Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 80: Great Sundering Rock Monster

Chapter 80: Great Sundering Rock Monster

Candy Kid sat on a throne made of Candy while he learned about Harvard's current predicament from a henchmen that belonged to the Monsoon Kraken.

Harvard had a vast network spying on his party, which included over 100 Secret Crabs, 10 Hidden Boulder Crabs, and 3 Invisible Floating Cloud Sharks. In exchange for Candy Kid agreeing to 'work' with the Monsoon Kraken, this was one part of the deal he asked for.

The other part of the deal was to help locating the ten other relatives. It turned out, that Candy Kid, who thought his mom only left at night on her father to work, actually had an entire other family! With that family, she had six children with two different men! It was extremely complicated, but all those children had also been turned into haze by King Yama! 

Each of the clouds of haze was in one of the other continents. He was the one in Central Continent, his sisters were in West Continent, and his brothers were in North and South Continent. He really didn't want to help the Monsoon Kraken, but he also really wanted to meet his family members! As such, he agreed not to participate in the battle for this information, and he also got a lot of candy! He tried to suck away the sadness from a lollypop, but it made his tongue blue which made him sad!

'Damn it! If only-if only my mother didn't sleep with men in secret! No wonder my father died! He must have found out, and then gotten killed by one of her other secret boyfriends!'

Candy Kid looked around in the throne room he was in, made completely of candy, and nodded his head. Once the Monsoon Kraken got destroyed by Harvard, he'd still get that information! He might have to fight Harvard for a little while, but in the agreement it never said he had to fight him with all his strength!

'I don't get it. The only way the Monsoon Kraken would be able to talk to King Yama, and find that information out, is if they're somewhat related,' Candy Kid shook his head, 'However, that doesn't make sense. Why would King Yama tell him something about me!


An alarm went off around Candy Kid and he immediately looked up and saw a television. Thousands of crabs were running to their battle stations while the Monsoon Kraken appeared on the screen. He looked terrified! Like he just found out the worst news of his life.

"Everyone, this is serious! Hamlord has just gone into the Great Sealed Dungeon! One sixteenth of All forces, head to the Great Sealed Dungeon Mountains and prepare to attack him when he leaves! That man in that dungeon must never be allowed to leave alive!"

"Hmph, I knew Harvard would figure something out." Candy Kid smiled while he looked at the picture of his sister in West Continent. "Mom, I'll say this. I'll find our family and unite it, even though you didn't! I'll grow up and be big and strong, unlike father, who you cheated on visciously! I'll be the best son to Hamlord that I can be!"


Harvard had no idea an entire battalion was coming towards him because of the fear the Monsoon Kraken felt towards the Great Dungeon Designer.

However, he was already in a bit of a bind. The large furry boss that they had to fight was incredible. It had nearly infinite defense with no attack. It was the strangest boss he ever fought.

[Great Furry Conqueror]

[Level 55]

[His Vitality is over 900,000,000!]

[Has very little attack, but is just meant to keep out intruders by stalling him with his large body! Beware of its large blade! If it hits you, its attack will do triple damage, which might be enough to cause a cut!!]

'Such an annoying boss!' Harvard hit the boss and seemed to be the only one in the group that did more than -1 Vitaly. He did an entire 100 Vitality of damage because of Gap Pierce.

However, the boss also healed fast, so he was almost impossible to destroy! Luckily, it was 11:59 AM! Soon, him and Great Styles should be able to spring into action!

"HAHAHHA! I'm undefeatable!" Great Furry Conqueror got hit back towards the edge of the platform. "And don't think I don't know what you're trying to do! You're trying to push me off!"

"I got this!" Great Styles screamed and used a hammer he had to slam into Great Furry Conqueror's blade! "Harvard, go up ahead! Everyone go up ahead! This is my chance to develop! My chance to shine!"

"I agree," Tilly's bleached blonde hair spun behind her while her beautiful body glowed. She looked so pretty that Snow Lilly almost fumbled her wand while the poorly built stage started to fall apart.

