Fantasy: My Skills Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 89: The first round of martial arts competition begins

Chapter 89: The first round of martial arts competition begins

The King of Qingzhou, who was wearing a blue python robe, took a step forward, bowed and said: "Returning to the Holy Envoy, all the sects have arrived!"

The middle-aged man in a plain white gown is an elder from the Holy Land named Yuan Haotian, and he is also the host of this Qingzhou United Martial Arts Competition.

In that case, let me introduce the martial arts system!

Yuan Haotian spoke loudly, and his deep voice echoed in the square.

The battle is divided into two rounds.

The first round, collective trial.

Everyone will be assigned a letter talisman and enter the Lotus Mountains to the north to fight and rob it. Each letter talisman represents one point. Statistics will be calculated at the end of the trial one month later.

During this period, there is no restriction on killing, but in case of life or death crisis, you can use the rescue talisman, and a holy envoy will come to the rescue as soon as possible.

Once rescued midway, the points will be reset to zero.

"And those who stay in the mountains until the last day and come out, as long as they have the talisman in their hand, they will get an extra ten points."

Actually, this rule is the same as in previous years. Basically everyone has read it in advance, but everyone still listens patiently.

In the middle of the square, Yuan Haotian continued to speak loudly:

The second round, the arena match.

Those who rank in the top fifty in the first round can participate in the second round.

In the arena, for each victory, you will get twenty points.

After the two rounds, everyones points will be summarized based on the sect, and the scores will be re-graded based on the sects total points.

Individuals are also ranked based on the total points in the two rounds.

Zongmen's martial arts competitions are more about measuring the overall strength of the sect, or its overall potential.

No matter how strong an individual is, although he can participate in one more round of events than others and gain many more points than others, it cannot play a decisive role.

Therefore, it is necessary to have both strong men and large numbers to ensure that the sect wins as much as possible.

Personal ranking is more of an honor.

Soon, hundreds of servants were holding letters and help talismans and handing them out one by one in the square.

Jiang Heng made a general observation.

At this time, not counting the servants, there were nearly 10,000 true disciples of the sect in the square!

You must know that these are the top geniuses of each sect. Except for him, everyone is a strong man in the Linghai realm. To the outside world, they are all at the level of peerless masters.

Sure enough, no matter how rare a genius is, when the population base is enlarged to a certain extent, it will not appear so rare.

Just one Qingzhou is equivalent to the number of all humans on Aquamarine Planet in the previous life. If it is enlarged to the entire Tianyuan Dynasty composed of eighteen states, or even the entire Taisu Realm composed of several dynasties.

The so-called geniuses on the Qianlong List are probably not dazzling after all!

Perhaps there is a plug-in monster like me who can compete with me.

Jiang Heng couldn't help but sigh secretly.

At this time, Wu Hao, the core elder who led the team, came to his side and whispered:

Jiang Heng, you must be careful about the disciples of Tianjian Sect in the upcoming trial.

Before, you became famous for stepping on their sects face, and were hated by many people in the Tianjian Sect. However, they were afraid of the rules set by the Holy Land and did not dare to attack you.

And now, in this no-limits-killing trial, there will be absolutely no mercy.

"You must remember that after entering the Lotus Mountains, immediately find a place to hide and try not to show your face. Especially when you see the disciples of the Tianjian Sect, run away as soon as possible, do you understand?"

Jiang Heng couldn't help laughing, but he didn't refute the other party's kindness and said: "Don't worry! Elder Wu, I have a sense of proportion."

He turned his head and looked.

As expected, I saw Elder Huang of Tianjian Sect, explaining something in a low voice to the true disciples. It seemed that he noticed Jiang Heng's gaze. Elder Huang and several of the true disciples also turned their heads, with ferocious smiles on their faces.


Jiang Heng took the initiative to say hello to the other party, with a bright smile on his face.

Tch! Do you think that if he shows kindness to us, we will let him go?


Elder Huang turned back and whispered again:

Remember, you must fight quickly, be cautious and cautious, and survive until the end to win. If the situation is really bad, call for help decisively!

In addition, Jiang Heng from Daluo Sect must be killed, do you understand?


All the true disciples nodded swornly.

Not long after, all the tokens were distributed.

The crowd, led by Yuan Haotian, headed to the Lotus Mountains more than ten miles to the north.

At the speed of everyone, we arrived at our destination in just ten minutes.

Under the arrangement of Yuan Haotian.

Everyone was scattered and divided into ten square formations, led by ten holy envoys. They spread around the mountains and entered the mountains from different directions.

At this point, the first round of the Qingzhou United Martial Arts Tournament has officially begun!

As soon as they entered, the crowd quickly spread deep into the mountains.

Everyone knows that those who can participate in a martial arts competition are not easy to fight with. Once a battle occurs at the beginning, it is very likely that others will take advantage of them, or even fall into siege.

So, the best thing to do is to go deep into the mountains first, wait until everyone is completely dispersed, and then explore carefully and **** them one by one.

The Lotus Mountain Range is huge, with a radius of hundreds of miles. There are continuous mountains, mirror-like lakes, and vast plains. Once nearly ten thousand people penetrate deep into it, they will disappear like mud flowing into the sea.

At this moment, Jiang Heng was walking leisurely in a mountain forest.

He looked at the people who entered the mountains together. Except for three people who were quietly hiding not far away, seemingly preparing to hunt him, the other people's figures flashed quickly and disappeared from his sight.

A young man with short hair was hiding on the branches of a big tree. Looking at Jiang Heng's figure slowly moving forward, he muttered secretly:

I just noticed that there is such a teenage boy among the contestants, and I dont know where he comes from.

"However, he doesn't know how to hide it at all. He seems to be a little chick with little experience."

He looked in the other direction for a moment.

He could vaguely feel that there seemed to be other people hiding in other directions just now, waiting to hunt the ignorant young man.

So, stay calm first, and then strike first.

Hey! Arent you going to do something?

If you dont take action, Ill leave!

At this time, Jiang Heng stopped and looked around.

The three people who could be hidden remained silent, seeming to be waiting for others to take action first.


Jiang Heng moved his feet and ran quickly in a certain direction.

Oops! Hes going to run away!

One of the hidden young men couldn't wait any longer and immediately jumped down from the tree and rushed in the direction of Jiang Heng.

Seeing this, the other two people immediately rushed out from their hiding place.

For a time, three silhouettes appeared like ghosts in the woods, flying past.

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