Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 537 - Under Scrutiny

"We might have to shut Regal Hospital down if things become serious until we are proven innocent," Aria stated, and Ian gave her a perplexed look.

"How?" That was all he could manage to say before he shut his lips.

"I know everything, Ian. I know how the Health Department works, and I know about the trouble we might be facing soon." Aria clasped his hand tight, smiling at him in helplessness, making him smile at him in return.

Aria then turned towards Noah and Ivy, who were staring at them in shock, and for the first time since Ian had entered the mansion, he chuckled softly after seeing Ivy's expression.

"How is it possible?" Ivy blurted out, still in disbelief. She looked back and forth between Ian and Aria, her eyes clearly showing her fear.

"Relax, Ivy. It is not that big an issue." Ian tried to assure her but Ivy was having none of it.

"Why is the Health Department targeting your hospital? You were not even on the list we released on the news today." Ivy pointed out, and Noah nodded after hearing her. He too was baffled to think that his best friend's hospital too had come under scrutiny. Unlike the twins who only knew about Regal Hospital, Noah realized that both the hospitals under Ian were now being observed and examined. He now understood the reason for Ian's worry, and his frown deepened as he thought about it.

"Ivy, just because you did not take our hospital name does not mean we are innocent. This issue has spread far and wide, and people are now complaining and crying about the injustice they have suffered at the hospitals. Nobody knows how many more hospitals, other than the ones on the list are involved in the scandal, neither you nor me and definitely not the people." Ian sighed deeply, showing his inability to control the situation.

"As far as I know and have heard, the hospitals that were mentioned on the news will be handled first. The Health Department will take first take care of them while we will be under scrutiny. If they find anything against us, only then we will be in trouble. We are safe for now." Ian tried to assure the girl who seemed to be lost and in fear.

Ivy now more or less understood what was happening. But she was still in denial to think that this matter had now affected her sister and Ian. Even though she was not responsible for it, she considered herself guilty for it. She lowered her head, unable to meet Ian and her sister in the eye.

Aria noticed Ivy's behavior and she smiled softly. "Ivy, please don't blame yourself for it. You were in no way responsible for what happened. Moreover, we are just under scrutiny, not in trouble. Our hospital is good honest, and we are not involved in such criminal activities. The Health Department will soon provide us the certificate. Don't worry." She tried to comfort the girl whose face was filled with remorse.

"Yes, Ivy. We were already prepared for this day long back when we came up with the plan. You are not at fault. This soon will pass, and we are good people. Okay?" Ian tried to cheer her up, and it worked to some extent. Ivy smiled even though it did not reach her eyes. 

"Moreover, I don't think your sister would have ever continued to work at this hospital if she had found out something like this happening here. Given her character, I am sure she would shot all those criminals first." Ian teased, and Aria rolled her eyes at him. This time, Ivy could not help but chuckle at his words and she nodded lightly, agreeing with him silently.

"Don't give me that look, Aria. I know you very well, especially after I found out your truth." Ian sassed. "If given a chance, I am sure you would have gone hunting all those men who are involved in this illegal activity."

"Isn't that a better option? We wouldn't have had to deal with other issues at all? One shot, one kill. Job finished." Aria shrugged her shoulders lightly, and Noah just shook his head. 

"Anyway, how long will you be under scrutiny?" He queried looking at Ian. Even though he was not sure, from Ian's expression alone, he could deduce that there was something else weighing him down. This matter did not look as simple as he had thought it to be. Something else was troubling his friend, and he made a note to speak to him in private.

"Until they issue a pass certificate," Ian answered and before anyone could continue on this topic, he tactfully changed it. "Where is Joshua by the way?"

"He is in his room. I forbade him from walking around." Ivy replied, recalling the small argument they had had before. While Joshua too had wanted to join the meeting and enjoy the fun, Ivy had forbidden him from moving around and exert pressure on his wound. This had led to a verbal argument between the two. At one point in time, it became too much that Ivy had resorted to threatening him, eventually compelling Joshua to follow her words and obey her.

"I see. So, Joshua needed an Ivy in his life to control him. Otherwise, that idiot would now have been running around, not even caring about his wounds." Ian's lips rose in sarcasm, and Ivy nodded at him in agreement.

"He is an idiot."

"But your idiot," Aria added with a playful smirk, and Ivy glared at her, cursing at her silently.

"What are we going to do next? What news will we be publishing tomorrow, Noah?" Ivy focused on the important matter, pushing aside their banter for the time being.

"I am not sure, Ivy. I need to speak to Dad about it. We are following his advice, and he will decide what we will do next." Noah did not hide his naivety in this matter. He seriously had no idea what he had to do next and had pushed all his work for his father-in-law to take care of. His only duty was to follow his father-in-law's instructions and carry them out without any hindrances.

"I see. I am sure Dad must have already formulated a plan by now. He knows what to do in this situation better than all of us." Ivy placed her hand on the table and stifled a yawn which the three people did not miss.

"Yes, I will speak to him once I reach home and inform you about it. You must be tired, Ivy. We will take our leave. I will talk to you tomorrow." Noah and Aria stood up, and Ian followed suit. 

"Yes, we will have the prepare the segment accordingly. I need to inform Max and the others too about it and get them prepared mentally. You have no idea how spooked they were today." Ivy stated, recalling her friends' horrified expressions.

"I will call you in the morning once I find out what Dad has thought about the next plan." Noah held Aria's hand and smiled at her.

Ivy just nodded at him and saw them off before she decided to face the annoyed man, who she knew was waiting eagerly to get back at her for what she had done to him earlier.

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