The stage seemed to have a weight limit, and if the entire guild stayed on it too long, the boss and them would die! Seriously, what an annoying boss! The real problem isn't it, but if you don't kill it fast enough, you fall into the abyss and die a slow death!

"Fine! Let's go!" Harvard screamed, "Hmph, however, this will now mean both Harvest King and Great Styles are left behind! We-we can't make any more foolish mistakes!"

"Hmph, just go!" Great Styles began to grow larger since it just turned 12 PM. "HAHAHA! You ready big boy! You ready to see my grow larger!"

"Hmph, did you think you guys were the only ones that had a special class that activated at 12 PM?" Tilly began to unbutton her shirt a few buttons before her chest began to rapidly swell. "I-I'm embarrassed, but I have a hidden class that you boys could never ever master. It's called the Difficult Swollen Two handed class. It-it makes my butt and boobs swell, okay! Stop looking at me like that!"

"I-I've never seen something so beautiful in my life,' Snow Lilly dropped her weapon and looked into Tilly's body getting larger at every possible curve. "Wow, Harvard, her boobs are even bigger than mine!"

"Enough!" The Great Furry Conqueror stepped back and then slashed out with its blade. "None of you can leave! I'm the ultimate obstacle!"

"Take this! Helmet Bash!"Great Styles hit the Great Furry Conqueror with his head before the later took off into the air. His body instantly shot off the platform and fell down below. A scream could be heard for several minutes before a 'plop' followed.

Some blood curdling scream may have also been part of the scream, but they couldn't tell.

[Great Furry Conqueror has been defeated]

[You've gained 1,200,000,000 experience]

[You're all going to level up]

[Doesn't it feel good?]

[Hamlord has leveled up to level 50!]

[You've unlocked the new Midnight Ruler Skill, Vanishing Step]

[You can now vanish three steps back to where you were previously in order to dodge an attack. Doesn't work if you just jumped or someone is behind you where you were previously stepping.]

'Ugh, feels good man,' Great styles smiled and pointed at Harvard, 'Hahaha! Harvard, now top that! I think I owe a compliment! I think-I think you owe me a talk with my wife!"

"Let's go," Tilly said, "It's Hamlords's turn to command the battle this time. Tilly attempted to cover her chest before a button flew off. "Ugh, and stop staring! I know it's a weird class, but at least It's effective right! Did you see the boss look in my direction, and then fall?!"

"That's not why it fell," Harvard shook his head, "Anyways, let's get serious guys! Let's go!"


Harvard killed the most ridiculous monsters ever until he came across a small treasure room on the 90th staircase. There were roughly 1000 staircases, and he figured 10 bosses. By the time they left this dungeon, he might really be able to get his third class.

[Warning! The dungeon has been breached by the Monsoon Kraken. 1 / 16th of his army has been sent to kill you!]

[Please make your way down the dungeon as fast as possible in order to survive. Time until you get killed by the Monsoon Kraken's army, 5 hours. Make it to the bottom in that time, or you're dead!]

'I'm confused, I thought dungeons could only have adventurers?!' Harvard scratched his head and ignored his worries while he decided to walk into the treasure room. There was a treasure room after every boss, and Harvard just so happened to spot a small creature that made his eyes shimmer. "Anyways, let's get the treasure real quick, and then rush down the stairs! I-I only have 4 more minutes with Magnificent Noon Ruler activated!'

"And you chose it to get a treasure?" May Tape smiled before she popped three more balloons with smiley faces that gave them 5,000,000 experience. "What do you see that's making you so excited?"

"A monster in a cage." Harvard smiled, "And I'm hoping it has good abilities. Something has to change now that Candy Kid isn't on our side! I need some new powerful type of ability!"

Harvard smiled and walked over to the caged beast as it growled and released smoke from its mouth! Whatever it was, it seemed really useful!

[Great Sundering Rock Monster]

[Useful skills: Evaporate]

[Warning: information on Great Sundering Rock Monster is incomplete! There may be some complications with absorbing this monster!]

'I'll take the risk!' Harvard told the girls with him to turn around because he had to pee and took out the Evolution Cage. "Now, come to papa! Let's see what you're made of!"

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