Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 458 - Spy Hunting

"Everybody," Noah's voice boomed across the mansion, his voice gaining everyone's gazes on him. When he was certain that he had everyone's undivided attention, he continued, "Please gather around. I have you called you all here on a purpose."

"Shall we?" Tim held out his hand, allowing the two girls to take the lead. Ivy sat beside her father, who was as confused as her. Oliver too did not know what was happening and why these many people had assembled here.

Once everyone had settled down, Noah started speaking again. "As we all know that Joshua got injured when..."

"Noah, just a second." Maggie stopped him before he continued. 

Noah's men stared at her in horror, for this was the first time someone had stopped him when he was talking. Though their Boss was a good person, he did not tolerate disrespect, and cutting him in the middle of his speech was one of them. Just as the men had expected, Noah frowned at being interrupted. However, he controlled his annoyance and turned towards Maggie, who was sitting beside Ivy.

"Yes, Maggie? Is something the matter?" He queried, his frown not leaving his place.

Seeing his irked face, Maggie chided herself for her actions. However, she had to do what she had in mind, and for that, she willing to do anything, even angering Noah. "Yes, Noah. I have something to deal with before we start this meeting."

"Can't it wait until the end?" Noah's frown deepened, and all his men sucked their breaths, giving out the girl their condolences, for she would be meeting her end soon.

"No, Noah. It had to be done before we start, and it has to be done, now."

Noah sighed in resignation. "Fine. What do you want to do?" 

Once again, Noah's men went into a state of shock. Their Boss had agreed to as the unknown woman wishes without lashing out at her. This was something new for them. The only other woman who they had seen control their Boss was their Madam, Aria. 'Just who was this lady?' They wondered, amazement filling their eyes.

"Do you have a gun?"

Noah's expression changed from annoyed to perplexed, and he tilted his head, trying to comprehend what was Maggie was getting at. "Why do you need a gun, Maggie?"

"I need one, Immediately. Please." Maggie begged Noah through her eyes, and Noah sighed in defeat.

'What is this woman up to now?' Why does she want a gun?' Even though a lot of questions were running in her mind, he decided to entertain her. He turned to Ronnie, who was standing beside him, and nodded at him. Immediately the man handed her his gun, and Maggie thanked him with a smile.

"Mr. West, I don't think you should be seeing this." Maggie turned to Ivy's father, who still could not comprehend what was happening. "I am going to do something you might not like."

Oliver just folded his hands and smiled at her. "Girl, I have seen a lot of things you have no idea about, and nothing you do will faze me now. Don't worry. It will not affect me anyway."

By now, everyone had understood that Maggie had the intention to kill, and who were the ones she wanted to kill was the question that filled their minds.

"Noah, I should have warned you about them before." Maggie started, preparing herself to shoot the men she had in mind. "I apologize for not telling you about them before, for I did not know who they were until recently."

"Maggie, what are you talking about?" Noah's face scrunched up, and he lifted his head, questioning her with his eyes.

"Noah, Jared has spies everywhere. And since you are his arch-enemy, there is no way he would have left you alone."

"Are you saying we have spies among us?" Noah was baffled by her revelation, and he ran his eyes around the hall, meeting his men in the eye. But he could not deduce who it might be.

"Yes, Noah. There are a lot of spies around you, and three of them are right here." Without any warning, Maggie raised her gun and fired the bullet at the three men, who were sweating profusely as they looked at her. Noah stared at the three men, who dropped down after being shot by her. It was a clean precise shot, leaving no room for mistakes. The men were dead in a few seconds.

"There are more. I will give their names once this meeting ends." Maggie then handed the gun back to Ronnie, who stared at her in bewilderment.

"But Maggie, are you sure that they were spies?" Noah still could not believe that there were spies around him. "What if you were wrong?"

"I am not, Noah. Don't worry. I have been keeping an eye on them since the time we assembled here. And," She turned to face Tim, who was gaping at her. Though Tim was well acquainted with her, he had never seen her shoot anyone. Seeing her this confident and handle the situation this brilliantly he could not help but appreciate her skills in his mind.

"Jared already knows that Tim has joined hands with you," Maggie added, and Noah closed his eyes in anger. However, they fluttered open when a thought crossed his mind. 

"In that case, Jared must have found out about you too."

"I don't think so. I had their phones monitored, and they only mentioned Tim. Moreover, these people have not seen me. So, they don't know about me." Maggie explained, and on seeing that Noah was about to put forth his next question, she continued. "They are not familiar with Tim too. But they overheard him talking about Jared with Ronnie, and they must have grasped it."

"In that case, why did they not attack me when I first joined Noah's men. The spies must have found out about me by then, right?" Tim questioned, and Noah nodded.

"Yes, Maggie. Why?"

"That," Maggie scratched her head. "I don't know. You should ask one of the spies."

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