Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 512 - Infuriated Ivy?

"Master Martin, I have found out about Barry. Would you like me to tell more about him?" Alvis's voice reverberated in the room, interrupting Joshua right before he could kiss the girl senseless. Joshua gritted his teeth in anger while Ivy stared at him for a few seconds before she burst out laughing. 

Joshua glared at her in anger before he pulled back quickly. "Alvis, you disturbed my sweet moment. Were you waiting for this moment to make your presence know?" He sassed.

"Master Martin, I informed you the moment I was done searching for what you had asked me to." Alvis's reply was instant and filled with sarcasm even though it was AI that had no feelings. Ivy, who had just controlled her laughter, started laughing again until tears formed in her eyes.

"Joshua, you and Alvis are made for each other." She gave him a thumbs-up, and Joshua shot daggers at her.

"I will take care of you later. What have you got Alvis?" He questioned as he leaned against the headboard.

"Master Martin, Barry is the owner of an Internet cafe, and he is registered in the black market as a hacker. According to the data I have found, he is quite skilled at it. Recently an anonymous person contacted him and offered him a contract to work for him indefinitely. But I am unable to track who it is."

"I see. When did that anonymous person contact him?"

"The day after you were shot."

Joshua and Ivy looked at each other with their eyes wide open. It sure was shocking to hear about the coincidence, and for a moment, the couple wondered if it was Jared who had contacted Barry. He needed a strong hacker to help him, especially after Maggie betrayed him brilliantly.

"Do you think Jared is involved in this?" Ivy queried and watched the man's brows narrow into a frown. He was deep in thought, and from his expression, she realized that he too was thinking the same.

"I am not sure about it." Joshua shrugged lightly. 

"There is a high possibility though. His Godfather, that is Charles Miller, was hospitalized, and Jared's men have been keeping an eye on him. What if they informed him about you?"

"Godfather?" Joshua gave her a confused look, and Ivy recalled that the man did not know all that they had found when he was at the hospital. Joshua listened to her, not interrupting her even once as she reiterated the events that had transpired when he was unconscious.

"If Jared is a smart man, he would put pieces together, especially after seeing Noah and Ian together while I was absent."

"Do you think he found out that it was you and Noah who helped Maggie?" Ivy gave a worried look and held Joshua's hands in hers.

"I don't think so. Otherwise, he would have taken drastic measures by now for destroying his warehouse and killing people around him. I have done a background check on him, and I need to say that he is a monster, a barbarian. He would not be silent after finding out about us."

"In that case, could it be that the men relayed your absence and he presumed you to be sick? If Amber is actually working with him, then this would be a good opportunity to send her to you."

"This could a possibility." Joshua nodded lightly and tried to arrange his thoughts. "Jared is a scumbag. He is trying the same trick he used on Noah. Only this time, he has a better trump card with him."

"What do you mean? What happened to Noah?" Ivy gave him a confused look. "What did he do to him?"

"There is this girl Mia who works in Noah's company, and she had joined hands with Jared, helping him in his plan though she had no idea that he was only fooling with her," Joshua revealed, and before Ivy could ask him about it, he started to elaborate about it. "Mia likes Noah, and she had been trying to gain Noah's attention." 

Joshua disclosed how Mia had come up with a project proposal only to be rejected by Noah. Since her company was on the verge of bankruptcy, her father joined hands with Jared who ready to sign a contract with him.

"What was the catch?" Ivy interrupted him, curious to find out how Noah had dealt with such an issue.

"Smart girl," Joshua's lips arched up, and he gave her a nod in approval. "She was the spy Jared had planted. Amber had to revert the details of the projects Noah's company was working on."

"What a disgusting man!!" Ivy cursed loudly, and Joshua chuckled hearing her growl. 

"He sure is disgusting. But it is not that easy to trick Noah. He knew about the girl the moment she joined his company. Since then, he had been keeping an eye on her."

"I am impressed. Nevertheless, Noah is considered one of the best businessmen of our times." Joshua's smiled slipped in jealously, and he was just about to reprimand her about it when she added, "Along with you." Now, he had no words to refute, and he stayed mum.

"I guess his intention was for Mia to break Noah and Aria's relationship because, from the looks of it and how deep Noah has fallen for your sister, Noah sure would be left devastated if that happens."

Ivy understood what the man wanted to convey. Jared wanted to use Noah's weakness against him. But the man he was dealing with was too smart for him. "So, the despicable man wants to use the same trick on you, that is if he is the one orchestrating this drama."

"I guess so. The timing of Amber's entry is impeccable. He might be making use of her to break us apart." Joshua pointed at him before his finger directed to Ivy. "Alvis, check what is Jared Augustus is up to recently."

"Will do, Master Martin."

"He sure is hateful and cunning." Joshua sighed, thinking about the disaster they would be facing soon. "Amber is quite difficult to get rid of, unlike Mia. She would not relent that easily, considering how idiotically bold and dumb-headed she is."

"Ohh, does that mean Mia is not the picture anymore now? How did Noah get rid of her?"

"I am not sure about it. But he has dealt with her. She will not be a problem to him or your sister. Don't worry. Noah has taken care of it."

"That reduces one of my worries. At least my sister does not have to deal with her boyfriend's annoying ex." She sighed in relief.

"I am sorry, Ivy. You had to deal with such a mess because of me. I never knew Amber was like this. She had hidden her true character well. I am sorry. I really am." Joshua apologized and lowered his head. He was filled with guilt for putting his girl through such misery. He realized what a nuisance Amber was and how much Ivy had to bear while facing her.

"Joshua," Ivy sighed helplessly and wrapped her arms around his neck, making sure to not apply pressure on his wounds. "Everbody has a past. While some have pleasant memories, others do not. You cannot blame yourself for something you were not even responsible for. Amber was wicked, and she played smart. Now that we know her truth, nothing she does will affect us anymore. She is just a headless chicken, running around trying to gain your attention."

Joshua chuckled lightly as soon as she compared Amber to a chicken.

"And, who would dare to steal Joshua from Ivy? They will have to face my wrath. Beware, Mister." Ivy warned, and Joshua raised a brow at her. "An infuriated Ivy is never good news."

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