Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 495 - Not Holding Back

It was somewhere around seven when Aria finally woke up. At first, she could not decipher where she was and what happened. She looked at the familiar room, and slowly, the events of the last night flashed in her mind and her face turned red. She bit her lip as she recalled how Noah had trusted into her and how she had responded with equal vigor. She covered her face as she squealed into her hands.

'Oh, Lord!! How can I face Noah now?' She wondered, and at once, her brows narrowed when she realized that the man was not in the room. 'Where did he go?' She wondered, and slowly, she dragged her body towards the edge of the bed. The moment her legs touched the ground, they gave away and she closed her eyes in agony.

Aria's legs were sore, and her waist was aching quite badly. She closed her eyes. "Beast." She scolded the man for being a beast to her the previous night, completely forgetting that it was she who had allowed him to fuck her hard. Taking the support of the nightstand, Aria pushed herself up and walked towards the bathroom. 

She stared at the woman in the mirror, who seemed to be glowing for some reason. Her eyes looked at her lips that had been completely assaulted by her man until he was satisfied. It was as though he wanted to devour her and her lips to his heart's content She touched her lips before she pushed her hair that resembled nothing less than a lion's mane, unruly and wild.

Aria did not have to think twice to know the reason for it, and she lowered her head, unable to meet her reflection. She was pleasantly surprised when she saw a shirt on her. 'Did Noah make me wear this shirt? Why didn't I know about it?' She wondered. 

Unknown to her, Noah had made her wear the shirt just an hour before she had got up. She had been sleeping naked until then. 'This is Noah's shirt, and it is so comfortable.' She sighed in bliss before she started to brush her teeth, recollecting everything that had happened the previous night. Noah's touch, his lips, his fingers, his member, their bodies slamming against each other as they reached the peak together ran in her mind, and Aria closed her eyes shut.

'What are you thinking about, Aria? Just brush your teeth.' She chided herself, forcing her thoughts and memories away from her mind. With great effort, she finally finished with her morning chores but skipped taking a bath. She then went on search of Noah, and as she had expected, the man was busy cooking in the kitchen. 

Aria sat at the dining table and observed his every move as she leaned on the table. 'Noah is so handsome. He is more delicious than the food he prepares.' She thought and ran her eyes on the man's gorgeous back. 'How lucky I am to have found such an amazing and gorgeous man!' She sighed lightly and smiled widely, and right at this moment, Noah turned to her, startled to see her here.

"Good morning," He chirped, and Aria raised her brows at him, surprised by his enthusiasm.

"Morning. Someone looks excited and happy." She commented as Noah brought the breakfast he had prepared for her.

"Someone sure is happy, and he has his reasons for it." Noah sat on the chair beside her and placed a plateful of omelet and bacon in front of her.

"May I know the reason for the same?" Aria clasped her fingers under her chin as she stared at the man who was serving her.

"What can I say? He is completely revitalized and ecstatic after what happened the previous night."

"Ohh," Aria did not know what else to say. 'I should have known.' She thought. 'Noah would not miss an opportunity to talk about what we did yesterday.' She lowered her head, trying to avoid the man's gaze, and Noah for once did not tease her for her behavior. He knew she was shy and he was loving the way Aria was trying to hide from him. 

'How long will you hide from me, darling? We will resume from where we stopped once we are done with breakfast.' He smiled wickedly at her, and Aria could sense the man's wolfish gaze on her. It was as though he was waiting for her to finish eating so that he could start eating her.

Aria ate her food as slowly as possible, delaying the time. Even though the breakfast was delicious, she was in no mood to enjoy it. The man was sending her signals about what lay ahead for her once she finished eating and Aria was apprehensive about the same. Her body was still aching, and she wondered if she could take more of it, more of him.

Noah realized what was happening when he noticed Aria eating slower than normal. But he did not comment about it, allowing her to do as she pleased. At one point in time, she will have to finish the food on her plate, and he would take care of her then. 

Now, only the last bite was left, and Aria gulped it down as slowly as possible. The moment she finished eating, she sprang to her feet. "Let me wash the dishes." She stated and picked up the dirty plates. However, Noah stopped her before she could run away from him.

"Aria, darling, did you forget that you have a dishwasher at home?" He snatched the plates from her with an evil smile and dropped them in the dishwasher. "I think we are done eating, right?"  Aria stood still, not giving him any response. "We can now do what we are supposed to be doing."

"Wh-What are you talking about?" Aria took a step back when she noticed the man's eyes turning dark with lust, and Noah took a step towards her. 

"Sweetheart, I guess you forgot what you told me. You granted me the permission to go as long as I wanted, and I am yet to satiated."

Aria's jaw dropped on hearing his brazen remarks. "But that was only for yesterday."

"Let's just say my yesterday is not over yet," Noah smirked at her and spread out his hands to catch her. But Aria was quick this time, and she bolted out of the dining hall before the man could catch her.

"Aria, come back here." 

"No," The girl shouted from where she was. "Catch me if you can." She boldly stuck out her tongue at him before she vanished from the dining hall.

"Are you sure you want to play this game, Aria?" Noah followed her, watching the girl distance herself from him. "If I catch you, it will not end up with just two rounds like last night."

Aria just gave him a provoking look, and that was enough for the man to take this challenge seriously. "Fine, you asked for it. Don't blame me for whatever happens next. Brace yourself for a day without any rest or sleep. I will not be holding back this time."

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