Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 545 - Untrustworthy

"What will our next plan be, Sir?" Noah initiated the topic himself, not wasting any more time. They had already allowed the culprit to do as much damage as they wanted to, and they did not intend to give them more opportunity to continue.

Even though Charles was still at the hospital and Jared was already locked in the Intelligence, he was unwilling to allow them to stay in peace. Not when they were the reason for all the troubles his family as well as Aria's family had faced, and every one of them was no less than terrifying, pushing them to almost lose their lives.

Noah wanted to send them to the execution chair as fast as possible and kill the two pests that had contaminated the society. Given a chance, he even wished to chop them into pieces himself and avenge his mentor and all the people close to him who had suffered due to them.

But the thought of the public stopped him from doing so. They too had suffered immense pain under the two scoundrels, and he did not intend to take away the opportunity for the people to seek justice themselves. So, he left it upon the government to take care of the two men and hoped for it to be over as quickly as possible.

Luis thought about the matter carefully, weighing the pros and cons of revealing the complete truth to the public. Though the nation had the right to know the truth, he could not help but fear for himself too. Once the matter became public, people would definitely start to suspect him and his governance and it would only lead to more problems for him.

'I might even have to vacate from my post.' He thought. 'But I cannot hide this matter from the public either. They deserve to know what has happened and how the monsters have betrayed their country for their selfish desires.'

Luis was now stuck in a dilemma, one from which he did not how to escape. While his conscience compelled him to do what was right and reveal the truth to the nation, his greed and selfishness to stay as the President of the country until at least his term ended pulled him down, begging him to think carefully again.

Noah was a smart man. Even though Luis had not been verbal about his intentions, he could read him clearly and his eyes narrowed dangerously. He more or less knew what the President was thinking about and what got him all worried and flustered. But he still waited patiently, giving him the benefit of doubt for he had heard how honest and upright the man was from the tabloids. He did not intend to blame him on just baseless assumptions.

However, that did not mean Noah trusted Luis completely. No. He was now wary of him. Even though the man was yet to come up with a suitable plan, Noah had already come up with a backup, one that would wreck not only Jared and Charles but Luis too if he were to deviate from their plan and succumb to his selfish wishes.

"Sir?" He probed, forcing the President to come out his thoughts, and Luis snapped out of his reverie at once. 

"I was just thinking about our next step. Though I would wish for the public to know the truth, it would only cause nationwide riots if they were to find out all the crimes Jared and Charles have committed. The news from yesterday is still fresh, and the people are yet to accept it." Luis comprehended.

"Then, what do you suggest, Sir?" Noah guessed where this going and his body relaxed slightly. He was glad that the man had not asked to stay calm about this matter forever and deal with it silently. He had already understood the President's intentions and the reason why he had chosen this path. Noah did not blame him for doing so, for everyone first catered to their own needs. Very few people in the world thought about others prior to them.

"Let the people calm down. Once the situation is under control, we can reveal the truth about the virus and the poison attack." Luis stated his plan, and neither of the three people seated in front of him had any objections to it.

"What about the issue regarding the military?" Ivy spoke for the first time since they had entered the meeting room.

"This is quite a serious case, Miss West, and I am not obligated to take decisions alone without consulting the Chief of the Armed Forces and the Defence Minister. I will speak to them soon and get back to you immediately." Luis showed his helplessness in this matter, and the three people understood his problems at once. So, they did not probe into this matter anymore.

"Miss West, I would need all the pieces of evidence you have against Jared and Charles. Frederick Clarke's case will be presented before the judge soon, and I would like to combine the three people's cases and deal with them at once. It will save us time and effort."

"Fair enough. I will mail all the evidence to you today, Sir." Ivy nodded with a smile.

Silence ensued in the room for a long time. While Cedric was yet to come out of the shock he had received for the day, Ivy and Noah were blissfully calm. They just looked at each other before focusing their attention on the President, who seemed to be lost in thoughts.

After a long time, Luis finally spoke up, breaking the silence that Cedric was unable to tolerate any longer. "Since we have already decided to show the truth to the public, I will let the concerned authorities handle it. They will take care of Jared and Charles." He stated and looked at Noah and Ivy, who just nodded at him in return.

Neither among the duo gave away their secret. They did not reveal the state Charles and Jared were in nor did they divulge how much the two knew about them, more than the President himself did. It would only add more trouble to them, and that was the last thing they wanted.

"Sir, if you do not have any more orders for us, we will take our leave." Noah stood up and buttoned his coat while Ivy and Cedric followed suit.

"I will contact you soon regarding our decision after my meet with the military. At the same time, please do keep me updated." Luis did not stand on ceremony and requested them, which Ivy obliged to immediately while Noah just remained silent. His lack of response did not go unnoticed by Ivy, and she gave him a cryptic look but did not question it in front of everyone.

"My assistant will show you the way out." Luis smiled at the three people before he got back to his work.

The assistant showed them to the exit, and nobody spoke a word until they reached the parking lot. It was only when they were away from people's reach that Noah turned to Ivy with a solemn expression on his face. "Ivy, we need to prepare a backup plan.. I don't trust the President anymore."

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