Evil Samurai In Cultivation World

Chapter 150: A Short Scuffle

Chapter 150: A Short Scuffle

Right after he landed his hit, Claude's body disappeared from everyone's view once again, and reappeared right next to the falling Eva. Eva wanted to defend against the attack. She wanted to win and move on to the next round, to face Leroy and defeat him. But she couldn't even move a muscle. She could only watch helplessly as Claude smiled at Eva, right before punching her in the face!

Eva crash landed right in the middle of the arena, and an enormous amount of dust and debris flew out, causing the spectators who were standing near the arena to have to step back a few steps in order to not get engulfed by the dust storm. Claude walked out of the dust storm and raised his katana high up in the air as the crowd erupted into cheers!

Elder Kenneth walked up to the unconscious Eva, and after making sure that she was not in critical condition, he walked over to Claude, raised his hand, and declared, "The opponent has been knocked out! Claude Rayforth wins!"

The crowd's cheering only became even louder as the Elder announced the results. The Grand Astral Faction members who hated the fact that both Claude and Wilfred Beldon were given the chance to be a part of their faction all had sour expressions on their faces. They certainly weren't expecting this to happen. And now that they knew Claude was extremely powerful, they realized that they wouldn't even be able to express their hatred for him; not unless they wanted to get on his bad side.

And the disciples who weren't exactly mad about Claude and Wilfred Beldon entering their faction were now excited about the fact that they had a powerful genius among their top ranks, which would prove to be extremely useful in order to claim the victory of their academy in the Golden Crown tournament.

Claude waved his hands at the spectators with a gleeful smile plastered across his face. 

Elder Kenneth waved his hands at the servants, who immediately dashed towards the arena, picked up the unconscious Eva Walker and dragged her out of the field. 

"With this, we've finally reached the semi finals of the contest!" Elder Kenneth stepped forward and stomped his foot on the ground, and every single one of the disciples turned silent in an instant. "We'll continue the next round of the contest after a short break. After all, it is already noon!"

He then clapped his hands together, causing a ripple of spiritual energy to burst out and shoot towards the spectator stands, and everyone flinched. "Do not make a scene just because you've been given a break. Use the time you've been given wisely and carefully. Do you understand?"

Gulp. Everyone nodded their heads in unison, and Elder Kenneth smiled, looking satisfied.

Claude snickered in his mind. This man certainly was an interesting person! Of course, he didn't mind having a strict elder. He actually preferred strict people rather than those who were more laid back.

Elder Kenneth stepped off the arena, and Claude did the same as well. 

"Junior brother Claude!" As he was walking, he heard someone calling for him and turned around. It was, of course, his Senior brother, Wilfred Beldon, who was walking towards him alongside Senior Russell Davies and Senior Javier Banderas!

Claude stopped walking and turned around, waiting for the group to approach them. 

"Well, well, well. Junior brother Claude Rayforth..." Russell Davies approached Claude with a smug smile on his face, and Claude raised his eyebrows. Senior Beldon merely shook his head and Javier had an indifferent expression on his face.

"What is it, senior brother Davies?" Claude asked with an innocent smile, and Russell Davies held down the urge to roll his eyes. "It looks like we'll be meeting each other on the battlefield soon enough..." He said, grinning as he spoke. "I'm going to enjoy fighting against you in the arena, so you better be ready for me!"

"Well, that is if you don't encounter Javier in the semi finals!" Claude said as he looked at him. Russell groaned loudly and looked at Javier as well, who simply shrugged his shoulders. Russell groaned again and turned his gaze back to Claude. "You really think I'll lose to Javier?"

"I thought you two had fought before." Claude replied, and Russell nodded his head. "We may have."

"And I also heard that you lost." Claude said and Russell rolled his eyes. "That doesn't mean that I'll lose again."

He then pointed his finger at Claude and said, "Just be ready to fight me, alright?"

"Alright, sure." Claude nodded. 

"Good." Russell nodded his head, looking satisfied. "Well, why don't we grab some lunch? I'm starving."

Claude raised his eyebrows and looked at Senior Beldon, who shrugged his shoulders. He then turned to look at Russell, and let out a sigh. "Alright. I guess we do have time."

------------- EVIL SAMURAI IN CULTIVATION WORLD -------------

Dawsbury city. Inside the Barnacle Inn.

"Gaston, what plan next?" Barris scratched head and looked at Gaston, who was sitting on his chair, thinking to himself. He looked like he was deep in thought.

"Gaston?" Barris asked again, and Gaston raised his hand and gave him a nasty look, ordering him to be silent. "Quiet, you idiot. Can't you see that I'm thinking?"

"But plan?" Barris lowered his head and spoke softly. Gaston snorted in response. "I know, you dumba**. I don't need a fool like you to remind me that I have to think of a plan to retrieve the White Dragon's tooth. That's what I'm doing this very instant, so do not disturb me when I'm concentrating."

"... Okay Gaston." Barris replied as he pouted, and Gaston shook his head. "I swear, he's getting dumber and dumber every single day..." He murmured to himself.

Just then..

"Wait! Hold on," Gaston, who had been thinking quietly until now, raised up from the chair with his eyes wide open and looked out the window. He then began to sniff loudly, inhaling as much air as he could.

"Aha! The scent has now gotten incredibly close. Which means he's in the city right now!" Gaston's eyes widened with surprise before a sly grin appeared on his face. "Whoever stole the White Dragon's teeth decided that it would be safe for them to exit their precious little academy. Looks like we can get a good look at who our little thief really is."

Gaston walked up to Barris and slapped him hard on his back, causing him to flinch and look up to him. "Get up. We have to leave quickly." Gaston said with a serious expression and Barris immediately stood up. He then tossed a bottle to Barris, who looked at it with curiosity in his eyes.

"It's an aura reduction medicine." Gaston explained as he opened the door and stepped out. "It'll mask our aura and which would not alert our little thief about our arrival. Don't worry, it's not temporary."

Barris looked at the medicine for a few more seconds before walking out of the room, ingesting the medicine as they walked.


Riverside Restaurant, Dawsbury city.

"I'm telling you guys, this is one of the best restaurants in the whole city." Russell Davies said as he opened the front door and stepped in, followed by Claude and the rest.

"Good afternoon, master Russell." One of the servants came forward as soon as they saw Russell and the rest entering the building and bowed their heads. He motioned them towards an empty table and they all sat down, and ordered their meals.

"Someone's watching us." Before they could relax however, Javier leaned forward and spoke with a serious expression, and the rest of them also turned serious.

"I can sense it as well." Claude said, but he didn't turn his head. "The aura they're projecting is extremely powerful." He said. "This person, he's not even hiding his strength."

Claude came to the conclusion that the person emitting the aura must be somewhere around the seventh rank of the sky realm.

"What should we do?" Senior Beldon asked. "Are we planning on fighting this person together, as a team?"

"No." Javier shook his head and then turned his head around, scanning the restaurant for someone. His eyes landed on a large, muscular bald man wearing a long black trench coat and a giant sword on his back, and said, "I know this guy. He's here for me."

He got up from the table as he spoke. "Step back. I'll finish this. Alone." The bald man made eye contact with Javier, and he waved his hand at him, smiling as he did so. Javier on the other hand, still had a serious expression on his face as he walked towards the bald man.

"Well, well, well..." Far away from the restaurant, lying on the roof of a building, was Gaston, who was surveying Claude and his group using a spyglass. "I thought our thief was just a student who was quick on his feet. But this sheep might turn out to be a lion cub."

A smile crept up on his face as he spoke. "This hunt is going to be more interesting than I thought."

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