Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 527 - Strike Out - Part 2

Max had barely touched the surface of the issue. He still had a lot to reveal. His Boss had provided him a lot of information, and he had to justice to all of it. Max did not stop at the City Central Hospital. He revealed all the hospitals in the list he had, providing sufficient pieces of evidence to support his claim.

There was no way the hospital or its management could refute their involvement after watching the video clips. Even without any video authentication, it was easy to deduce that all the clips were not fake or that they had been altered, and the content they were playing had happened in real. 

Just as Max and everyone had expected, the nation which had once been calm, enjoying the peaceful night, lost its peacefulness immediately. The news had stunned everyone, including all the people who did not even belong to the country. Now, the entire country was awake as they stared at the television, watching the video clips showing the criminals' faces clearly.

Even President Luis Truman had switched to the channel as soon as the clock had struck eight. He too had read the message that was spreading like wildfire on social media, and his curiosity got the best of him. To say, he was spooked was an understatement. He was mortified to think that such big and renowned hospitals were involved in such cheap and disgusting acts.

The matter that had been subdued three years ago had become such a huge issue, and he did not have any idea about it. This itself was a matter of shame for him, and he doubted if he was even worthy of the position he was in.

Luis Truman called his secretary and despatched the police to handle the situation. It was impossible for him to get some rest now as the chaos had already started, and people were going berserk everywhere. The place which was supposed to cure patients had become the place to hell. How would anyone trust the hospitals from now onwards?

Luis pressed his forehead in worry. This commotion would not be ending soon, not when there were valid proofs against the people involved in it. What surprised him the most was the evidence the channel had produced. They had been careful enough to not reveal a word about it to anyone. They had not even approached the police or the Intelligence for help and had instead telecasted it directly across the nation.

Luis understood what they were trying to do. By releasing the disturbing content for the nation to view, instead of reporting against it, the channel was compelling the government to take action against the people involved in the crimes. Also, Luis himself knew that the system itself was trustworthy and what if their complaints were directly ignored and backfired on them?

Though Luis was angry at the channel for disclosing such an important matter without consulting anyone, he could do nothing. He understood their sentiments, and he was also impressed by their quick thinking.

With a deep sigh, Luis stood up. He now had an issue to deal with and had to address the public who would soon come to him seeking justice. However, before he could take another step away from his couch, he heard Max speak again.

"The first scandal broke out three years ago when our fellow journalists started to investigate this matters by performing sting operations in the hospitals. But who knew that the matter would end even before we found the criminal involved in the organ trafficking mafia?" 

Luis stared at the man on the screen, who was unusually calm yet furious. From his expression alone, Luis was definite that there was still more to what he would be seeing, and this was just the beginning. He stood silently as waited for the next set of shocking news, which he was sure he would be hearing soon.  And just as he had expected, Max started with the news piece of information he had with him. 

"Who could be vicious enough to perform such detestable and inhuman actions? Who is the monster behind all the crimes, the master mind who is controlling this organ harvesting mafia?"

Luis waited, his forehead marring with a frown. He more or less had an idea whose name he would be hearing from the reporter's mouth, and he clenched his fists in anger. He had tried all he could to suppress this matter until the court proceedings started. It was not because he wanted to save the man or protect him from the public's wrath. No, never.

Luis never intended the nation to go into a state of frenzy this soon. He just wanted to wait until he had substantial evidence to provide before the citizens. Moreover, he was yet to find out the other people who were potentially involved in this matter. Once the chaos erupted, it would be impossible to do so. What if the other men went into hiding, making it impossible for him or the team in Intelligence to find him?

"It is shameful and disgusting to think that the person responsible for our safety and provide justice to us is the one behind all these crimes." The voice from the television broke his thoughts, and Luis closed his eyes in dismay. "The man who was crowned to be the Chief of the Intelligence himself is involved in such crimes. What more do we expect from others?"

Luis let out a deep breath and opened his eyes to watch the same piece of evidence he had already seen. This was the video he and the people from the Intelligence had seen, and he was now stunned to see the same clipping being aired live on national news.

'How did this video leak? Who leaked it?" Luis saw red, and the first person he thought about was Valerie. But he shook his head when he realized how ridiculous it sounded. She would never resort to such schemes. It had to be someone else.

Luis continued watching the news, trying to come up with a plan that could appease the crowd. He was now pushed into a mess, which he was not even responsible for, and he had to clean all of it himself.

"Fredrick Clarke, who had been the Chief of the Intelligence has been involved in this organ-trafficking mafia and to think that this man had led the Intelligence...." Max stopped speaking. But the point had been made, and everyone understood what he was trying to convey. He was pointing fingers at the government and the government aided bodies, and Luis did not blame him for doing so. He was right in his place.

"But what is left to be found out is if Fredrick Clarke's son, who is well known in the business world, who has a major influence on the economy in the country, who is considered to be the crema la da creme, is he too involved in this matter? Is Jared Augustus too a criminal just like his father? Only he can answer."

Though Max had not provided with any evidence against Jared, for Noah had given him only so much, the damage had been done. The nation already considered him a criminal, pushing him closer to his awaiting death.

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