immediately summoned his long spear, while Leroy simply let out a snicker and raised both of his fists right up to his chest, and all of a sudden, countless thin silver coloured threads began to pop out of his arm, binding together to form a silver coloured coating over his hands that amplified his aura!

"Hold on a minute! Is that the Silver Glove technique that Leroy's using?!" 

"My god! I thought it was too hard to learn! To think that he was able to master the silver glove technique!" 

"It seems Ray Walker is done for this time. If the result of the match wasn't exactly obvious before, it definitely is now!" 

The cultivators in the spectators stand began to whisper amongst themselves as soon as they saw the silver binding on Leroy's hands, debating whether or not he was going to win this fight, and most people agreed that Leroy, with the Silver Glove Technique in his arsenal, had to be the victor of the match.

"Brother..." Eva Walker, who was standing next to the field, watched her brother with fear and frustration in her eyes. She bit her lips and murmured to herself, 'You can do this, brother!'

Leroy stared at his opponent with a smug smile on his face. "Do you really think that you'll be able to change the result of this match? Or are you just delusional?" 

Ray Walker, who had a surprised expression on his face, immediately returned to his indifferent expression and he said, "No fight has a predetermined winner. Like I said, I won't let this be a repeat of last time, and I am going to stand by my words!"

Leroy snorted and with an arrogant smile, he said, "Very well! I thought that you'll finally stop being delusional, but this works as well. I'll make sure to have fun destroying your little dream world and forcing you to face the harsh reality!" 

Elder Kenneth looked at both of the contestants and yelled out, "Start!"


As soon as Elder Kenneth finished speaking, Leroy stomped his foot on the ground, causing it to shake violently, and he shot off towards Ray Walker with the speed of a lightning bolt!

"Take this!" Leroy yelled as he flung back his arm, winding up his fist in order to land a powerful punch on his opponent. 


Before Leroy's fist could collide with Ray, he spun his spear in the middle of the air, and all of a sudden, his figure disappeared from everyone's views.


The fist only struck the air, which sent a powerful burst of air towards the spectator stands, even forcing a few younger cultivators back a few steps, and they were astonished by how powerful the attack really was, even though it struck absolutely nothing!

But where was Ray Walker?

"Look up! He's up there!" One of the younger cultivators pointed at the sky as he spoke, and everyone tilted their heads and looked up. 


Ray Walker was floating in the air upside down, right above Leroy, with his spear pointing downwards.

"One strike!" Ray Walker placed his mouth next to the spear and whispered softly. 


All of a sudden, a bright light enveloped the arena, and Ray Walker, along with his spear, transformed into a stream of light and shot down towards Leroy, who tilted his head up right in time for him to witness the attack!

"Oh no you don't!" Leroy gritted his teeth and he immediately flipped horizontally in the air just before the attack hit him.


The stream of light glided right past his face, only lightly grazing it as it shot towards the ground.


As the stream of light passed by him, Leroy stretched out his hand mid-air and grabbed at the light from the side, which resulted in a loud explosion.

"Ugh!" As soon as his hand collided with the stream of light, Ray Walker became visible, who had his neck tightly gripped by Leroy's giant hands.

"Like I said, nothing's going to change!" Leroy said with a smug look on his face as he pulled back his other hand and swung his fist right into Ray's face, and another burst of air shot out from the arena and onto the spectator stands!


Ray Walker fell on to the ground, unconscious, and Leroy Wayne raised his hand in the air with an arrogant expression as the crowd went wild!

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