Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 542 - Blanked Out

The live press meeting ended peacefully. President Luis Truman answered all the reporter's questions tactfully and patiently, not once losing his cool even when certain questions raised suspicions against his governance. He stayed composed, and his calm demeanor impressed Ivy greatly, for she knew that the man was furious and anxious from inside.

Ivy had seen him clench his fist a lot of times, when certain illogical questions were thrown at him. But he controlled himself and faced them with a smile.

"Ivy, you rocked at the press meet as always." Cedric flashed a smile of appreciation and awe as he packed his camera. "Max would be happy with today's recording." He stated, and Ivy bit her lip as she thought about her next step in the plan. Now that she had Cedric accompanying her, she could not take him to meet the President and Noah directly without shocking the hell out of him. So, she decided to give him a heads up first.

"Ced, do you have work now or are you free?" Ivy queried and narrowed her gaze as she waited for his reply.

"I am free right now. Why do you ask, Ivy?" Cedric stopped a moment and stared at Ivy before he continued to pack up.

"The President has asked to meet me. Do you want to accompany me?" She pouted slightly and scratched her chin, not knowing how to face the man who was giving her a suspicious stare.

"When did the President ask you to meet him? I do not recall him or his assistant calling you separately." Cedric pointed out, still confused by her words.

"That," Ivy pressed her nose before she lifted her head and stared at her friend. "This meeting was decided just yesterday night. I have some matters to discuss with him, and he has asked me to stay back."

"What matters?" Cedric narrowed his eyes and gave her an intense look, trying to fork out information from her. He was now curious to find out what was happening and why the President had asked Ivy to stay back.

"You will find out once the meeting starts. Do you want to accompany me or do you want to leave?" Ivy looked around her to see if anybody was in their vicinity. Fortunately for her, the hall was almost empty, and except for the Presidential guards, there was no one around them to listen to their conversation.

"Your top secret and curiosity piquing meeting with President? Why will I not accompany you? I must be an idiot to lose such an amazing opportunity." Cedric looked excited all of a sudden, and Ivy did not know what to reply for a moment. He looked nothing less than a hungry kid who had been provided with his favorite food.

"I have something else to tell you too and I hope you will keep everything you have heard and seen today a secret." Ivy tilted her head and started walking beside Cedric.

"Wow, is today my lucky day? I am getting all the free food today without doing anything." He remarked, and Ivy stifled a smile.

"Let's say it is what it is. Today is your lucky day. Try buying a lottery ticket. You might win big." Ivy teased. Yet it had no effect on her friend, for his expression told that he was seriously considering her suggestion.

"Anyway, what I wanted to say was our Boss will accompany us to the meeting." As soon as the words left Ivy's lips, Cedric halted in his feet and he gave her a stunned look. Ivy, who had taken a few steps, stopped on sensing his absence.

"Did you just say that our Boss will accompany us to the meeting?"

"I think that was what I said." Ivy frowned lightly as she waited for him. Cedric rushed to her at once and looked at her in shock.

"The Noah Allen Carter?"

"Yes, the Cedric." 

Ivy's affirmation snapped him out of his trance, and Cedric narrowed his gaze suddenly. "How do you know Mr. Carter personally? When did you two plan all this?" Cedric was just about to ask her his next question when he stopped speaking and gasped in realization. "Don't tell me that you and Mr. Carter are in a relationship?"

Cedric's words made Ivy roll her eyes. 'Wasn't one drama king enough in my life? Did I need another one?' She thought to herself.

"Noah and I are not in a relationship but we do have a relationship between us." Ivy's confusing words made Cedric looked at her in puzzlement.

"What do you mean? Explain clearly."

There were still ten minutes for their meeting to start, and Noah was yet to arrive. So, Ivy did not mind explaining what Cedric intended to know.

"Let's just say Noah will be my brother-in-law in the future."

Cedric's next reaction was one of the funniest Ivy had ever seen, and she had to control herself from laughing out loud. His eyes had widened significantly, and it looked as though they would pop out of their sockets any moment. 

"What?" Cedric was still in disbelief and he asked her to repeat her words to confirm the same.

"Noah is my sister's boyfriend, and they will be getting married in the future," Ivy said in all innocence, not understanding her friend's state of mind. To her, it was just a normal scenario. But to Cedric, it was a super shocking revelation. His gossip antennas were activated instantly and he was thirsty for more information. He was just about to ask more about it when Ivy's phone rang, interrupting him right on time.

Cedric waited for Ivy to complete her talk on her phone. But the moment she ended the call, Ivy just looked at him for a moment, without quenching his thirst for more information.

"Noah is here. I need to bring him inside. Do you want to come with me, or will you wait for us here?"

"I will come with you." Cedric did not hesitate to give his reply. "I need to confirm if it is actually the Noah you are talking about or you are just pulling pranks on me like you usually do."

"Fine, do as you please." Ivy did not heed his suspicious words and walked towards the entrance with Cedric following her closely. 

'This must be Ivy's new prank. I am sure there is no Noah. Heck, even the meeting with the President must be a lie. Let's see how you will.....' Cedric did not even have an opportunity to continue his thoughts, for the moment he saw his Boss at the security check, his mind became blank.

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