Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 367 367: Queen’s Punishment

Chapter 367 Chapter 367: Queen's Punishment

Sorry for the delay, The golden ticket bonuses will be posted tomorrow.


With such a mindset, he immediately led the tens of thousands of Ashen soldiers, who had just won a series of victories and were as majestic as their leaders, brimming with pent-up frustration ready to be vented, to attack the Succibus's Enchantment Forest.

Facing the battle-hardened Ashen Army, along with its leader, who had become a legend in battle, the Succubi's resistance was almost symbolic, quickly surrendering.

However, to the outrage of gods and men alike, when he reached the Succubus Queen and saw her, more mature and alluring than the then-green Lena, sitting provocatively on her throne with her legs crossed as if waiting to be captured, he just... just... wanted to?capture her, throw her into the dungeon, and that was it.

The reason being, the Succubus Queen was a "non-contractible" character, these types of characters have almost no interaction options with the player, categorized as bystanders.

Even Lena, who as a Succubus once provided him with many "fourth options" and contributed a lot to him, lost those bizarre choices after being contracted by him, becoming a contractor herself.

This indeed was one of Renji's major regrets in the game.

It had nothing to do with whether the Succubus Queen was sexy or not, but purely because this wicked woman dared to treat Lena like that, playing them for fools, attempting to sit back and profit from their turmoil. Not teaching her a severe lesson would leave his heart filled with unresolved hatred.

Thinking of this made Renji itch with a bit of eagerness.

Especially when combined with the experiences he had with Lena in the "secret room", understanding now that the Succubi use such moments with him to recreate "memory points" from the past to increase their influence in the world and stabilize their existence.

So, after filming the penultimate episode of "Enchanting Body,"?with a dramatic sequence of the Ashen, Renji quickly headed to the Sin Tower.

It was the familiar procedure.

The Succubus staff member at the front desk, already waiting for him, handed over the room key. This time, the number on the key was 0809, room nine on the eighth floor.

Upon inserting the key and pushing open the door, Renji paused, showing a look of surprise.

Because in this "secret room", the diary on the desk, unlike before, wasn't open for him to browse through but was closed.

Conversely, the pink secret door leading to the basement, which previously only opened after reading the diary, was already open this time.

'Was the order reversed?'

'This time, is it that one must go through the "basement" before reading the diary?'

As Renji quickly walked towards the secret door and his figure disappeared into it, once his consciousness cleared, he found himself, just as he imagined, now in the Enchanting Forest.

[Master Renji, the cleanup is complete. The Succubi have completely given up resistance, and the Army has successfully taken over the Forest. In this battle, our side had a total of 16 injuries, 0 deaths, and 1 deserter.]

Zero, who usually serves as a maid but acts as a secretary on the battlefield, accurately reported the situation to Renji.

Soon, another figure, a female general clad in crimson armor, half-kneeled to apologize: "I'm sorry, Lord Renji, it was Nova's negligence in supervision."

Lastly, the little nun beside Renji stepped forward, seemingly wanting to plead for Nova, quickly went over to help the half-kneeling dragon woman up.

"Sister Nova, it's not your fault, nor is it that soldier's fault. Thia has checked; he deserted because he was bewitched by the Succubus's charm. My Lord, please let Thia handle this matter."

After speaking, the little nun cautiously looked up at him, as if afraid that he would become angry with Nova for this.


'Is this really how serious I am in the game?'

In this memory point, Lena didn't appear directly, but instead, his three woman were all around him.

Indeed, the story is such that they were only managed by him later on; during this period, basically every battle involved these "five-star" characters as essential members of his team.

As for Lena, she must still be imprisoned, serving as the last bargaining chip of the Succubus Queen.

With a grand gesture, Renji then proceeded with the three women as victors, entering the queen's domain.

Along the way, many pitiful Succubi could be seen tied up with ropes, thoroughly subdued by his army. However, no soldier dared to do anything to these Succubi, and upon seeing Renji, they all straightened up even more.

Compared to the captured Succubi outside, the Succubus Queen on the throne appeared much more calm and collected, just like her in-game portrait, facing the invasion of a formidable enemy not with panic but with a veiled excitement.

She first glanced at the three women by Renji's side, then the Succubus Queen seemed to relax quite a bit, becoming more at ease. She fixed her gaze on Renji, licking her seductive, glossy lips.

"So, this is the Leader of Ashen Base who has toppled five bases in succession. Indeed, you have a knack for taming women."

The Succubus Queen said, thrusting out her ample chest, as if to flaunt her proud figure to Renji, considerably more mature than the three women beside him.

The Queen previously regarded Renji as merely a big fish, but now that this "big fish" could capsize the ship, she realized that Renji's potential might be far more terrifying than she had imagined.

For this reason, she intended to fully utilize her Succubus abilities, even if it meant targeting her daughter's lover. After all, for a Succubus, there's no concept of hierarchy when facing prey.

"If possible, I would very much like to also receive some... discipline from Lord Renji. Mmmph?!"

The Succubus Queen was cut off mid-sentence when, seemingly unable to bear it any longer, someone used their authority to gag the Queen, leaving her only able to glare and muffle her protests.

Previously, Lena could play along with the plot since, after all, she was the main character, and it was considered flirting. Now, seeing the Queen flaunting herself at Renji, Lena wouldn't stand for it.

Better to get straight to the point.

Regarding how to punish the wicked Queen Mother, Lena first asked the three people beside Renji, her good sisters, what they thought.

Zero: [The body milk of the Succubus race is an excellent lubricant, Master. We could establish a factory around the Succubus Queen, and in an assembly line fashion, continuously produce the product. This would provide higher-level care for the Base's mechanical equipment in the future, extending the lifespan of the machinery.]

True to her role as a maid and steward, she always thought about how to increase wealth for her master. Imagining that scenario, Renji felt a bit awkward.

Nova: "Everyone in the Ashen Army is tired after such long battles; they could use some relaxation."


A good general should indeed care for her/his soldiers, though Renji, looking at the Succubus Queen gagged and unable to speak, felt Nova might be taking it a bit too far.

Finally, it was Suthia's turn.

The little nun was clearly much kinder, even speaking in a shy and embarrassed manner:

"My Lord, Thia really likes puppies, can we keep her as our pet?"

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